Uplifting Journey

Chapter 362: Directional flat cut, experimental accident and plane erosion

() When the Red Dragon invaded the area of ​​dozens of meters around the ancient tree of war with the faint element brilliance, it had a new and profound understanding of the strength of its ability.

However, Red Dragon is somewhat psychologically prepared--

After all, judging from the known information about wide-area control, body shape, and movement methods, the ancient war weapon in the shape of a huge plant in front of him is obviously a thick-skinned melee tank class targeting large or large targets. , Just with some additional auxiliary capabilities in environmental field transformation.

When the turret throws stones at a distance, it is just an extension of its capabilities and is far from its job.

I was still wondering why the ancient war tree used the space vector to control the ability of the red dragon so rough, the first time when it was close to the ancient war tree, he realized the real terribleness of the opponent's ability at the cost of blood--

At the moment when the Red Dragon invaded a short distance, the arms of more than ten branches of the ancient war tree were twisted and entangled, and he smashed at him with a dull air whine.

For the Red Dragon cruising for a long time, the speed of the slap of the ancient tree of war is as slow as static, but as the distance approaches, the Red Dragon senses an extremely dangerous breath from the changes in space coordinates and immediately breaks Withdrawing towards the weakest space response.

But the vast space coordinates in the close field have been distorted and tampered with the area where the ancient trees of the war fell down, and all the ability to concentrate on the warped trees of their own twisted branches is no coincidence. The space without delay spread to a large space near the Red Dragon.

This space connection is purely aimed at the muzzle against the forehead for shooting, and it is difficult to escape with a 100% locked hit.

The most terrible thing is that the slow and heavy hammer of the ancient tree of war is accompanied by extremely powerful vector dominance in space distortion. No substance can resist the deep vector distortion. Whether it is rock or alloy, it is in front of this hammer. It's no different than fragile glass.

Purely on the lethality of the elemental material level, there is almost no upper limit for this type of attack.

In an instant, the red dragon, which uses mass conversion technology to madly increase the strength of the body, was shocked to feel that he was not coping with the attack.

In his usual state, a megalith bombardment was just a powerful dragon body with fuzzy outer flesh. In this flat cut of the ancient tree of war, most of them were shattered like tofu, and the scattered flesh formed sharp bright flowers. The leaked fire element flashed dazzling brilliance in the inertial explosion.

The ultimate body density is strengthened, and there is no defense effect in front of the ancient trees of war.

"It's terrible ... is the space-time ability of this world so unreasonable? My tickle-like spatial interference is not very useful at all ..."

The understanding of this world space architecture is still on a very shallow level, and the Red Dragon is extremely curious about the deep space interference ability shown by the ancient trees of war.

The pain of breaking up half of the body into flesh is enough to cause mental breakdown, but the Red Dragon still has enough willpower to use his shallow space transfer ability to instantly transfer all the flesh and blood that contains his magical power back to his body— —

Anyway, these flesh and blood have been smashed, and it will not be worse if it is twisted and broken in the unreliable space transfer.

Absorbing the fragments of the body and the magic in it, the red dragon recovered to a state of ninety-nine in a short time, and restored the tofu-like dragon body.

I do n’t know if it ’s a long time ago, when the game was played in ordinary humans, like the habit of no consumption of tanks, Cheng Bin always prefers to research and develop the ability to defend and return to life. The body of the Red Dragon from the period of the war to the present day has more or less this tendency.

There is nothing wrong with using high-volume and high-recovery tanks to kill the enemy, but it would be really uncomfortable if you can only be passively beaten if you cannot fight back.

Moreover, the Red Dragon does not feel that he can really consume the ancient tree of war by the blood and blue bars that cannot see the bottom line. After all, he can use the world's convenient smart tool elements to infinitely supply energy. There is no reason for the ancient tree of war as a cutting-edge weapon. No.

Unless, his output can exceed its upper limit of resumption.

But if you do n’t use those killers, the red dragon that appears to be thick and low in comparison with the ancient trees of war does not have any existing high-output skills.

After several trials and subsequent slaps, the red dragon who remodeled his body had to admit that his supersonic melee, fire elemental bombardment, and high-temperature cutting can crush the elves and control the power. Space vector war ancient trees are useless.

"It seems that I can only try those theoretical guesses ..."

The Red Dragon, who retreated to the edge of the ancient tree field, sort of helplessly sorted out his current knowledge of the world.

Without killing the ancient trees of war, he could not even pull away and escape from the battle in that abrupt space flip, so he could only venture and experiment.

"Let me see ... element dismantling, hedging annihilation, high-energy fusion ... there are not many element experiments that can be conducted now ..."

The muttering Red Dragon carried a round of slinging attacks on ancient trees of war, and then selected a simplest and roughest high-energy fusion project for execution.

After pulling in a little distance, the red dragon opened the mouth of the ancient tree with a fangs and teeth, and the huge magic of the whole body pulled numerous external elements together, imitating the way of transforming the earth element ammunition before the ancient tree. A fireball.

Relying on a powerful soul to forcibly interfere with element changes in accordance with the laws of the world, the Red Dragon can carefully control the fiery and restless fire element, tightly restrain it and squeeze it toward the core layer of the fireball, and arrange it on the periphery. High-energy explosion layer used inside.

Later, he also used the accumulated spatial knowledge to add a link to shift the spatial coordinates of a large number of elements to the core in the preset explosion program.

Anyway, the purpose of this experiment is to increase the element density in the unit space as much as possible, try to break the density limit of elements under normal conditions, and see what happens.

In the inner world, material compression is concentrated to a certain degree, and it will break through molecular, atomic, nucleus and other levels, overcome obstacles such as the pressure of electrons and neutrons, and get things like white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes.

And what will happen to this kind of thing in this world, Red Dragon said he will wait and see.

Grasping the gap between the ancient trees of the earth and the boulders throwing earth elements, the close-up red dragon slammed the highly compressed small fireball at it, and then the red dragon retreated while remotely controlling the fireball containing most of his magic power. After approaching the control limit distance, the implosion procedure was started.

Synthesizing all the knowledge accumulated in the current world of the Red Dragon, and drawing on some details of the explosion lens of the atomic bomb detonation device, the implosion layer outside the fireball precisely and uniformly compresses the internal fire elements toward the core along the magic preset, and a huge amount The distorted overlapping of the spatial coordinates of the fire element has played a subtle catalytic role in it.

Facing the unprecedented wave of horror elements spreading from the location of the fireball, the Red Dragon subconsciously used the remaining magic to strengthen the body and prepare for the Big Bang.

But the next instant, the Red Dragon was surprised to see that the small fireball thrown by him disappeared in a circle after a dazzling flash. The position where the fireball disappeared was close to the ancient trees of war, but the calm sea nearby did not seem to cause any damage to the ancient trees of war. hurt.

"... experiment failed? Shouldn't it? At present, there is still a certain conservation law of elemental energy in my cognitive range. Where have I gone with so much magic?"

The red dragon hovering a certain distance looked strangely at the place where the fireball disappeared, and soon he discovered the anomaly-the ancient tree of war that had been attacking according to the rule of fixed action before the small fireball disappeared. He remained motionless, and did not use the ability of the space vector to pursue him.

The curious red dragon was a little closer, and suddenly found that the space in the ancient tree field was a bit strange, and it seemed that all its space capabilities were taken to exert influence on the nearby space.

Perceived the red dragon in the area where the ability of the ancient trees in the war affected in general, and found that the place was exactly the point where his small fireball disappeared. After pondering a bit, he swept away with a dense flame dragon's breath, while using his magic to disturb the space interference. The power of the ancient tree of war.

The behavior of the Red Dragon seemed to break a balance, the huge body of the ancient war tree suddenly shook, the branches and leaves exuding a faint green light seemed to dim, and its wooden body was faint and shrunk a circle.

At the moment when the ancient trees of the war fell into a slump, a "hole" suddenly appeared where the small fireball disappeared.

A high-temperature space hole bursting with dense fire elements.

The vegetation that was spawned around the ancient trees of the war was burned and incinerated in a flash of spreading elements of fire in a blink of an eye, making the red dragon feel an unusually comfortable flood of high-temperature elements spreading in all directions, and immediately ignited a large flame in the forest.

The pores of the gradually expanding space gradually overflowed with a thick red liquid, as if the core magma was dumped on the ground, covering the large thick roots that had incinerated the ancient trees of war.

The thick liquid is a form of fire element that Red Dragon has never seen. This kind of ultra-high-density substantial fire element aggregates grows more and more with the expansion of the pores in space.

Subsequently, in this rolled out elemental slurry of fire, one by one, weird, obviously living creatures slowly reshaped and formed, and followed the diffusion of elemental fire to the surrounding erosion.

The hard-hitting war ancient tree took a step forward regardless of the damage of the fire element, and in the process of gradual destruction of the body, tried to apply the space ability to that hole, restrain its expansion and try to close it.

The Red Dragon, who had obtained a great fighter, groaned and did not approach the knife. He looked at the space and element changes around the hole and pondered: "This feeling ... is it a plane overlap phenomenon similar to that of the skeleton? I Did this small fireball penetrate the plane? "


At this moment on the other side of the forest, the elves who fled to the distant distance with grave wounds, and saw the infinite fire in the distance that turned the sky red.

Compared to the red dragon lacking in common sense in magic, Dior, the elven mage, felt more deeply about the appearance of the hole in the plane. He almost immediately guessed what happened to the red dragon.

He reached an agreement with Lacey and temporarily put down the hostility. He grabbed his hair with an incredible disbelief, and looked at the distant flames. He couldn't help but swear: "That stupid, **** red dragon, how could it be here Open the door to the elemental plane of fire ?! "

No one can see the whole picture of the elemental cycle of the world tree, but many people know that most of the stable forms that the element exhibits, similar to the element of fire, have their corresponding pure planes near the world tree.

In this era of the era of the alternation of the epoch, the connections between the planes of the world tree are getting closer and closer, and the planes on the elven side often overlap.

In this case, where the element of fire is highly focused, it is not impossible to etch the plane barrier out of the hole and connect its associated pure element plane.

It is said that in the various types of planes with complete types of structural elements, in the depths of the earth, the condensed earth elements condensed under the force of super gravitational gravity maintain the gate to the earth element plane, or all the earth that exists. The plane and its expanded land are basically squeezed in from the element plane of the earth after opening the element door.

The nature of soil elements tends to be abnormally stable due to condensation. Although the gates of soil elements hidden in the ground are difficult to touch, most of the planes are definitely there.

But the element of fire ... This kind of violent and unstable thing, to a certain extent, must be a big bang on the spot. Focus the element of fire enough to erode the door to the plane of element of fire ...

This operation is not impossible in theory, but the difficulty of execution is definitely beyond imagination.

The red dragon that overcomes this terrible difficulty and opened the door to the element has a terrifying soul strength and precision.

At least Dior consciously invokes the elven magicians of the entire plane, which may not be able to achieve this super engineering-the gates of the plane are not overlapping planes. Compared with the latter, which seems to pass by the plane, the former is simply two. The planes hit and fit together.

Therefore, the harm caused by the two is not at all a level.

Although the gate of the plane will not exist for a long time under the self-adjusting mechanism of the world tree, if the opposite side of the fire element plane has a powerful life such as the element lord found this gate and come in to maintain the gate or even expand it, the elves The entire plane where the clan is facing will face a catastrophe ~ www.readwn.com ~ The fire elemental life, which is famous for its aggressiveness and irritability, is extremely unfriendly to most of the planes, and they will definitely not Mind the transformation of this plane into the Sea of ​​Fire into the Fire Elemental Plane.

Dior gritted his teeth and planned to return to Lexi from the Elven Sword that was temporarily given to her as an armistice condition, then use some of the side effects to restore some magic, and go to the ancient war tree to try to prevent the situation from expanding.

However, just as Dior was preparing to act, he noticed that the fire in the distance suddenly weakened a lot, and in the woods on the side, a vague and familiar atmosphere was approaching him quickly.

"This feeling ... the leaf of life of the World Tree Sect? How did that old **** stick leave the King City? But this thing came too soon ..."

Dior turned around and saw two shadow leopards jumping out of the jungle, one of them was sitting on his back with an anxious face.

It was Ivy, a student who had studied in the Elf Mage Association he managed, the breath of precious sacred things that can only be held by the high priests of the World Tree Sect. It was coming out from his arms intricate and obscure.

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