Uplifting Journey

Chapter 366: The choice to visit Elven King City and legendary roads

At this moment, the red dragon incarnation of the elf was walking around in the city of elf king under the guidance of guide Lacey.

"This elven king's city is far from my expected city ..."

The silver-haired, red-eyed elf walked on a huge, flat tree branch with a big sword. While glancing around the green landscape, he muttered secretly: "There are so few unnatural buildings and the population density is too low. It is not like centralized production at all. Data-rich cities ... "

This three-dimensional plant city of elves is full of labyrinth-like tree holes and three-dimensional roads. Cheng Bin has seen many forks along the way, bending upwards and turning upside down to connect to the upper branches. Twisted wooden roads are distributed throughout the city with an alternative geometric beauty.

However, even the elven larvae who have not been born long ago know how to use the diffused and specially modulated elemental power in all the plants of the King City, and run up and down in this complex terrain like a flat ground. The ethnicity induced by the national element is indeed true in this regard. Quite convenient.

"Master Casa, would you like to taste what we usually like to eat?"

After concealing the scarlet vertical pupil and the body curve by some magic props given by Dior, Lacey's appearance restored the ordinary appearance that would not cause the elves to watch. At this moment, she was standing on the roadside and grafting a low plant on the road branch. At the side of the dwarf plant, a red fruit dangled in his hand and looked at Cheng Bin.

"Do you like to plant food by the side of the road?" Cheng Bin nodded curiously, looking at Lacey's strange plant like a faucet with a branch.

"Wang Cheng is very big. Before I was born, a guy who had a leisure time and the guardian in charge discussed it and started to plant this specially-modulated magic plant in every corner of Wang Cheng. It is said that it is not thirsty when walking, anyway Quite easy to use. "

Lacey stuffed the juice-filled fruit into her mouth, drumming her cheeks and pinching the strange plant's leaves with her fingers.

With the transmission of magic and the complex changes of the elements, a solitary branch of the strange plant suddenly grew a fruit at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

After receiving the fruit that Lacey had picked up, the elf with long silver hair carefully looked at the fruit in his red eyes with a glimmer of light, and then threw the fruit of moderate size into his mouth while chewing on the rich The succulent fruit was pondering.

——From the fruit plants like this vending machine, the elves that have the ability to dominate elements are born. Under the rich environment of forests and elemental power, individual productivity can fully meet most of their own. Material needs.

From this perspective, it is quite normal for the elves' royal city to look like a sparse and scattered, functional building, but the establishment of the kingdom's complete system is quite abnormal.

After all, the sociality of race comes from the need for mutual assistance and complementarity, and creatures like dragons at the top of the food chain have absolutely no need to cooperate to build a society without external interference.

Elf is a sparse race where the living creature resources are available, and only high-end magic items can trade with each other. A kingdom that can form an upper and lower body must have interfered with abnormal forces, just not knowing that this force is external enemy pressure, internal belief Still some sort of hidden nature.

Lacey, who had taken the red dragon to eat the fruits, seemed a little excited. During the tour of the King City, she was turned into a culinary journey, and she was led all the way to find good-mouthed food and eat nonstop.

I heard Lacey said that although she liked the delicious food before, she was not so persistent. This kind of appetite that seemed to the elf with a small appetite seemed to be abnormal. Maybe it was caused by the erosion of the red dragon dragon veins. Kind of side effects.

Ivy was directed by Dior to report to an old **** stick, and Dior himself went to the elves and the high-level rulers of Garlott to pull the skin, and Cheng Bin, who had nothing to do with it, had no opinion, let Lacey Drag yourself around.

——Although he is very interested in the collection of the Master Association, but the Master Association all said that it is an association, that is certainly not a diorama of Dior. Many things with restricted permissions are not easy for him to force until Dior returns to work after coordination. Look.

As for letting a dragon walk in the city of the elven king, will it be a problem ... Considering the temperament and attitude of Red Dragon, a strong man who crushed the legendary team, Dior did not force the uncle to stay in the association before leaving Instead, after giving props to Lacey, she let them walk around.

Anyway, the Elven King City is the strongest fortress and the most powerful weapon of the elven clan. As the master of the magic fan of the King City, Dior can always know the position of the red dragon and respond instantly.

The red dragon who cares nothing, its sightseeing and sightseeing activities in the city of the elven king did not make any big mistakes, and the simple and elegant appearance of the holy spirit sword shields the red dragon's breath.

Most of the elves whose magic is closely related to plants do not seem to like lively creatures. The various elves he saw on the road were basically small circles of twos and threes except for loneliness, and rarely saw large groups of elves gathering together.

The only time I communicated with other elves was that he was stopped halfway by the guardian of the King City on duty to persuade him to ask him to find a scabbard on the back of the sword, so as not to accidentally hurt other elves or public facilities.

In addition, this guy also volunteered to introduce a boutique prop shop opened by a friend to Red Dragon, saying that items such as scabbards can be customized on the spot to ensure exquisite modeling.

Because of the recognition of the emotion of goodwill in the other's face, Red Dragon was crying and laughing, but he refused to raise his hand to pinch the sword handle, and used a weak but complicated magic to the sacred sword that the Wangcheng guards could not recognize. Put on a layer of simulated scabbard, and persuade the guard who had been idle to panic.

The Elven's civil administration system doesn't look very good. Obviously, the population growth is completely controlled, and there is a magic system with fingerprints and mobile phones. However, it has not developed a big data network platform to identify the identity of each elves.

——In addition to magical communication, it would be interesting to give them some hints on the details of these social developments ...


Because the Elven tribe is not a bisexual race, and all the larvae are uniformly cultivated by the World Tree Sect priests, the organizational structure of the Elven King's Court is very different from the human imperial family that inherits the bloodline and inherits the empire. Any special natural connection.

It is quite common for the nature of the elves to regard administrative management as a chore of blame.

The elves who have graduated from the primary education of the World Tree Sect, except those who are left to be priests, will go to different elven organizations for further studies according to their talents, preferences, and social needs until they become mature.

The proportion of elves who will actively run to the administrative system is very small. Even soldier training camps are more attractive than Wang Ting.

Therefore, the profession of the elven king is actually very hard. Just restricting the scattered people to form a kingdom is already the cumulative achievements of the elven kings' dedication.

After all, the elven population is too precious, and the elves who leave the kingdom are not unable to live happily, so many other imperial empires ca n’t get it.

So when there are powerful foreign enemies, the Elven King is actually worried with a hint of happiness in his heart. It is always a good thing to have a reason to strengthen the group and gather more power.

But when the current Elven King heard from his predecessor Garlott, he heard the specific ability information of the juvenile red dragon who could not crush the Dragon Squad in turn, which was too unreasonable. —Super magic resistance, several times the speed of sound, unlimited regeneration, but also getting stronger and stronger while playing ...

——This is the rhythm of extinction? !!

Fortunately, Dior, the leader of the mage association, returned to Wangcheng and reported back that the red dragon hazard was temporarily controlled. This relieved the elf king who was almost ready to use the last resort.

However, Dior refused to say what happened between Garlott and the Red Dragon after he left, and where the red dragon is now, which made the Elven King feel a little irritable.

The palace where the elven king is located is one of the core of the control of the magical lock of the king's city. Lying here is quite risky. Dior did not dare to make excuses to deal with the elven king just as he coaxed Garlott in the wild, and he did not dare to tell directly. His dangerous red dragon was walking in the King City at this moment, so naturally he could only look at him from the side.

However, after the staff of the Prophecy Department who served Wang Ting spit out blood and made vague hints that conformed to nature, the Elven King was not good enough to continue to urge Dior, the legendary mage, but only to maintain a certain degree of trust to expose this topic.

Garlott, who was watching in the royal court, questioned the lost Elven Sword and Lacey after the Elven King gave up his treatment. Dior had nothing to hide about this insignificant aspect—

Anyway, tell the truth to let the other party know that the holy sword and Lacey are in the king city. The specific position and other follow-up treatments can completely drag out a long gap based on the concept of time of the elves, enough to discuss with the Red Dragon to solve many things. .

After dealing with the symposium, which was more tiring than magic research, Dior turned back to find the Dragon Vessel duo who was eating, drinking, and playing around in the city, and brought them back to the Master Association to discuss the next thing.

There was no news from Ivey who had reported to the high priest. Dior had doubts about letting the red dragon go directly to the World Tree Temple to contact the sacred object, so he planned to wait for the response from the high priest. Red Dragon talk about it later.


"National Information Network? Magic authentication? Identity terminal? Simulated intelligence?"

Just after pulling the Red Dragon back into the safe and secret private space of the Master Association, Dior heard from the Red Dragon a string of concepts sculpted in elf words and saw a string of spell frames that he showed.

After a thoughtful analysis of the rune language structure shown by Red Dragon, Dior shook his head and said, "The mage is too busy to do research. It is estimated that no one is interested in having time to engage in these popular things. The amount of engineering is too much. Big, and the vast majority of individuals with insufficient intelligence are not able to develop or use such things ...

"I've seen some other things like Mage Tata Ling in other planes, which are similar to what you described, and you suddenly mentioned what to do?"

——Taling? Some kind of artificial soul ... I have a chance to see it.

The silver-haired red-eyed elf shrugged: "Nothing, I just think that most of you elf are too busy, and most of the spiritual entertainment is some poems or something ... You need to know the efficiency, convenience, and processing of information exchange Speed ​​is a core element of the development of civilization. "

"To achieve this level of popularity, unless it is a national magician ..." Dior sighed and said helplessly, "I also want more people to participate in magic research, but mastering magic is for most elves. It's too difficult to say. "

Too high an intellectual requirement for the introduction of magic is indeed a big problem.

However, part of the soul of the intelligent life in this world does not exist in its body. There is a great obstacle to the development of magic that clearly connects the spirit, such as clear thinking and IQ upgrade. I have suffered a lot in this regard.

Dior, who has communicated with Red Dragon, also has a good understanding of this issue.

"It is not realistic to simply use the language of runes to weave intelligence like Taling to enhance the research ability ..." Dior thought and gave Red Dragon an example after thinking about it. "Legendary magic and deity have spirituality. This is complicated internally. Phenomena judged to be life and thus the soul ...

"The soul stripping problem you mentioned will still occur under these circumstances ~ www.readwn.com ~ So it is extremely difficult to construct virtual intelligence and use it on a large scale through the language of runes."

After a pause, Dior shifted the topic and asked Red Dragon: "Speaking of this, do you want to promote the legend in any way? There are many ways to dig out the soul power or the real name authority, whether it is polishing the body and tempering the will , Or to exercise magical meditation knowledge, any path that involves life and spirit can go through.

"The dragon is a born legendary species. As long as you naturally grow to adulthood, you can get the full real name to reach the legendary realm, but you should not choose to wait? And, the real name corresponding to 'Casa' you do n’t want Right? "

The silver-haired elf nodded with a smile: "In my case, it really is to choose magic, and the path of exploring the unknown and the truth is quite suitable for me."

"Using magic, I have some basic framework for legendary magic. As long as you master and deduct it until the spirituality is released, you will be promoted to be a legendary mage."

After speaking, Dior looked at Lacey, who was standing quietly aside, and then continued: "In fact, Lacey's mutant magic based on the activation rope spell, and Ivy's forest power that draws the power of plant elements, are all our elves. The core of the legendary road front established by habit ...

"You can also choose a spell as the core springboard for Leaping Legends. After being promoted in the manner of our Elven-type magician, this legendary magic that produces spirituality will be deeply connected with your real name, so its effects, consumption, use and other aspects Will far surpass other magic. "

"Specialized skills, interesting ..." Looking at the rare legendary spell templates projected by Dior in the air, Red Dragon browsed and parsed one by one, and then pointed at one of them, "... Choose this. "

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