Uplifting Journey

Chapter 367: Destiny Breaker, Existence Beyond the World Tree

Dior, with a variety of magnificent elements on his head, looked up at the legendary magic template pointed to by the red dragon, and then turned back to look a bit surprised: "Choose this as your legendary destiny magic? Are you sure?"

Red Dragon nodded. At this moment, he has begun to slowly weave the language of runes, trying to build a normal matrix model that is as complex as a gene—just a theoretical model that does not fill in real power and tests the logical system. When I went directly to experiment with the legendary magic, I was afraid that there would be no accident.

Dior looked at the silver-haired elves that were changed by the red dragon in front of him. In the education instinct of the president of the mage association, he couldn't help but persuaded: "You're the red dragon, right? In terms of fire element, the red dragon has the most in the world. Top talent, destiny magic that matches the essence of life can exert the strongest power ...

"You can open the door to the elemental plane of fire. This 'fire source purgatory' should exert the strongest power in your hand. Even if you don't choose the fire department, you can also choose the enhanced type of spells that adapt to the powerful flesh of the dragon family. Ah, why should we choose the soul magic that we have accumulated the shallowest? "

As soon as the words have been said, Dior wants to shoot his own brain--the red dragon that could have opened the door violently. If he has mastered the forbidden magic that connects the elemental plane of fire to explode and release the power of the element, I am afraid that it can be melted without a spell. Drop the huge Elven King City, the wide-ranging destructive power that destroys the city ...

Staring at the flickering rune grammar array in the palm of his hand, the silver-haired elf replied without raising his head: "Compared with the destructive power of combat, I am more interested in the root of the extraordinary power—the real name. The deeper magic of soul power will bring more help in this exploration ...

"And compared to the flame talent of Red Dragon, the cognition and manipulation of memory and thinking is what I am really good at."

——Good at soul interference in memory and thinking level ... were you a demon or a lich before occupying the dragon body?

With a subtle expression, Dior looked at the soul magic that intermittently evolved in the hands of the Red Dragon, and then issued a spell book to say to Red Dragon: "The legendary magic in the soul, when the accident occurs in the experiment, it may spread to a wide range without any difference. Life with soul ...

"I have already coordinated with the senior level of the association before, to free up an independent half-plane for you to do related experiments. Our association ’s magic knowledge has also been released, and the legendary magic model shown previously is also inside. You can also communicate with me and other association special masters through the equipment inside. "

"Half-plane?" Red Dragon recalled the space legendary magic template previously shown by Dior, and then laughed, "Speaking of which I really want to go to the side of the plane ... Thank you for your knowledge and help. Whatever I can do to help you progress in your civilization is just fine. "

Dior looked at the red dragon who had been fighting with his side before, and looked carefully at the sincere and sincere look on his face.

As for the pure curiosity of this strange dragon, who has cast aside all concerns, as a mage who explores the truth, Dior has a little understanding, but as an elf, he cannot be like the red dragon named Casa. Without scruples or positions, chasing the unknown freely.

After all, if the power of the Red Dragon is beyond imagination and the prediction of the high priest is at the bottom, such generous sharing and exchange is difficult to appear between different races, even between different classes of the same race. Difficult to appear.

With a ray of regret somehow, Dior sighed: "You are willing to exchange knowledge, ideas and inspiration, which has already helped me a lot. Other things ... for the time being, don't worry, you can do it first. , I'm going to see Ai Wei who hasn't heard from me for a long time. "

After a pause, Dior said to one side of Lacey: "You come here, too, you need to take a look at the old **** stick, anyway, you can't see the magic knowledge, stay with Casa carefully by the experimental accident Spreading becomes even more stupid. "

After leaving the half-face for the Red Dragon to enter and exit the key, Dior dragged the noisy Lacey away.

"... I always feel that this world's restraint on the development of wisdom and civilization at the soul level is deeper than the technology tree confinement at the rule level of the SCP world, but I am not here to lift the table in this information-level virtual world. of..."

After shaking his head, the silver-haired elf gave Dior the transparent spar he handed to him and studied it carefully. After analyzing and deciphering the spell structure associated with the half plane, the figure flickered away from the ordinary level of the Master Association and went into hiding. In the half plane.

The vast amount of knowledge accumulated by the elves can save Red Dragon a lot of time. After digesting these things and figuring out what the true name of the legend is, he can explore this more actively and purposefully. The world.


In the core area of ​​the elven king city, in the world tree shrine next to the original elven mother tree, the high priest in a robe was staring at the void on the little altar.

The long-lived elves did not say that they were aging. Before the end of their lives and returning to the mother tree, they could always maintain a young and handsome face.

If you put aside the temperament, the high priest is actually not as mature as Ivey, who has been a lot of younger generations.

However, it is customary to use magic breath to identify different kinds of elven clans, and it has never produced the phenomenon of blindly identifying the wrong person. The elves of different generations have completely different magic strength and mellow feeling.

In the eyes of Ai Wei, who stood aside with a short bow on his back, the magical fluctuations of the high priest seemed vast and bland, as if it were the earth seen every day. Office.

However, when talking about the red dragon, the high priest often lost his eyes in a confused state.

Knowing the special abilities of the high priest, Ivey has been careful to control his body, trying not to cause any meditation to interrupt the high priest.

After all, my friend Lacey has returned safely-not to mention the erosion of dragon blood, Ivey has nothing to worry about at this moment. With the physical fitness and patience of the elite ranger, it is not a big problem to stand here for a long time.

The high priest did not snub any elven thoughts subjectively, but when the red dragon appeared, as long as he focused a little, he would fall into the revelation of the world tree.

If in the past, the high priest would only be happy if he could enter the state of revelation so easily and peek into the past and future-the normal prophetic spells would not have realized the huge price to achieve his state.

But now ... as the Red Dragon arrives at the King City, the thread of destiny representing many elves has been chaotically disturbed by the Red Dragon's disturbance, which is difficult to predict like an abyss.

The high priest is a bit struggling to distinguish the situation in the twisted and chaotic fate. It is even more difficult to get a deeper look into the specific fate of the kingdom.

After all, the high priest is experienced in predicting this aspect, and is not proud of his ability to reveal. At most, he only learns some information on the possibility through the changes in the corners of his destiny. Crack the real future, so God knows what will happen--

At that time, the **** of fate, who was extremely powerful and stood on the pinnacle of the god, forcibly spied and intervened to interfere with the fate of the original dragon Io, who was about to be promoted to dragon god. The division of many gods can be described as a profound lesson that the prophetic world cannot escape.

In the state of revelation, the high priest can see uncertain future fragments, and even uncertain past fragments, of many ethnic groups in the elven kingdom.

Although the only common sense concept in the past has been challenged, the high priest can still maintain a steady state of mind and extract a variety of detailed information from these fragments, thereby indirectly depicting the general outline of all aspects of the red dragon.

If the Red Dragon's mode of action was not determined in this way, the high priest who also controls the power of the giant enchantment would not put the evil dragon representing the destruction into the wizard city.

The process of drawing the outline of the dragon is not very difficult, because most of the actions of the temporary red dragon named Casa are very pure. Its transcendental power and unfathomable background also make it unnecessary to make violations. Be contrary to your heart.

The high priest immersed in the state of revelation suddenly returned to God. He turned to look at the entrance of the temple without the lintel, and saw Dior walking in with Lacey all the way.

Ivey has the high priest's tokens that can be driven straight in, and Dior, as a giant of the elves, can naturally pass through. After all, although the World Tree Temple is an important place, its design is an open hall and it is not a restricted area.

Anyway ... the elves who can see the enshrined fetish are almost non-existent except the high priest, let alone touch it. The elven kingdom used to open the temple for some time in an attempt to find people associated with the fetish. A lot of elves came in to visit.

The birth time of the High Priest was much different, but Dior, who was in a very similar position, went to the temple and looked at the empty altar. He asked politely: "What are you planning on, Old God Stick? It takes so long to respond No, not even through the magic communication of the lock, Dragon and I have brought it back at your request. "

"It makes a little sense to let that Casa see the legendary rise in front of the world's tree branches," said the high priest who didn't care about the old acquaintance. "In fact, you don't need to worry too much, just direct that Casa. Just bring it here. "

"Legend ... what else do you know? I just listened to Ivey recounting some of your inexplicable words," Dior frowned. "Before bringing him over, you better share with me the details you see Do you know that such a headless action is uncomfortable? "

"Okay," the high priest groaned, then said to Lacey and Ivey, who were standing next to each other, "you go out and wait for a while. For you who have not reached the legend, some information is not suitable Know too much. "

Lacey stopped talking when she heard this strange listening restriction, but she was quickly dragged out by Ivy, who nodded.

After the two young juniors left, the high priest turned his attention to Dior and said, "The world tree contains countless planes. Crossing planes is not a rare phenomenon for legends, but you know that the world tree has thousands of planes. Is there anything else? "

Dior shook his head: "With my knowledge, I can't imagine anything outside the plane structure. Do you know what's outside?"

"I don't know," the high priest smiled, continuing in Dior's dissatisfied look, "but I know there are many, many foreign things in the world tree, everything from information to objects to life ...

"A lot of things in the eyes of ordinary people are often mistaken for other planes to come through, but for our existence of peeping at fate, whether a thing comes from outside the world tree, it is still easy to judge."

Dior thoughtfully: "You want to say that the Casa that suspected of taking the dragon's shell is an existence that crossed through an unknown place outside the world tree?"

The high priest nodded: "This existence will have an impact on the destiny of all things in the world tree. It is a force sufficient to break the established destiny. The situation of our elven clan at the time of the epoch was not optimistic, but it happened with the red dragon After the association, there are at least a lot of positive possibilities in the future. "

Dior looked at the high priest strangely and asked, "Did you always emphasize the past, the only future, and the constant change in the future? Actually, you now have a full set of destiny ... from the moment you see the future, the future is no longer doomed Right? "

"The future I see is not the same as the destiny of the world tree as a whole ... Within the world tree, I see the future itself, and the actions based on seeing the future, aren't they part of the destiny? ?

"As for the only thing in the past ... After I really came in contact with outsiders ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can recognize the limits of my mortal things--before fate was broken and changed by outsiders, wouldn't there be time in the long river? 'Past' in other states? "

The high priest smiled bitterly, and some tired slowly said: "The outsiders who come from outside the world tree are unknown variables that break destiny. The destiny of everything in the world tree will have unknown fluctuations because of this. This change will always be It continues until this outsider is brought back into control by the river of fate of the world tree, and the fate of everything is brought back under control. "

"But ..." The high priest's expression changed slightly, and he unconsciously pressed down the bass tone. "There are some great external beings that will not be controlled by the fate of the world tree, just like the legendary dragon creators. "

Hearing the words of the creator of the Dragon tribe, Dior's face also changed slightly--the great war that had invaded the Dragon tribe, spreading the Dragon tribe to the thousands of planes, and directly destroyed the dragon **** Io, who was an ancient elf civilization in this plane. ?

Even as a legend, directly speaking the name of the deity will be felt by the other party.

Is the red dragon a horrible existence similar to that dragon god? When Dior wanted to ask something, he and the high priest changed their gazes at the same time, and couldn't help looking at each other with a hint of surprise--

In one of the half planes supported by Wangcheng Misuo, the brand-new legendary atmosphere is fed back to them through the powerful magic Misuo.

The Red Dragon actually completed the destiny magic in this extremely short period of time, successfully controlling the real name and promoting the legend.

"Fast ..." Even if he foresaw a similar possibility, the high priest recalled his own experience when he broke through the legendary realm, and he was quite surprised.

But at the next moment, the magic fan lock that shrouded the entire city of the elven king shook violently ...

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