Uplifting Journey

Chapter 372: The faith you choose, even if poisonous, must kneel down ...

This kind of divinity, to some extent, serves as the beacon of the deities in this world.

In simple terms, it is to build a protocol with the complex information contained in the divinity, to connect the outer boundary where the real name of the soul is located with the inner boundary where the elemental matter is located, so that the life of God outside the plane can have normal Vision of the physical realm, thus using divine power to interfere.

This also involves some divine agreement content, that is, the limitation of the form of perception and interference in the clergy.

However, such restrictions are well bypassed. As long as the altar is created or the avatar is created, the deities can transform the form and function channels of divine power, expand their vision and strength, and use physical changes at the material level to reduce as much as possible. Consumption of little divine power.

This kind of method to circumvent the restrictions can refer to the original EVA world side, Samer used the life-like Earth as a converter to transform mental interference into material interference.

From this perspective, Cheng Bin feels that the deities of this world are becoming more and more similar to high-dimensional life in the performance of interference. To say that this is not a deliberately created experimental field, he is not convinced.

With the blessing of that dwarven deity, Cheng Bin, who had not taken the unusual path of the legendary red dragon body, skipped a lot of time that the legendary life should have consumed, and directly gained the first and most difficult point of deity.

However, it is not a good thing to directly take over the fusion of the deity that has been modified to pure flame attributes, because if you follow the way of the gods, the fire deity will have an impact on the path of the red dragon, letting it run towards the direction of the fire **** .

In the data of the elves, none of the gods of the elements corresponding to the dominant attributes of the major elements is absent, and all of them are ancient and unpredictable.

Even that dwarven deity dare to use the furnace to touch the flame properties indirectly, but did not dare to touch the elemental area of ​​fire directly. It can be imagined how deep the pit is. It changed the divinity into such a plausible inducement. It's a misfortune to be misled.

As for whether to draw the attention of the **** of fire to the red dragon, or to bring the evil water of the red dragon to the **** of fire, only Morrigan himself knew.

Fortunately, after the Red Dragon was promoted to the legend and absorbed a large amount of knowledge, he was able to analyze and modify the content of the divine attributes at hand.

However, if you want to try to explore the way of the deities, the specific attributes of this initial deity will determine the direction of the long-term road and the clergy area. How to modify it is a matter that needs to be carefully faced.

Although it is said that for the Red Dragon who is far away from becoming a god, the fuzzy and uncertain divine agreement content is not an inability to assist in the establishment of a belief connection, but as an experiment, the fewer unknown unknowns, the better.


In the warm and cozy tree house, two elves stood opposite each other.

The silver-haired elf of the red dragon incarnation put his hand on Lacey's head with eyes similar to his own, and the glorious magic of the legendary mage's destiny magic penetrated Lacey's soul a little.

What the high priest wanted Lacey and Red Dragon to try was not a general verbal trust, but a deep and stable connection of faith.

That requires whole-hearted trust and the commitment of the ego. This level of connection with the gods is basically a fanatic in every denomination.

Although Lacey herself did not resist this future under the influence of racial needs, the blood of the Red Dragon, and other factors, the Red Dragon still did not directly distort the idea of ​​Lacey's soul to reach the standard.

On the one hand, this is because Red Dragon has always maintained respect for non-hostile intelligent life in his heart. On the one hand, he has no ability to control the specific changes of the soul of other lives at the core level of his real name.

What is the consequence of hastily distorting the souls of other lives and disengaging their soul subjects from the real name kernel? The Red Dragon also needs to find some voluntary or involuntary experimental consumables to give it a try.

The connection of faith is directly established between real names. If you twist your soul, you can easily make mad believers in batches. Those gods in the elf family data have already made big news.

The eyes of some of the elf's lips slightly stretched, her soul fluctuated constantly under the careful care of the red dragon, and the feeling of fine memory and forgetfulness was inspired a little.

The real name interface of all life can be said to be completely the same, but the outer soul subjects are different due to the differences of the material carriers.

Red Dragon analyzed Lacey's soul structure and various details, and then retracted her arm. She sat down on the chair near the table, supported her head with one hand, and began to calculate the relevant data model in her heart.

Lacey, who had been in a daze for a while, gradually returned to her mind. She did not have a clear impression in her mind about the experience she had just experienced, but a sense of coziness and comfort that seemed to stretch her body after ample sleep continued to rise in her heart.

After glancing at the red dragon who didn't know what he was thinking of, Lacey walked to the opposite side of the table, and skillfully output the magic into a rattan-woven chair.

The plant-shaped chair changed its shape slightly as if it had come alive. Lacey sat down in this suddenly softened deformed chair, and her body followed the chair in a smooth circle.

Then Lacey pressed the corner of the skirt, leaned forward on the table, leaned her arms on her chin, and stared at the meditating red dragon in front of her.

After watching it quietly for a while, Lacey whispered suddenly: "I thought you would use soul magic to build trust in you directly in my heart."

Red Dragon, who is always distracted and multi-use, replied casually: "They all said that they need the trust and admiration from the heart. Is it wrong after external forces change?"

Lacey sighed and turned her eyes away: "... Even if it is not directly modified, it is not convenient to imply guidance by blood and have no future troubles?"

Red Dragon glanced at Lacey and said, "I rarely do such things that I don't like, and ... I'm also wondering why the belief in the gods is such an operating mechanism now, and the potential purpose of designing this mechanism What is it ... the process of normal faith-building should be very valuable. "

"Huh?" Lacey looked at the Red Dragon strangely. "Didn't the gods have been like this since ancient times? How can there be any reason?"

"Why the world is what it is today, it is a little early for you to explore the deep background of the world as extended by this type of philosophical speculation."

Red Dragon smiled uncritically, and then said to Lacey seriously, "But if you really want to believe in me, you will face this kind of problem sooner or later."

After speaking, the red dragon swipes on the table, and a flickering translucent light particle appears in the center of the table.

"This is ..." In the inexplicable instinct, Lacey reached out to touch the light spot subconsciously, but the obscure breath emanating from her heart turned into an endless message, and she almost blocked her brain on the spot. Frightened back his hand.

Lacey leaned back fiercely, and her chest suddenly waved twice. She stared at the light spot on the table with amazement and said with a bit of fear: "Okay, terrible temptation, like urging herself Go and catch it like, what is this? "

Red Dragon spread his hands: "This is divinity, a blank version of divinity."

The elf clan of this plane has never been born in the recorded history, beyond the legendary demigods who have divinity, and their knowledge of the road after the legend is also quite lacking.

However, the strong men who traveled to other planes brought back some rough information. Lacey had heard of the extremely important and precious things of divinity.

Facing the legend in front of her eyes, Lacey was eager to try when she saw the rare props.

However, Red Dragon discouraged her from trying to touch the divinity—she did not have the legend and did not awaken her real name, and she was afraid that she could not bear the huge information shock and soul infestation brought by the divine.

"Will you accept the divinity?" Some disappointed Lacey lay on the table, some confused looking at the ordinary but mysterious light of the divinity, "This important thing puts me to the test here. Willpower. "

"We need to discuss it first, and add specific attribute concepts to this deity." Red Dragon shook his head. "According to the rules of real name, without this deity, your real name cannot be located to my real name. ...

"If we want to establish a truly effective and stable connection of faith, we will first weave a certain concept or idea that we all agree on in divinity. Without this foundation, how can you achieve sincere trust?"

"Even the teachings of faith can be discussed before belief?" Lacey, sitting upright, looked a little stunned. She had never heard of such an operation in her long life.

Will there be gods and believers in this world saying "let's discuss it, choose a doctrine you can accept to create a sect"?

Lacey rubbed her face with both hands and silently accepted the reality-anyway, after the appearance of the Red Dragon, she encountered many things that challenged the three views and common sense. Her current body is the most obvious example.

After all ... Lacey, who had no gender concept, was feminized, and this kind of thing Lacey got used to it. Red Dragon made some weird things, and she had nothing to accept.

So the legendary Red Dragon, who was preparing to take the first step towards the demi-god realm, began to discuss the specific content of faith with his future first believer.

Relying on the destiny magic of Red Dragon's soul activity that had been smoothed out before, the two sides quickly sorted out several basic elements of the current establishment of subjective trust and admiration. These factors are the reasons why Lacey has a positive sense of the Red Dragon. Is a good basis for expanding into faith--

First, due to the bloodline resonance caused by the erosion of dragon blood, Lacey, who has obtained the blood of the red dragon, has a different kind of affection and closeness to his relatives to a certain extent. Modifying the divine estimate in this direction must add inheritance, blood, Information like dragons.

Second, when Lacey and the Red Dragon are fighting, facing the unparalleled terror speed and control, the heartfelt shock in their hearts, it is estimated that the divine attributes in this area must be changed in the direction of battle, conquest, and speed of strength. Already.

The third is the subtle joy of Lacey in giving science education to the Red Dragon, and the kind of aggressiveness that the Red Dragon and Dior discussed later about magical knowledge, and the worship of the Red Dragon ’s superb learning, understanding, and control ability. Sexual information ... education, knowledge, wisdom, etc. can be extended a bit.

In terms of personal preference, of these main factors, Red Dragon naturally prefers the third item that fits his core algorithm best.

However, the choice in this regard still depends on Lacey's own subjective will. Anyway, it is an experiment that can be adjusted in the future, so the first version of the divinity is not so important to Red Dragon.

With the help of Red Dragon's soul magic, Lacey can repeatedly taste the process of establishing those positive impressions of Red Dragon in her heart, and she swims in the memories for a while with a somewhat complex look.

In addition to the most important elements, Lacey also has some low-impact, positive-looking influence factors, such as the sense of mission when talking with the high priest, the embarrassment of his body when he is distorted behind his friend Ivy, and the disguise Walking in the Elven King City as an anomalous and cautious ...

After a long aftertaste, Lacey found out her mind. After brewing for a while, she left the seat and stood in front of the Red Dragon.

After taking a deep look at the silver-haired elves who came over to the side, Lacey was down on her knees slowly and earnestly without a trace of reluctance and embarrassment, solemnly swearing with her mother tree.

After a series of traditional vows of Elves, Lacey made the final choice among many factors: "... your wisdom is higher than the sky, and your thoughts guide the way to truth ... I , Elf Lacey, may eternity follow your steps, even death can not shake this will. "

Grasp the divinity on the desktop at your fingertips, and the Red Dragon, who began to adjust the divine agreement, accidentally lifted Lacey with the other hand.

Then he nodded to Lacey who seemed to have changed his mind: "You didn't seem to like to learn magic in depth. I thought you would not choose this element as the basis of belief."

In this regard, Lacey shook her head gently: "It's not that I don't like it, but the original I seem to be too awkward to learn in this area compared to Ivey and Dior."

"But," Lacey, who adjusted her mind, stared at the red dragon and chuckled, "You must have a way to make me gradually smarter? Great legendary soul mage."

"As long as you are willing to work hard, there are always ways." Honglong said meaningfully, "But in this regard, intelligence is not the highest priority."

The complex rune formation was formed in the free hands of Red Dragon, and then a large number of elements were arranged and woven, and a flat rectangular parallelepiped condensed in the hands spread out by Red Dragon ~ www.readwn.com ~ Compared with the combination with the real name Destiny soul magic, other kinds of rune words always seem a bit slow and inefficient to use ...

While comparing the efficiency of the new magic created on the spot with the efficiency of other types of magic in the bottom of his heart, the Red Dragon handed the flat magic brain in his hand to Lacey.

At the moment of taking over, Lacey came up with a series of instructions about the magical creation at hand. She followed the instructions with curiosity and started the flat square. Then she saw the "screen" on it and a lot of text. And the graphics start to change flashes.

Subsequently, Lacey opened the huge icon of the "Five Years of Magic and Three Years of Real Name" on the screen with a slightly trembling, unknown name, with an index finger, and found that a three-dimensional image was suddenly projected on the tablet.

Advanced mathematics, six-dimensional geometry, programming encyclopedia ... These strange words, along with countless esoteric magic knowledge and real name mysteries, rolled with her eyes in an unprecedented and beautiful format and form.

-Completely, thoroughly, and utterly incomprehensible.

In front of Lacey, whose expression was gradually stiff, the silver-haired elf who was in the process of finishing the divine transformation looked up and said casually: "In this thing, I have integrated all the local knowledge that I have accumulated, and I have carried out simple and difficult education. Permutations...

"Since you dare to choose the elements in this area, first experience the feeling of learning, and then talk about the issue of faith building ... It is not difficult, it is not important to understand, what is important is the cultivation of mentality, the process of persistence, Change of mind ...

"Come on."

Lacey, who has been immersed in some solemn atmosphere since she swore, still didn't hold her face, revealing a bitter expression with a trace of tears ... 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit our reading school

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