Uplifting Journey

Chapter 373: The Great Sage and the Planting Project, Ivey's Decision

Although it is not that the greatness of knowledge cannot be understood, rather than immersed in the ocean of information, active Lacey is more suitable for practical physical exercises such as moving a knife.

This is one of the reasons why she ran to the warrior training camp after she came out of the training place of the World Tree Sect.

The warrior class can also dig out its real name power by continuously purifying and firming its own will. It cannot be said that it has no future.

But since Lacey has chosen the path of wisdom and truth as the foundation of faith, it must be carried out honestly, even with tears.

Even if learning is a very painful thing.

However, it is also because of this pain that boring learning has extraordinary significance for Lacey.

For the legendary Red Dragon, who specializes in soul magic and knowledge, it is not difficult to make the learning process lively and interesting. It is not difficult to make the textbooks more adaptable and practical to the likes of Lacey. thing.

However, as he said to Lacey at the same time, it is not important whether he understands it or not. It is the pain to hone his will in pain and to gradually change various concepts and thinking modes in self-determination. The primary purpose of painful learning.

For the Red Dragon who does not advocate the use of external forces to distort the soul algorithm, as long as Lacey has developed a curious baby, she can ask questions at the logical level, keep basic questions about everything, and dare to say "why" to any phenomenon. The basic requirements have been met.

With this foundation, problems such as knowledge accumulation can be completely solved with soul magic without affecting the framework of the soul algorithm.

After explaining the principle of "the current study is for a more convenient study in the future" to Lacey, who was grieving, the red dragon who carved the divine will leave Lacey holding the textbook and left.

Knowing why the establishment of faith connection is a complicated long-term process, and he is not in a hurry. He has many other projects to study.

At this moment, Lacey has been specially approved to break away from the organization that was originally used to detect plane overlap and deal with related hazards. She has no excuses to get an unlimited vacation and can only squat in the hut and study continuously.


In the plant-wide plane without obvious division of seasons, the torrent of elements that symbolizes the breathing of the tree of the world has risen and fallen several times, and the average energy density is closer to the peak of the element tide.

Beyond the snow-capped mountains that are very far from the elven kingdom capital, the land that was once full of traces of natural disasters has been covered by dense vegetation.

Surrounded by dense woods, a cone-shaped volcano is extremely striking, and heat waves and smoke continue to rise from the opening of the peak.

At this moment, there are two elves, one large, one small, standing on the edge of the crater, facing the steep vertical inner wall probe below.

"That's it ..." The blonde Ivy simply pierced a single ponytail. He looked at the interior of the crater with his short bow, which had undergone several magic reforms and upgrades, holding his eyes on the inner wall. On a raised rock.

Then he beckoned and asked the little elf around him: "Lily, see if there is a hole in the bottom."

The short-haired elf, who was less than Ivey's chest and apparently not yet in adulthood, looked curiously in the direction Ivey was pointing.

The young elf Lily, who was born in recent years, bounced his fingers slightly. Some scattered light spots floated from his fingertips like a living flying insect. After flying around in a circle, he flew down the inner wall of the crater and got around. Under the raised rock.

The moment the light spot rounded the rock, Lili nodded in surprise: "Senior Ivy, there is indeed a sheltered cave there."

Ivy took a deep breath with a complex look, then raised the short bow and gently flicked the bowstrings, and a few green brilliance flashed in the crater.

Suddenly, slender vines appeared on the inner wall of the volcano hit by the light arrow, and a simple spiral staircase was built all the way down.

Lili vomited her tongue when she saw it, and her hands were a little guilty and asked: "Seniors and seniors, will the spreading roots not destroy the stability of the volcanic rock? What should we do if it causes a volcanic eruption?"

"It's so easy to get a little stretch of rock out of the crater," Ai Wei gave a glance at the junior junior, stretched out his hand and grabbed the arabesque, and fell into the crater. "Besides, there is a volcano that shows that this is an elemental vein Node, sooner or later we will 'plant trees' here. "

"Wait, wait for me!" Seeing Ai Wei's several landings swiftly descending under the raised rocks like a zipline, Lily, who was not very athletic, was suddenly anxious.

But looking at the dazzling lava pool below, he did not dare to play like Ivey, and could only help the vines to walk down the plant stairs a little.

Carefully walking slowly on the swaying arabesque staircase spreading through the holes, it took more than ten times for Lily to breathe a sigh of relief.

With a little curiosity, Lily walked into the huge cave covered by rocks. Before long, she saw Ivy squatting deep in the cave and wondering what she was doing.

"It's too slow," Ivy frowned, and glanced back. "Did you not do well in the magic exam? There are so many spells applied, and you should use them."

"Uh, I thought the predecessors created a ladder to save me some magic ..." Li Li came over a little embarrassed.

"... Your generation was born in magic, and there is still the concept of saving magic in your mind?" Ivey spit out something from the gap between the rocks, and then carefully used the magical glory. The fingers pinched the objects they found and looked closely.

"What's this?" Curious Lily rolled her face and looked around, and found that Ivy's hand was a curved piece with a delicate pattern that looked like part of a biological eggshell.

Ivy groaned for a while and didn't know how many magical lights flashed at hand. Then he nodded, carefully sealing the magic shell fragments in his hand and storing them: "This should be the red dragon's egg shell fragment." Maybe later. "

"Well?" After responding to what Ivey said, Lily with twinkling stars turned her head and looked around, "It turns out that this is where the great sage was born!"

"Sage ..." Ai Wei reluctantly glanced at the juniors who were running around the cave and recording video with magic bracelets, and couldn't help sighing softly.

Over the years, due to the Great Leap Forward in technology, the Kingdom of the Elves has undergone tremendous changes. The identity of the Red Dragon, who has led the development of a large number of technical products for the Elven Master, has gradually been revealed, relying on tangible achievements to help the Elven clan who experienced the disaster of the Red Dragon in the past. Reluctantly let go of prejudices.

However, compared with the old-time elves who always feel weird in their hearts, the new elves who were born after the red dragon changed the elven mother tree and changed the number and growth rate of the elves into a controllable item have a better impression of this red dragon. a lot of.

Ivy, who has experienced the events of the Red Dragon throughout the process, has quite complicated senses, but the claims of the great sages circulating in Lili's new generation of elves are probably made by his friend Lacey.

"Things of faith ..." Ivey couldn't help feeling a little depressed, remembering some of the recent information gathered.

From his teacher Diona, Ivey learned that the magic research team led by Red Dragon encountered some problems and bottlenecks, and caused many masters with different ideas to make a lot of noise. It seems that some deep-seated discoveries have caused researchers A certain three-view shock.

At this time, in order to verify some theories, and to explore more phenomena and knowledge, and continue to improve his real name level, Red Dragon planned to break through the plane and go to other parts of the world tree to see.

Recently, Lacey, who has successfully established a special customized version of Faith Connection. As a leading researcher and original believer, he naturally follows his teacher and master.

Here is where Ivy's melancholy is-he and Lacey were born from the same batch of mother tree fruits, and they were almost inseparable except for the post-graduate postgraduate studies.

Although the elves do not like the scenes that are too lively, they attach great importance to their feelings.

Ivey didn't want to be separated from Lacey in the inaccessible plane and didn't know how long it would take to meet again.

"But how do you keep up ..." Ivy followed the excited Lily exploring the cave, thinking distressedly in his heart, "Do you really want to try to believe that red dragon?"

Traveling across planes is quite dangerous. Ivey, who has never been to the legend, does not have the ability to cross planes freely.

And for nothing, I let the red dragon take a burden. Ivy, who had fought with him and was slightly proud, always felt a little difficult to speak, but he believed in the red dragon ...

It is not easy to establish a faith connection with a red dragon that has only a little divinity, no priesthood deity, and no even a demigod.

Lacey was assisted by bloodline induction, so she could successfully locate the real names of the two parties through indirect contact with the red dragon deity after changing her mindset.

Rather than rely on idealistic trust and admiration to establish a connection of faith, it is better to say that the two guys used the real name to complete the connection from the perspective of objective materialism.

Originally an excellent magician, Ivey, after years of new-style magic training, he still has some confidence in the matching of thinking modes, so the bad thing is a little blood resonance ...

——If you go to Tolesy, you may not be able to use magic ...

Just as Ai Wei hesitated in his heart, Lily suddenly screamed, and Ai Wei also noticed the abnormal element changes behind her, and suddenly opened her short bow and turned around.

Not tortuous caves, the brightness of the fire light spreading in the direction of the entrance suddenly increased by several levels, and almost visible fire elements spread everywhere.

Using the magic to weave the words of runes, Ivy, who inspired a group fire elemental protection spell, looked back at Lily, who was protected by his spell around the body.

Some nervous young elves nodded to Ivy, and some inconspicuous light spots flew in his hands in the bright light, and then a magic brilliance was connected to the magic bracelet, projecting a clear three-dimensional in front of him. Screen.

In the picture, the lava pool outside the cave is boiling violently, countless flames explode on the tumbling lava surface, and a vortex slowly forms in the center.

At the core of the vortex, a monster with a rough human upper body and lower body made of pure lava flames slowly takes shape, and its shape begins to grow and grow little by little with the converging fire elements.

The extremely familiar feeling outside the cave made Ai Wei's eyes slightly picky. Combined with the image shown by Lily, he immediately understood what was happening outside: "Plane overlap phenomenon ... Is the fire elemental creature coming from the elemental plane? .. "

After thinking for a while, Ivey put away the short bow and took out a dice-sized translucent cube green crystal from her arms.

In the crystal, a flat seed covered with the words of the indistinguishable runes was vaguely sealed.

"Exactly, plant the tree in one fell swoop ..."

At this moment, it seems that the existence of the two elves in the cave, the elemental life of the fire slowly turned his body, throwing his eyes that do not know the existence of the existence toward the cave entrance, and then raised his arm composed of pure lava flames towards the cave Reach out.

The stout arm that can't even distinguish the fingers has expanded to a size larger than the entrance of the cave at this moment, but the elemental fire of the fire carelessly pushed it, and deformed the element arm into the cave, and went deeper.

In the cave where a large piece of rock broke and melted, and the temperature rose wildly, Ai Wei and Li Li retreated back and forth in the face of the dazzling dazzling element, and soon retreated to the widest part of the deepest part of the cave.

Silently preset the transmission magic in case Ivy was relieved, put the square crystal in his hand on the ground, and took Lily back to the structurally stable corner of the cave, which triggered the crystal unlocking process far away.

The outer semi-transparent square crystals disappeared instantly, and the seeds exposed to the air suddenly diffused into countless layers of complicated rune arrays.

A raging flame of tentacles engulfed this magical seed on the spot.

But in the next instant, the dense forest surrounding the volcano seemed to be a huge network that gathered the energy of infinite emerald green elements into the cave inside the volcano.

The tall volcano was broken out by a large number of thick roots in the next instant, and the powerful plants grew and grew at a terrible speed inside the volcano, which instantly burst the entire mountain.

It is an ancient tree of magical reform wars that is several levels stronger than the original.

The towering trees stretch out the verdant canopy, and the tremor of space spreads in all directions along with the convergence of elemental magic.

The angry fire elemental life, after struggling to burn a few thick roots, was directly smashed by the space inside and outside turned ~ www.readwn.com ~ into nutrition along the roots into the torrent of magic of the ancient trees of war.

The distorted space flips the vector upside down, and the volcanic lava is stimulated by the dying outbreak of fire elemental creatures and the spread of roots. The volcanic lava was forced back under the incredible space of the ancient war tree. The unstable position in the depth of the lava pool The superficial overlap phenomenon was also gradually suppressed and smoothed out by the growing ancient trees.

The branches of the ancient tree of war protected Ivey and Lily throughout the process. Ivey controlled the huge growing tree and raised them to the crown with the branches.

Looking at Lily who was using various magic props and adjusting the operating parameters of the ancient war tree with the latest magic knowledge system, Ivey exhaled softly and looked a bit distantly into the distance.

In the distant woods, you can see the huge trees spaced at a standard distance, similar to Awei's feet.

The third-generation mobile magic furnace is based on the ancient trees of war and is connected to the vast enchanted dense forest, laying the magic network planned by the elves towards a wider space outside the border, which facilitates the migration and expansion after the population surge. The elves of the future tribe provide endless magic.

Witnessing the shocking tree planting project caused by the arrival of the red dragon, thinking about the earth-shaking changes of the Elven Clan during this time, Ai Wei's heart moved a little, and she mixed with a clue of inexplicable thoughts in her attachment to her friends. .

"That red dragon, maybe a good letter ..."

——Exploring the rules and chasing the truth is not the lifelong pursuit of the mage? For the moment, Red Dragon really represents the most advanced and cutting-edge ...

With various thoughts in mind, Ivey checked the working status of the magic furnace of this node, and then took her intern junior Lili to the next node ... 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit Reading House

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