Uplifting Journey

Chapter 382: The mystery of the magic net and the gods

In a short time, a towering mountain peak was blasted into a crater with a deep depression inside.

At the bottom of the crater full of blasts and corrosion marks, the huge red dragon just swallowed up the last soul of the vampire, and followed the soul induction to obliterate the soul marks that were distributed to believers in other regions for life and resurrection.

The pseudo-vampire, named Reinhardt, one step away from the real seat of the god, blew all his power before dying, and attempted to sacrifice himself to a more evil existence, and died with the red dragon.

If the Red Dragon hadn't devoured the Reinhardt's incarnation and obtained the demi-god vampire's thinking parameters, this guy would really be able to complete the final self-explosion. In that case, even if he cannot kill the Red Dragon, he can destroy the Red Dragon on him. All the gains.

But the red dragon has mastered a part of the soul form of the vampire. The strongest ability is the red dragon that controls the soul consciousness. Before the crazy vampire self-destructed, he successfully distorted his consciousness, turning all his strength and information into fruit and easily plucking it. .

After completely killing Reinhardt, what seemed to be left of the vampire's nest near the crater seemed to be completely destroyed, and the red dragon, who was cracking the digested fruits, immediately noticed that some vague sight was passing nearby.

The flickering feeling of being peeped was similar to that when the Red Dragon opened the gate of the Fire Elemental Plane on the Elven Plane.

"Similar to the sight of a real deity like Morrigan?" After completing the initial crack, the red dragon who archived the huge memory of demigod vampires looked up and looked around.

It ’s a matter of time before or after being noticed by the gods. The red dragon who has spoken positively to the **** of forging and the furnace does not care about being stared at by God. Anyway, he is very interested in the information accumulated by the gods who theoretically have infinite life. Besides, he originally There is a plan for contact with the deities.

I just don't know if there are several ideal contact targets in his plan. There are no temples or denominations in this plane.

After groaning for a while, Red Dragon glanced at the information sent by Lacey through faith connection, and instantly completed the analysis of the local magic knowledge in these materials.

The warlock is not a mage. The magic researched by Angell's family of dragon vein warriors is more inclined to dig out their own blood and spell-like abilities. There is little and poor knowledge about the language of runes and magic, and it is full of contradictions and redundancy. And Miu Mi.

This is still the case where the magic net has greatly simplified the spell structure.

According to the local meditation idea, the soul of the Red Dragon was easily connected to the so-called magic net. Depending on the powerful soul and control, he could clearly see the interaction process between the magic net and the soul.

Based on his current accumulated knowledge, we can see that the so-called magic net is a general protocol and feedback mechanism on the real name level. The instructions of thinking can access the magic net through the real name interface and mobilize its power.

Of course, it's just a power within the purview.

听说 "I heard that the magic net was designed to imitate the power of the gods. I can compare it later."

The red dragon who had been groaning for a while, deduced the standard magic models dedicated to the magic net corresponding to the spells according to the spell data of the Warlock family, and built a spell model in the consciousness according to the cracked meditation principle, and put it in the magic The real name interface of the network monitor.

After confirming that the spell model uploaded by him was identified and recorded by the magic net, the red dragon moved his magic net authority between his thoughts, and then two light spots emitting soft light appeared before his dragon head.

After observing the structure of the most basic zero-level magic net spell light surgery, and comparing it with the normal magic spell structure with the same function, the red dragon nodded thoughtfully: "So it was, the design of the magic net I'm afraid it's not an old colleague. The process of constructing a spell model by Rune Language does involve a lot of programming knowledge ... "

The biggest difference between magic net spells and normal magic is that many fixed rune modules are encapsulated inside the magic net, which can be simply called through the special runes approved by the magic net interface, which greatly simplifies the spell model. Assembly process.

Just like ordinary people assembling computers do not need to study thoroughly the internal structure and function of each electronic component. The main thing is to assemble the motherboard graphics card and other parts according to the marked socket screw holes.

Each dedicated rune of the magic net corresponds to the huge and complicated rune array module in the magic net. Only manipulating the former and not exploring the latter, the requirements of intelligence and manipulation are naturally much lower.

Of course, this way of casting will inevitably make the spell effects model and stiffen. Although many magic net rune modules have some input parameters to adjust the specific effects of the module, the magic net master who can clearly recognize this step is already thinking Rarely, not to mention the details of the operation of the Monet Rune module.

However, not every race is born like an elves that can naturally awaken elemental interference ability and form a huge and stable magic power in adulthood. The magic net can bypass the casting cost and greatly reduce the difficulty of casting. For races like humans It is already very friendly.

"From the design perspective, the magic net itself is a shallow to deep master training textbook, and it can also serve as a complete scientific research and industrial system. I just don't know why the guidance steps are all missing. The wizard who contacts the magic net can only go by experience. Groping. "

Xun Honglong knows that not every life possesses such terrible soul-controlling ability. He can easily control every thought of himself, and he has extremely huge computing power, so that he can unravel the form of the cognitive magic net so clearly.

But he also only recognized the most superficial layer of the magic net. The deeper things hidden inside the magic net require more caster level permissions to reach.

Red Dragon is not unable to explore the deep secrets of the magic net. With his ability and the currently-discovered magic net cast level authentication procedure, weaving complex spell models to upload to verify the spiritual power to increase the cast level is quite simple.

However, it is precisely because he is aware of the changes in the soul and real name level that the Red Dragon realized something wrong hidden in the magic net-he felt that he had better get the intuitive interference ability of the real name level before doing this. research work.

By that time, he would be able to perform some hack-like operations in the monster of the magic net, otherwise he would only be able to transfer functions according to permissions, and it would be impossible to access the real secrets of the magic net's bottom, and ...

The legendary wizard wizard Dior excavated a lot of interesting information from certain relics during his travels-the civilization that made the magic net was destroyed by the gods, and after that, a magic **** known as the incarnation of the magic net appeared. This is not a big pit left by many secrets and deities.

After Xun and Lacey communicated for a while, Red Dragon put down the magic net exploration work at hand, turned his head and began to study the things obtained from the demigod vampire.

Although in the eyes of the Red Dragon, the creation of the highly developed civilization such as the magic net is more interesting, in the eyes of ordinary people, the knowledge and power of Reinhardt's realm of God are obviously more precious.

Ignoring Reinhardt's growth history as if the protagonist of the popular novel, Red Dragon extracted the key information related to the realm of the gods and browsed it, and then began to study his deity from the vampire.

Divinity, as the anchor and beacon of the deity in the material layer, has been thoroughly studied by the Red Dragon. The deity of the vampire is nothing more than the structure and content area. The red dragon simply looked at it and read the information. It was washed into a white version and integrated into his own divinity.

Compared with the divinity at the elemental material level, the existence form of the godhead is a little different. It is an illusion at the real name level of the soul. Although it can be touched by the perception of life, there is no physical carrier like the divinity. .

The godhead is like the counterpart to the deity. The port of the gods at the real name level can be used to establish a bridge between the physical world and the real name. This bridge is the way for ordinary life to promote the gods.

The power attributes and realms contained in divinity and divinity are the concrete forms of this bridge, which determine how life goes through this bridge.

When a life completely transfers its basic consciousness from the material subject's soul body along this bridge to the real name layer, he becomes a transcendental deity, and the attribute realm of his deity and personality is also Upgraded to his priesthood.

From this perspective, the gods of this world are like ghosts living on the Internet, which is equivalent to ordinary people on the earth in the inner world step by step to digitize the soul consciousness and upload it to the Internet to become an AI.

In that case, the godhead is equivalent to the server that supports the operation of AI, and the godhead is equivalent to the electronic machinery that can be identified and controlled. The clergy is the network protocol that AI perceives and interferes with the world, that is, the channels and rules to extend the tentacles.

一般 The average believer of the gods is probably the meat that is buried behind the back door to extract computing power and apply IP addresses.

After looking at the knowledge about the gods from an alternative perspective, Red Dragon's heart suddenly felt a little subtle: "The strength of the gods is mainly based on the scale of resources gathered by the AI. But the depth of the authority of the gods mainly depends on the godhead. grade...

"After figuring out the connection between divinity, clergy and deities, if I have the ability to interfere with real names, it is not difficult to produce a large amount of matching material deities, but the deity ..."

Deleinhart's deities were plundered from other life. The deities were basically plundered by killing the false gods and spirits born from totem worship. The rare deities were obtained when he explored the ruins of an evil deity.

Although Reinhardt himself did not know the specific form of the deity and the secret behind it, the Red Dragon can see some interesting things from the operation of the godhead at hand--

The godhead itself has a logical feedback mechanism, or the server of the godhead as the foundation of the gods itself has another set of potential rules.

The gods can occupy the server of the godhead to run their own consciousness, but they cannot contact the hardware level of the godhead to operate at the software level, so they cannot explore these things.

Even the gods who depend too much on the operation of the gods themselves do not have the horrible thinking ability that only AI should have.

And the red dragon with an alternative perspective can be seen from some details. The godhead in his hand is just a fragment of a complete system, or the godhead in his hand is just a complete server assigned to him, which has storage and operation functions. system.

Straightforwardly speaking, behind the godhead is the "reality" of this data-like world, and the godhead is integrated and limited at that level.

"This is a bit troublesome," Red Dragon fell into meditation. "To reach the twigs of the world tree and explore the traces of the secrets and infinite masters at the bottom of the world, you must raise the level of the godhead to the highest level. It ca n’t be copied, it ’s basically gods who hold it ... ”

Tong Honglong sighed and smiled, "This is forcing me to do something."

After advancing the research at hand for a period of time, the red dragon, promoted to a demigod, opened his wings and flew up into the sky. After looking at Lacey's direction, he turned his eyes to the rising sun on the sky.

"I'm not in a hurry anyway, I'll go and see other interesting things first ..."

Uh ...

On another corner of the same plane, there is a huge city built on the crater.

This city full of metal is full of rotating gears and swinging levers. Numerous large and fine mechanical mechanisms are driven day and night by the driving of high-temperature steam. The sound of metal friction and collision echoes all the time.

A handsome-looking human stepped into the city in a white robe inconsistent with the environment. He bent over the low lintel, took the up and down elevators, and continued to move deep into the city while always smiling. Fine strings of the instrument at hand.

舒 The soothing and pleasing tone, which is completely different from the style of urban painting, spreads along with the walking of human beings. The various silhouettes of low and strong figures on the road can't help but stop and listen for a while.

In this way, as if the sound of a musical note was to be substantiated, the humans in white robes came to the core area of ​​the city and entered a hot bar.

I came to the old but clean bar, and the human took the big glass of concentrated wine handed over by the dwarf boss, thanked him with a smile, and then killed it with a sigh of satisfaction from the boss.

After putting down the empty blackjack, the human turned his eyes to an ordinary dwarf sitting beside him. He gently plucked the strings to weaken and isolate the noisy sound in the environment, and then whispered to the dwarf. :

"I say hello to you on behalf of the Source of the Holy Light, the God of Blacksmithing and Forge ... you can always be found in the busiest dwarf bars."

Morrigan's avatar looked up and drank a large glass of wine. He glanced at the imperceptible boss and looked back at the other dwarves in the hall. Then he said in a voice like Hong Zhong: "I and you guys The lunatics don't have much friendship. If there is something to say, don't you want to break the agreement and invade this plane? "

Regarding Morrigan's attitude, the white-robed human just shook his head with a chuckle, and then he asked: "Do you know Reinhardt? The evil demigod who is trying to become the **** of vampires, UU reading www.uukanshu.com He is dead."

"Who finally caught that disgusting rat? It's dead, just a fake **** thing, isn't it worth your trip to inform me of this true incarnation?" Morrigan glanced and ignored him. Boss, frowned and slammed his fingers to change the glass to full, and then drank again.

"Of course, the point is not Reinhardt, but the dragon that killed him," the white-robed human looked at Morrigan with a smile, "I'm here to remind you that the dragon has finished watching the sun Later, I'm coming to your side ...

"Although her dragon species is chaotic and evil, it seems that her behavior is biased towards order, so we hope that you, as the first deity to be in contact with you, can establish a more reasonable impression of the deities in your heart. Do n’t do it. Too much, in short, I'm here to show you our attitude towards her. "

哈 "Hah? You are asking for a **** to go ..." Morrigan laid the glass down, but then he paused again, his face bewildered, "Wait, she? Dragon?"

"Yes." The human in white robe smiled and nodded.

Morrigan jumped from the corner of his eyes: "Dragon species of evil camp ... colored dragon?"

"Yes." There was a hint of curiosity on the white robe human face, but nodded.

After taking a deep breath, Morrigan sullenly said, "Red Dragon?"

原来 "It turns out you know." The white-robed human touched his chin and figured out-had Morrigan noticed or touched the red dragon who had disturbed his fate?

Morrigan heard that his face changed suddenly and crushed the wine glass in his hand fiercely: "Oh!"

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