Uplifting Journey

Chapter 383: The Mystery of the Sun and the Moon and Contradictory Beliefs

On top of the thin clouds, the huge red dragon, which is tens of meters long, leapt from the distorted space.

"Direct transmission to the sun would be hampered ..." The red dragon hovering at a high altitude looked at the miniature, arc-shaped spherical earth below, and then thoughtfully looked up at the dazzling sun directly above it. .

The red dragon with a fast-thinking mind only made a little thought, and analyzed and calculated the nature of the obstacle he is currently encountering from the collected spatial environment data.

After slightly adjusting the high-dimensional coordinates of the dragon's body, the red dragon's vision suddenly changed. He looked down again and saw that the plane that had previously appeared like a planet became an irregular plane.

Through the continuously fluctuating space between curls and stretches, the red dragon lifting his head saw that the sun directly above him had changed to the edge of the distant plane, and a bright moon still existed in the opposite direction. Both are slowly spinning in the same circular orbit at high altitude.

Twisted his vision of space through mathematical changes, and found the real appearance of the red dragon sighing: "No wonder the teleportation cannot be reached, and direct flight can not reduce the distance. The multidimensional space structure of this plane is very interesting to transform . "

After pondering the design idea of ​​the unnatural space structure of this plane, the red dragon wings flew towards the sun and pulled out a shock wave that tore the clouds in the twisted and changed space.

Combining coordinate movement with the super-speed flight of the jet engine, the curving red dragon quickly approached the boundary of the plane. He approached the plane barrier in space structure and stopped, looking closely at the front. Mosaic "a huge sun moving constantly on the plane barrier.

It is huge, but it is only relative to the life of this plane. The size of this side is only equivalent to the sun of a large island. In terms of the volume of horizontal contrast, it cannot naturally be compared with the stars of the inner world.

As if the endless stream of elements erupted continuously from the sun, if it was not for the red dragon to "sideways" avoid normal contact from normal space through multi-dimensional space manipulation, his dragon body with extraordinary strength and resistance would be fast. Destroyed by this pure violence.

Looking closely at the red dragon of the sun through spatial analysis and the real name of the soul, he quickly figured out how this stuff works.

To describe, the effect of this thing is a bit similar to the gravity Debuff that the legendary elf mage Dior once hung him, but this sun gathers a torrent of background elements of the entire plane through high-dimensional distortion.

This sun and the opposite moon should be a set. They sort the torrent of the collected elements like a filter layer, and subtly transform some of them. Finally, they also intercept a part of the transformed transmission height. The space dimension is conducted elsewhere.

The part of the red dragon transformed by nature can only be determined to weaken the passivation of some elements. It is temporarily impossible to delve into its purpose, but the part of the red dragon that is transmitted through space is clear to heart-that part is demonized by this plane. The sub-network of the net at the material level is absorbed.

Strictly speaking, part of this sun's function is similar to the magic furnace inside the Red Dragon. Seeing this, he probably understands why the magic net mage only consumes a few times and does not consume magic much.

"The sun moon and the magic net are complementary systems? But the style of design and architecture of the two is a bit different ..."

After clearing the specific structure of the sun, the red dragon who learned some details and thought while reforming the magic furnace inside his body: "Remember that the magic net has a corresponding deity. If the important symbol of the sun and the moon has a corresponding deity, There must be some connection between the two. "

Flying along the torrent of highly focused elements, the Red Dragon arrived at the moon's location in an instant. After observing it, he found that this thing had the same function as the sun except for its attributes, so he left here after a while and started Falling to the distant earth.

The torrent of elements enters the plane from the sun and the moon, and the subsequent flow should be similar to that of the elven clan in the observation of the Red Dragon, and will flow out from the ground floor of the plane.

The red dragon that fell from a high altitude plunged into the thick earth without slowing down, maintaining the four-dimensional sideways. He passed through the gap between the element and the space, and went deep like a ghost, and soon approached the position in this direction. Face boundary.

Ignoring the soil element plane lintel that appeared due to the high squeezing of soil elements, Red Dragon found the element torrent exit on the plane barrier at the deepest part of the earth.

The elements of various forms falling from the sky have been absorbed and transformed by all things except the inert elements that make up the gravitational field. What accumulates on this abyss-like exit are all metabolites of all things long ago. The properties are similar to those of the sun Subtle difference.

After observing and doing some small experiments, Red Dragon looked at the probe at the deep torrent exit of the space, and he unexpectedly found that the space showing the tendency to curl was full of stars.

"I haven't seen a torrent of elements in the astral space before. Did it originally exist in a separate four-dimensional space ..."

After simulating and deducing the currently observed data in my mind, the scattered astral map at the bottom of Red Dragon's heart, each star point extends a thin line to connect to another star point.

After adding arrows to the lines to represent the torrent of elements, the astral map at the bottom of Red Dragon's heart has become a network full of strange beauty.

"No, it's not the network ..." Red Dragon groaned. "From the part of the astral circle I can currently observe, there can be multiple entrances to the elementary torrent, but only one exit, so the whole is closing , Like the branches of a tree converging towards the trunk ... "

——If this convergence trend does not change, then the torrent of elements will eventually converge on a point or a plane ... Is it the so-called world tree trunk plane? If you pass that plane, there are more exits than entrances of the elementary torrent, then the trajectory will gradually diverge into a "root system"?

Red Dragon had some interest in the so-called theme, but after thinking about it, he felt that this matter was not in a hurry, it is better to continue to act according to the original plan.

Anyway, he can greatly optimize the transmission of spells based on the currently discovered astral network, and it will be much simpler to carry out astral travel in the future.

Although the astral movement along the highway of elemental torrents will make some detours, the safety and speed will be much higher.

The continuously rising red dragon quickly broke away from the special space of the plane boundary. Then he stopped in place, and the figure became distorted and transformed into a silver-haired red pupil. Then he used Lacey directly as an anchor. Teleport spells.

It seems that the red dragon who swayed a few laps at the boundary of the plane did not take much time, but the observation and research process is quite complicated, and there is a certain distortion in the time scale of the special area. Compared to Lacey, that is not a short period of time. Time is up.


Anger maintained a polite smile, and the guests who visited in the future went all the way to the castle gate. He sighed with a headache after watching the coach leaving.

Recently tired of dealing with the legacy issues related to monster siege, he has already received two or three waves of guests.

These people are basically representatives of forces in other nearby city-states, ranging from those who try to annex the city to the pastors who want to spread their faith here.

Obviously, they came to see the time when the strength of the Dragon Warlock family was approaching the end. If it was n’t for the city ’s legendary powerhouse, the legions of the Monster Legion and the Black Dragon were put there again. I ’m afraid it ’s not the attitude of the door. Friendly lobbyist.

Angel also has a sense of self-knowledge. He knows that he is just a small person who is a fake dragon. The real controller of the city is not him.

Although Lacey's side does not seem to care about these things, the issue involving a lot of interests is not something he can easily decide after all. He has positioned his role and only helped them solve some troublesome and trivial matters.

Having said that, as long as some noble visitors remembered the slightest disdain for him who was not extraordinary, Angel could not help but grit his teeth.

"The right thing is addictive but also poisonous ..." Angel, who turned back from the gate of the castle, glanced at the guards who symbolized his salute on both sides, and shook his head secretly. "You must find a way to gain strength as soon as possible, Or give up the power you have before you get into trouble, or ...

"Build a deeper relationship with that."

Anger, who was walking, was in deep contemplation. From some verbal details of the legendary strongman, the red dragon he saw when he touched the dragon contract, that is, the adult Casa who he believed in, The spleen nature is not as chaotic and evil as the general five-colored dragon, and ...

The opponent seems to have become a demigod and is marching towards the true deity.

——In this case, we should try to strengthen the connection in the aspect of faith ...


However, Angela, who was full of expectations, was ruthlessly beaten after telling Lacey his thoughts.

"Build a faith connection with that red dragon? Stop dreaming, humans."

In the reconstructed library in the castle, on the shoulders of helpless smile Lacey, the two-headed Ivey shook his head at Angel with an exquisite snack: "If it is an ordinary demigod, you want to build faith is nothing but Shout a few names, change your mind, practice your teachings, but the red dragon ... "

Some weird glanced at the head of the friend next to him, Ivey sighed and continued: "I also want to establish a connection with the red dragon's faith. Before he was not a demigod, it was difficult to establish a connection. But now he has become a demigod ...

"In this case, even if I could share part of this Red Dragon believer's thoughts at the same time, there was no sign of success."

"Uh," Angel said hesitantly. "Isn't faith better for the existence of the realm of God?"

Angell did not finish, but the meaning is obvious-the establishment of the belief connection is two-way, and ordinary believers can establish it voluntarily, but if the belief of the Red Dragon is so difficult ... the world deliberately created it for believers A **** of entry difficulty?

It is necessary to know that belief is connected to such things, even pan-believers who have the belief or not, even if it is very shallow and unstable, but it has been successfully established.

If you don't worry about the cost and image, the deities of the pastor, but ca n’t wait to throw money directly to make people all over the street shout God's name.

The thought of Angel here was stagnant—he remembered that there was indeed a priest who was involved in money with such a deity.

"Although the threshold set by the Red Dragon is a bit high, it does not allow the existence of shallow belief connections such as pan-believers, but in the final analysis, it is because of the contradiction in the content of the belief."

The little fairy Ivey took a sip of crispy snacks, and chewed and frowned for a moment, then she looked up to Angel and said, "For example, now you want to gain strength in your heart? Don't deny ...

Ivey ate the rest of the snacks and murmured with a cheeky ambiguity: "The process of establishing faith with that red dragon is like telling you-only your complete and sincere abandonment of the opportunity to gain strength, you To gain strength. "

Angel heard a linger, and then he had an inexplicable look on his face.

Ivy, who swallowed the snack, decomposed the contents of the stomach into elements and absorbed it, then stared at Angel slowly and explained: "The divine realm of the Red Dragon is a quest for deeper truth. Phenomenon speaks the spirit of 'why' ...

After a pause, Ivey said solemnly: "This why naturally also includes the realm of God. Try to ask-

"When you are questioning the existence and power of a deity, and you are full of thinking about analyzing the deep nature of the deity, can you fully entrust your self and trust to this deity?"

Isn't this completely contradictory? Angela opened her mouth, speechless.

The next moment, Anger, who realized something, shivered, his back was soaked with cold sweat, and he couldn't help but look at the two elves in front of him with a little fear.

Anger, who was cold in his hands and feet, asked, stuttering, "For example, if that adult really wants to spread his faith to become a **** ..."

"You guessed right ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lacey took over the talk and said," If the faith of Lord Casa spreads out, other gods may be unanimously hostile to him. "

Looking at Angel with a pale face, Lacey shook her head and said, "You don't need to be afraid. Unless the adult decides to follow the path of faith and succeed in becoming a true God, this difficult-to-establish faith will not be valued by other **** churches, let alone Said hostile. "

"But that's all there is to say, do you plan to try to build faith with that demigod red dragon? If you really want to, it's also a good target for a reference experiment." Ivey said to Angel finally , And then turned into a glorious body into Lacey's body disappeared.

In Angel's restless hesitation, Lacey suddenly appeared a beautiful silver-haired figure with sharp ears.

The Red Dragon glanced at Angel, and then looked at Lacey and smiled: "I have some interesting discoveries about the godhead. Maybe you have a question about faith. I really need to try it later. ..

"But now it's not a rush. We'll dispose of the black dragon's body first, and then we'll visit other gods and talk about the later things."

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