Uplifting Journey

Chapter 384: Discussion on Black Dragon Transformation Experiment and Achievement of Belief in God

The black dragon's corpse was still lying quietly in the wilderness outside the city at this moment.

The huge shallow pit where the black dragon's corpse was placed, which was broken and crushed by the huge force, has been covered by a large area of ​​dense plants at this moment. The black dragon's corpse is surrounded by various exotic plants and looks a bit out of place.

It is a legendary species in itself and has undergone the preliminary treatment of the elves. The corpse of the black dragon does not appear to show any signs of decay, and the appearance of the dragon and the looming dragon power have left all witnesses with resentment.

In the mild sunshine of the early morning, three figures suddenly appeared on the edge of the circular shallow pit.

With the appearance of a genderless silver-haired elf, Red Dragon Cheng Bin glanced at this green area, which is distinct from the surrounding environment, and then smiled at Lacey around him: "The vigilance is very strict. Have many people come?"

After sniffing the faint blood smell in the air, Lacey nodded helplessly, and sent the relevant information to the Red Dragon through the connection of faith.

Due to his limited energy and magic power, Lacey is not deep in the study of space-time magic. He is usually not prepared to carry out fixed-point small-scale teleportation. Unlike Red Dragon, he can open up a huge half-plane to store and carry items. After the external battlefield was cleaned, the huge corpse of the black dragon still remained there.

There is no other way. The black dragon's corpse rests on it, which is higher than the thick outer wall of the city. If it is not divided, there is no way to let it pass through the wall. There are few places in the city that can hold such a behemoth.

The value of the black dragon's corpse is extraordinary. Seeing the warlock family who can control a city with a little thin veins, a complete dragon corpse is enough to entice most of the forces in this plane, and even make some people crazy.

Even if the legendary powerhouse Lacey said that she had other uses for the corpse, she couldn't stop some humans or other creatures from becoming greedy and greedy.

However, these ghostly figures approaching the seemingly unguarded black dragon corpse at night were completely devoured by the traps of Lacey's demonized plants and various threads.

Because he was involved in the laying of the magic network at the beginning, Lacey has a certain research on the demonized plants. With the assistance of the more specialized Ivey, it is still very simple to generate a wave of plant guardians with legendary spells.

If it were n’t for the first astral teleportation experiment to carry magic items, Lacey could even have a personal portable non-network version of a small war ancient tree. In that case, even if it comes to a dozen legends, do n’t even try to touch the black dragon. Dead body.

Walking to the plant near the shallow pit, Lacey raised her hand and touched the trunk of the low tree. As the magic signal emanated from her, the entire shallow pit plant was distorted, gradually shrinking, and finally completed. The seeds of the element flew to Lacey's palm and disappeared.

Twisting the roots of the plant turned a large amount of soil, and some pale bones exposed a corner in the gap between the soil, so that Angel, who was watching the scene in awe, could shrink her neck.

The next moment, Anger noticed that a huge shadow was spreading to cover himself from the rear. He turned back subconsciously, and his heart could not help but miss a beat.

However, after leaving the narrow castle, Cheng Bin retransformed the red dragon body. The crimson hill, which is not much smaller than the black dragon corpse in the shallow pit, stretched his body and wings, making Angel's center of gravity more unstable and backward. Stuck.

Even if I have seen it once when I called, but watching a small hill moving up close, the psychological pressure is not small.

Anger, who had a fast-paced heartbeat, glanced at the distant walls-even if he had been informed of the Red Dragon in advance, anyone who had seen the Red Dragon there would be a little flustered.

After restoring a natural shape with a smoother cast, the red dragon walked to the black dragon in two steps, and looked at the poisonous marsh king who had stepped on his back.

The bloodline transformation experiment for Angel was on the one hand to want to give this fair-looking guy a little self-protection ability, so that he can stabilize the city that has lost his master without causing too much turmoil.

On the other hand, when the Red Dragon conducted the Dragon Blood Erosion Experiment on Lacey, it lacked a lot of local knowledge. During the experiment, there were many vague pasts. Now find a life of a non-elven race to compare it. It is still very useful for studying the hidden information in the dragon blood vein genes.

With the improvement of the world's knowledge level, he constantly digs out the red dragon of his body secrets, and finds many interesting things, some of which remind him of the one in the never-ending world that he took for a while and eventually became a dragon. Human teenager.

If Angel's transformation experiment goes well, the characteristics of the dragons in this world in some links match the never-ending science fiction dragon, then he has a high probability to become a real dragon, and then some things will get indirect. Confirmed.

What is the relationship between the dragon **** Io, who is also an outsider, and the dragon **** in the mouth of the never-ending world dragon Hughes? What is its purpose in coming to this world?

These problems are to be confirmed sooner or later for the red dragon as a low-dimensional probe and interface, so it is still necessary to do more experiments related to the dragon family in advance.

Then, with a sullen face, Angel was greeted by the red dragon's bell-like tremor, and walked down to the black dragon.

No complicated arrangement or ritual is needed. The magic of the red dragon pierced the black dragon's corpse like the most sophisticated tool, gradually linking all the organs inside the black dragon's corpse, starting to fill the gap and promote the operation.

The black dragon's stagnant heart jumped, and the thick blood that had never coagulated around him re-circulated.

Feeling that the wide "ground" lying on his back suddenly trembled like a living thing, Anger could not help but stiffen for a moment.

After stimulating the black dragon's body and examining the subtleties, the red dragon turned his attention to Angel and said casually: "Power is a good thing, but power is always a tool to achieve the goal, not The goal itself ...

"To protect, to feel safe, to overcome fear, to win the battle, to tap the potential, to explore the unknown, or simply to feel stronger ... for whatever reason ...

"You were given this opportunity because your soul has shown a mentality sufficient to harness this power, so please review and remember your original intention."

There seemed to be a smile on the head of the red dragon, which made Angel feel vaguely ominous, and then he heard the red dragon say, "Because, you may have a little pain next, If you can't hold your heart firmly to maintain your will, hehe ... "

In Red Dragon's seemingly unpleasant laughter, Angel forced himself to calm down and try to recall the source of his desire for strength according to Red Dragon's words.

While the complex rune array slowly emerged in front of the Red Dragon, Angel's soul seemed to be stimulated for a while, as if countless memories turned into concrete scenes before him.

The scorner's contempt for him as a mortal, the rejection of the tribe that cannot be addressed by normal relatives, the pain and despair of family blood experiments, the physical and mental numbness when used as a sacrifice ...

The power of magic penetrated the bodies of Angel and Black Dragon, and countless mysterious and invisible human runes were deeply inscribed into their cells.

Unparalleled sourness, tingling, and numbness swept through Angel's soul like a tsunami. He instantly lost his five senses and his inductive connection to his body, as if his body had completely melted and lost his form.

Only the turbulent, infinite, and pervasive pain was crushing his soul like an episcopal crumb.

But in this terrible chaos that almost made Angel lose his ability to think, the salty voice of the Red Dragon still penetrated like a sharp sword, deeply imprinted in his soul--

"Pain is just a hallucination, a signal from a neural reflex, and its existence is very necessary ...

"Because your brain and soul rely on this series of signals to recognize and control your body, you cannot know what happened to your body without pain ...

"The current pain will allow you to form a new instinct and reflection in the transformation of the body, and your soul will adapt to the new limbs and abilities, so that you will not be disconnected from the spiritual flesh ...

"This outside-in process is also to avoid directly distorting your soul, um, although it is also because I don't have the ability to directly interfere with the real name ..."

Relying on the red dragon's clear words like a pillar of a house in the ocean of pain, Anger, who was firmly in his heart, barely supported him, and thanks to his past many painful bloodline experiments, otherwise he would definitely be in the first place. It broke down in a moment.

In the reality that Angel cannot see, his body has been deeply embedded in the black dragon's body. The blood vessels of the black dragon have penetrated his skin and are directly connected to him. His musculoskeletons are constantly twisting and changing. There is a subtle reaction to the surrounding black dragon flesh.

The thick blood of the black dragon connects Angel and the remains of the black dragon. Angel's brain and soul are resonating little by little towards the deepest part of the black dragon cells.

"It's a matter of time to get here. I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. Sure enough, the dragons here are as expected ..."

After reintegrating the black dragon's genes in the microscopic field, and connecting Angel's consciousness with the black dragon's genes and soul-related links, the red dragon looked at the black dragon's body that became a hatchery under its own magic. Nodded thoughtfully.

Lacey on the sidelines saw the Red Dragon stopped manipulating and leaned in curiously. The miniature Ivy that emerged from her shoulder asked Red Dragon: "The adult dragons are legends. If this human being is truly fully integrated, With the body of this black dragon, will he be promoted directly to the legend? "

"Not necessarily. The level of legend is a bit special. The power of real name is not simply a physical strength to reach ..."

Red Dragon glanced at Mini Ivey, and he knew that the elf who had not yet promoted the legend had some ideas about it: "This transformation experiment itself is partly exploring why the dragon is a legendary species and see Angel's transformation The results can also be rewarded ...

"It turned out that I had a project to study whether the elves could be turned into legendary species, but your elves have developed from plant fruits. The genetic structure and the dragon are too different. Many places have no way to learn from them and can only put them on hold.

"... why is human beings compatible with the dragon?" Ivey muttered with dissatisfaction.

The red dragon smiled and said: "Dragon blood is not eroded. Even dogheads can be dragon warlocks. Humans and elves are the difference between animals and plants in terms of dragon blood sex. You see Lacey's current The body is out of the category of ordinary elves, and her genetic structure is closer to that of the dragon and humans. "

The mentioned Lacey glanced down at her chest, and glanced at Ivy on her shoulder, which was the same as that of her chest after balancing the blood. She could not help but sigh complexly-just for the body. In other words, they are indeed not pure Elves anymore.

After thinking about it, Lacey turned the topic to another aspect, and she hesitated to ask: "Master Casa, are you sure you want to spread the faith on the human side? If you need to gather the faith to hold the seat of the gods up, our elves are not more Does it fit?"

In response to this, the red dragon swayed its head slightly, and then groaned for a while before saying: "For some reason, I decided to use the current divine realm to achieve the true god. There was no **** watching on the head of the elven tribe. I also Inadvertently took the elven civilization on the right track to conduct early belief experiments, and ...

"If you look at Ivey, you know that it is very difficult for Changsheng to change my mind and produce some contradictory beliefs like mine. And in your initial success, I think there are reasons for your personality in addition to resonance."

Your original character? Lacey recalled it, and then stuck her tongue out a bit awkwardly-was it straight or straight?

"Is it easier for humans to establish such troublesome beliefs?" Ai Wei said politely, "I think at least we must fully control our own soul changes in order to establish a rational and objective faith connection with your cooperation ...

"Even if the soul-control professions are concerned, I am afraid that people in other occupation types have to reach the legend to be able to do this. I don't think that humans can reach this stage more easily than the elves. The percentage of our elves' mage is so low. Human beings want to develop to a level where you can spread your faith. I don't know how long it will take. "

"Indeed, under the condition that the IQ threshold of the technology tree is too high, it is a big problem that the real name restricts the emergence of the universal IQ upgrade spell," Red Dragon nodded. "Humans are not like your elves. Adults can awaken personal magic, they don't have so many convenient tools ...

"You can directly jump into the information age. The human side is still struggling to survive in the city-state society. There is the real name of the restraint and the attention of the gods. The wisdom and civilization of other planes may not be much better ..."

After all, whatever the name of the **** of faith in this world, in the end, it is necessary to obtain the real name authority corresponding to life to create divine power.

Just like the God of Forging and Furnace also needs the faith of a true believer, the forging behavior in the world can only provide him with some unstable divine power and cannot support his existence. Therefore, the belief in God and the development of civilization and technological climbing exist fundamentally. contradiction.

After a pause, Red Dragon sighed softly: "Faith-related experiments will be more convenient after I have obtained the ability to interfere with real names, so I will find ways to become a **** ...

"In the information obtained from Reinhardt's vampire, the demigod wants to be a deity ~ www.readwn.com ~ It also requires at least a thousand believers who truly practice the Word of God, in my divinity It is really troublesome for the field to get this original accumulation ... "

"Don't you say that there are other ways to enhance the real name authority to achieve the oracle?" Lacey asked suddenly after thinking about it.

"Do you remember that early thing?" Red Dragon glanced at Lacey, then explained, "The type of channel information is very little, and it involves the source of the rune function. From my current research results, that I do n’t know if the method of promotion is called Rune God or Rule God. It takes a lot of time ...

"The length of this time depends on the mechanism of the world itself. The best time for promotion is at the peak of the tide of the elements and the epoch alternates, but at that time I don't know what it will be. Many things will be a little late at that time."

Elemental peaks, alternate epochs, overlapping planes, gods coming ...

Recalling the series of prophecies of the High Priest, Lacey and Ivey nodded at the same time.

As the Red Dragon and his followers discussed, the corpse of the Black Dragon had condensed into a small mass of meat. The meat mass, like eggs, was slowly and periodically vibrating, and the things it had nurtured had gradually taken shape.

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