Uplifting Journey

Chapter 385: Gao Wei indirectly contacts and visits old friends who do not answer the phone

A black dragon with black scales, about one meter long, tore the flexible placenta and struggled out of the flesh and blood eggs condensed by the king of poisonous marsh.

The vertical pupil protected by several layers of films with different functions blinked. The black baby dragon turned around and looked around a little, then was taken aback by a crimson unicorn dragon head.

The Red Dragon moved his neck and retracted his head, staring at Angel, who was still a little confused, and said, "... Successfully, the dragon's body and human consciousness ... the soul and real name are not a little unstable and disconnected. The phenomenon."

Although it is a black dragon larva, Angel's body contains the power of the king of poisonous marsh. As long as his will is stable and gradually adapted, he can quickly dig it out, and it will not be difficult to change back to a human shape. After all, transformation Capability has been implanted in his instinct.

After looking at the young black dragon emerging from the broken egg, Cheng Bin recalled the relevant data of the elven larvae that had encountered the dragon wing once born at the elven plane, and compared the observational data of Angel's transformation experiments A moment.

The existence of the Dragonwing Elf larvae is evidence that the true name contains potential information and interferes with the soul and bloodline in the opposite direction, which means that the race of life does not depend entirely on its genetic bloodline.

Coupled with the fact that Angel's real name is perfectly connected with the dragon's body and soul, Cheng Bin has explored some rules and interfaces on the real name level, and has vague conjectures about the increasingly scattered situation of the dragon.

"A long time ago, I used the incarnation Zerg's nest to hatch the dragon legion as a killer, but from the perspective of the dragon clan created by the dragon **** Io, it is said that the early unity is now scattered, but this kind of large-scale violent acts may exist. Very high risk ... "

Let Lacey, who received the documentation of the Black Dragon's transformation experiment from the connection of beliefs, explain the current situation to the shocked Angel, while Cheng Bin himself was lost in thought.

"Real names existed before life. The gods have the ability to create direct races, but they cannot fully control the mechanism of empowering real names in life. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve absolute control of large-scale direct races, causing a series of problems. ..

"In this case, it is very risky to directly create a large number of high-level direct races, or self-cloning to stack belief bases. I do n’t have the power of a quantum avatar to anchor the results ...

"Without going through the chaotic choices of the mystery of the womb, the unnatural, spawned life will have various changes under the guidance of the real name. It is too unreliable as far as the cornerstone of faith is concerned, but it only controls the seeds at the beginning. Let it be baptized into a natural race by reincarnation, and the goal of the design at the beginning becomes completely different.

"Unless ... kill most of the intelligent life in the world, there is only one mainstream race and its number and form are maintained for a long time, then the hidden information of the real name will be gradually washed and replaced by this race ...

"If you want to become a god, you must first test these conjectures. It's time to talk to a god."

Cheng Bin, who made a decision, glanced at Lacey and determined that Angel had embarked on the right path under Lacey's guidance and grown to a youth with self-insurance ability. The form instinct, after adapting to the human form, threw Lacey a claw on his back, his wings flew towards the sky.

As an experimental item of the legendary species experiment, Angel, dressed in a black robe of dragon scales, stands barefoot on the sunken ground, looking up at the red dragon with complex eyes.

It wasn't until his figure shrank and broke through the clouds that he looked back.

Looking at the city far away, and then looking down at his hands, Angell said with a dreamlike look on his face: "Is this the end?"

There is no plundering of wealth, no wanton slaughter, no desire to disrupt human urban order.

As a chaotic and evil dragon species that enjoys burning and destruction, that red dragon's performance has subverted Angel's common sense.

"... In short, the result is good luck."

With the excellent eyesight of the dragon, Angel could clearly see the human expressions on the city head who were relieved after seeing the red dragon disappear. He dropped his hands and remembered his past experience, and sighed and laughed lightly. stand up.

Although suffering a bit of torture, the experiment gave him the power to protect and change things, as Red Dragon said.

"But the minions and breath of the dragon are far from being real power ..."

Recalling the exceptionally clear black dragon transformation experiment records and related knowledge that are engraved in the body and mind by the words and pain of the Red Dragon, Angelo said to himself while walking towards the city:

"Knowledge is power, and it is a real power that can be chased by everyone like me, I want to be a mage ...

"Wisdom and truth, contradictory beliefs ... Lord Casa ..."


In the cold high wind, Lacey, whose hair was pulled to the back of her head, slammed the red dragon's scales, and shouted to the red dragon flying at subsonic speed: "Master Casa, where are we going? Why not just pass it on? "

The red dragon, scanning the ground with a highly extended perception, slowed down the flight speed. He turned his neck and glanced at Lacey who was holding his hair. Then he turned back to the dragon and said casually: The message confirms which temples of gods are on this plane ...

"If the ideal contact target in the plan is not in this plane, we can only talk to an old friend first."

Lacey, who casually communicated with the demigod dragon she believed in, had completely lost her fear of the gods, and she asked with some curiosity: "Old friend? When did you know the gods in this world?"

The red dragon sweeping his eyes on the earth said: "Old friends, you are also very familiar, that is the source of my initial deity, that dwarf blacksmith, although his behavior was not very friendly when first contacted, but from the subsequent divine research Judging by the results, he still has a little goodwill. "

Moreover, the other party seems to have a special knowledge of the identity of the outsider, and he must know a lot of useful information.

Although ... the other party refused to answer the phone when he tried to call God's name.

"Blacksmith? God of forging and melting furnace?" Lacey paused for a moment, then curiously, "Which **** is the ideal target for contact?"

"You should have guessed this?" Red Dragon smiled. "Dior's travel records vaguely mentioned that the church of the **** of knowledge exists in some planes of this world. Of course, it is quite equivalent to me. Ideal priority target. "

After speaking, Red Dragon paused, and the flying body stopped completely in mid-air. He sighed in suspension: "However, they haven't heard of the existence of this god. I haven't been in this position after flying around for a while. When you find the trace of the god, it seems that the temple of the **** of knowledge is in another plane. "

"So lord, are you going to find the God of Blacksmithing and Furnace now?" Lacey rationalized her long hair that was disturbed by the wind, and asked cautiously, "Will there be no conflict? God-level battle, I worry about myself It will drag you down. "

"It's okay," said Red Dragon indifferently. "After playing against the demigod vampire, I have a deep understanding of the power that the **** can exert on the material level, and then ..."

After being silent for a while, Red Dragon didn't say the next words.

——Furthermore, if I do not have high-dimensional senses, I naturally do not have the consciousness of quantum avatar clusters. I have a high perspective and stand on the world line.

Looking back at some elves who were curious but not questioned on his back, Red Dragon thought silently-as long as he discards the concerns that the Infinite Lord perceives and directly smashes the field with high-dimensional interference, this information-level world cannot be protected by him. people.

The pursuit of the trace of the Infinite Lord is a long confrontation at a high-dimensional level, and it is not completely determined by the red dragon within a point on a world line of this information virtual world. There is no need to distort it because of concerns outside the scope of vision and ability. Your own will.

You can see things as far as you can see, and different perspectives have different choices. No matter how the information input and output change, as long as the core algorithm of the soul remains the same-just like in the information domain of the outer domain of the World No. 2 gladiatorial field, the past I feel the same about my future self.

As for his current state of mind and choice is incorrect ... Red Dragon believes that the quantum avatar cluster overlooking the world behind him must have deep control and there is no possibility of himself tossing himself.

After a silent sigh, Red Dragon snorted and said to Lacey, "Anyway, I'm the only believer in you."

The elf on the dragon's back heard a bit uncomfortable and tilted his head, and then he laughed twice.


In a high dimension outside the world, the scale of the quantum avatar cluster that has not been enlarged many times is unknown. Cheng Bin's subjective consciousness looked at the red dragon's imaginary world line that constantly twisted and changed like a python.

The imaginary world of information extracted from the red dragon's Casa as a base point. After he puts the special soul seed for the first time, the world line will theoretically change into a fixed shape, and he can directly observe the red dragon in the time axis. The final look downstream.

After launching the anchor of the Red Dragon at the beginning, he did collect a lot of useful information on the timeline of the influence of the Red Dragon, but when he had some confidence and continued to put in an intervention to adjust the experience of the Red Dragon based on the obtained information, Unusual disturbances gradually began to appear.

The current world line presents a continuously distorted appearance, which indicates that the controller of the real world line behind this information virtual world, the high-dimensional life "world tree" that has been stolen by the infinite Lord from a low-dimensional aspect Detected the invasion of the Red Dragon and began to respond.

This contact through the low-dimensional world is originally a way to maintain a safe communication between high-dimensional life. Cheng Bin was not surprised by the changing world line. He was interested in the countermeasures of the other party. You can judge the information the other party wants to express, just like the other party learned some of his information through the Red Dragon.

However, Cheng Bin felt a little surprised where the World Tree started and how to change the world line—the other party actually interfered with Red Dragon directly through his real name interference.

Although the moving hands and feet are not large, it is very natural. For Red Dragon itself, the interference does not seem to carry any malicious intentions, but ...

"It's too blunt ... Although the method is too rough to attack, but this behavior has a certain probability to anger some high-dimensional life? Is he aware that I don't care about such things behind the Red Dragon?"

Looking at a red dragon on a certain world line that made more biased choices due to a slight increase in independence in self-cognition, Cheng Bin's response to the World Tree was quite surprised-this approach goes deeper. It's almost the same thing as the Lord of Infinity dug people to create reincarnation.

In Dr. Cheng's mouth, Cheng Bin knows how the Lord of Infinite uses various methods to guide the reincarnation and the God Eater to develop in their desired direction, even if it is a mandatory task with an eradication punishment, it is also biased in the task content Reincarnation's own likes and dislikes.

Therefore, people who perform tasks that conform to their three perspectives in continuous reincarnation often unknowingly and naturally undergo a complete conscious change. Although the interference of the world tree on the awareness of the Red Dragon is more slight, it is essentially the same.

If it wasn't for World Tree not trying to isolate Red Dragon and Cheng Bin, but for the frankness of all interference, he would have thought that the other party wanted to learn from the infinite master.

Although the Red Dragon can be put back on track in motion, after all, this is also a natural change possibility of Red Dragon's own consciousness. Cheng Bin has no special opinion on this, as long as the core algorithm does not deviate from the ultimate pursuit. He will not distort the low-dimensional individuals associated with himself.

After shaking his head secretly, Cheng Bin chuckled in his heart: "I even try to keep the low-dimensional and parallel individuals as independent as possible and issue a system of knowledge seekers, urging them to take a journey of ascending dimension. the difference?

"However, from the perspective of interference methods, the other party seems to have a high-dimensional interference force, but the sense of perspective is more inclined to a low-dimensional existence ... If the actual world line over there is the only one with a high degree of convergence, then the other party is also a pseudo High-dimensional life? "

The definition of pseudo-high-dimensional life has been refreshed and upgraded several times in Cheng Bin's heart. Now he is more inclined to high-dimensional gods who, like the system, take ownership over consciousness and close the world line. The purpose is to enhance strength rather than practice the road. The demon is called a pseudo-high-dimensional life.

However, if this standard card is too strict, all high-dimensional gods and demons are regarded as pseudo-high-dimensional life, except that the consciousness penetrates all dimensions of the quantum bubble and exists in the roots of the universe. Cheng Bin himself and the system are no exception. , So still can't be too real.

In the indirect contact through the Red Dragon, Cheng Bin gradually recognized the power operation form of the world tree. He precisely controlled himself and the system to support the power of the virtual world of information, so that the turbulent changing world line could interfere with each other. Gradually gaining a new balance.

However, in the world line where the range of change is gradually shrinking, there are always some places that cannot be truly stabilized. Cheng Bin's eyes have not gone deep into those places-

That is the realization of the nails of other high-dimensional life buried in the world line of the world tree in the virtual world of information. Digging deeper into these things in high dimensions is more and more like digging in his own inner area. Like the Psionic Energy of StarCraft's Inland Sixth World, it means that it may not touch anyone and cause any unexpected changes.

Change the development of the world line, and let the low-dimensional red dragon contact the information silhouettes of those nails, and get some surface information.

"But in addition to the familiar dragon god, the information that imitates the skeletons in the Naruto world is also available in the World Tree. At that time, I remember the history and genes of the plant civilization in Skeleton ... I also had a considerable degree of power before. I just do n’t know why the world tree touched the skeleton. Are they all tree-shaped? ”

Cheng Bin, who was doing a variety of complicated work at the same time, took back a little attention from Red Dragon and continued to ponder the problems in the dimension higher than the world——

Resist the erosion of the system's internal domain by the Lord of Infinite, and interact with the system's souls in the virtual world of information, guide the growth of many low-dimensional parallel individuals, control the diffusion and optimization of the quantum avatar cluster, and deduct high-dimensional soul models to prepare for dimensional improvement experiments. ..

Before positioning the Lord of Infinite through the Red Dragon, he still has a lot to do ...


The city built above the flames and lava is full of faint metallic colors, and the huge gears seen everywhere are slowly turning, showing the unique architectural aesthetics of the dwarves.

In the slightly blazing sun, two sharp-eared elves, who are extremely beautiful in terms of human aesthetics, came to the towering door of this metal city under the curious eyes frequently turning around.

The red dragon Cheng Bin in the shape of a silver-haired elf looked at the dwarf figures who were standing in front of the heavy city gates and covered with thick magic armor except his face, and then looked at the races who entered the city in front of himself. People.

It is also a city-state. This dwarf city has far more scientific and technological strength or liveliness than the one on Angle's side, but because it accounts for the vast majority of the dwarf's aesthetics and the human spirit is quite different, it has converged Lacey is not as difficult as walking in a human city.

After releasing a little magic power, following the information previously observed, he squeezed out a handful of material that should be coins and gave it to the dwarf by the door. Cheng Bin and Lacey slowly passed through the door hole more than ten meters long.

Just stepping into the city, a faint roar came from the distance on the right side. Cheng Bin turned his head and glanced at the faint white fog and fire light over there. He looked back and looked at the surrounding faces without changing colors, or even his head. Turning over the dwarf, he could not help but shake his head and sighed:

"I should have thought about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ The style of the world's elves has become problematic and becomes a sexless creature. How could the dwarf be as expected? The dwarf here feels more like a dwarf in the west fantasy. A combination with goblin ... "

The perception extended on the basis of the demigod was enough to allow him to see at a glance the elemental reaction of the city's deepest. The dwarf city built on the crater, using the volcanic vein element nodes to create a continuous magic, and then using flames and steam as The medium transforms it into various mechanical energy, driving the operation of this huge city.

This city stacked by layers of ingenious mechanical devices is like a mechanical life breathing.

Having been living on the plane surrounded by plants, Lacey has never seen this unique metal-mechanical style rise with interest. She patted Cheng Bin's shoulder and took a lot of handmade change from him, and then brought Ivy, who was just as curious as his face, went out to explore.

Looking at the thriving back of his followers, Cheng Bin shook his head, and then cast his eyes on the tallest building in the city—

On the temple square of the God of Forging and Furnace, a huge dwarf statue with a handle of a hammer is overlooking the city majesticly.

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