Uplifting Journey

Chapter 391: Soul War and High Entropy Demon

The thoughtful Ivey was startled by Red Dragon's throat, and she took note of the points that Red Dragon said carefully after returning to her mind, and then disbanded her body with a sense of determination and mission.

Lacey, who was listening to Red Dragon's intention, was a little surprised, and she couldn't help but ask, "Is this really okay?"

"Relax, if it goes well, it is possible for Ivey to break through the legend and soar to the level of demigod." Cheng Bin, who coughed, shifted the topic. "Lacey, you take this in case."

Looking at the light spot flying in front of her from the red dragon scale armor, Lacey subconsciously and carefully observed it, but she was almost haloed by the extremely complicated dynamic structure inside the light spot. She felt familiar with her uncertain way. :"this is..."

"My divinity," Cheng Bin replied, "After learning something from the dwarves, the progress of the project of copying divinity has been greatly promoted. Now that the results have been used, you first need to merge them according to the instructions, and add some spirit. Resistance, and then we can blame. "

Strange words like opening strange things are not difficult for Lacey, who has a faith connection. She uttered a glance, glanced at the instruction manual sent by the red dragon, and raised her hand to pinch the light point to incorporate it into her own. in vivo.

After the soul merged with the red dragon's divinity, Lacey suddenly felt that some of the ethereal belief connections became extremely clear at hand, and then she saw the behavior of the red dragon through this belief connection.

Ivy's real name was motivated by the Red Dragon, and the two were linked together through the back door opened by Divine Slime, and extremely precise adjustments were made in a very short time.

After being carefully prepared, Cheng Bin let go of his hands and feet, and returned to the main body of the surrounding soul, giving the Divine Slime a rough round of mental storm.

The Slim's soul, which was greatly touched, has undergone drastic changes, and what is suspected of contract has sent the change through Slim's real name interface.

The next moment, chaotic and evil thoughts penetrated the soul core of Divine Slime along the real name contract, and collided with Cheng Bin's consciousness, which also invaded.

The collision at the soul level is silent, but the waves that have shaken have shaken the whole plane's spiritual world. If it is not for this plane, there is only a slime life. I am afraid that all the existence of souls in a wide range will have a spiritual breakdown and become vegetative. danger.

Lacey, who had maintained a close faith connection with the Red Dragon, was completely empty of head. Even if she had a divine and stable mind that blended with the soul, she was almost defeated by the aftermath of the soul shock.

The red dragon flying high in the sky distracted his eyes, and the magical nature of the magical nature began to appear in the divine slime. He sent a signal to Ivy with a real name, and then put most of his mind into the violent level of the soul. In the war.

Just as two hackers invaded a host at the same time and desperately seized resources to mine opponents' information, the soul of Divine Slime was regarded as a battlefield, and two uninvited guys were attacking and defending madly at this level. His huge body twists and twitches every moment.

According to common sense, Cheng Bin, who uses Soul Master as his profession, should be able to easily perform technical crushing in spiritual battles by relying on his own vision experience and micro-control.

As long as the operation of the enemy's soul is still within Cheng Bin's cognitive level, even if there is a huge gap in quality, the enemy's spiritual defense will collapse instantly in front of his pervasive and impeccable soul dominance.

But the fact is that the existence that was hidden behind the divine slime, the frontal and Cheng Bin, even stubbornly resisted, and the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while.

"This, what kind of soul is this? It's crazy ..." Lacey, who barely observes the situation through the connection of faith, only feels dazzled and knows the power of the Red Dragon of her faith very much. She feels about the current situation in the spiritual world. Cannot understand.

In the layered filtering vision, Lacey can see the red dragon's spiritual symbol like sunlight and the pervasive thinking erosion of the mercury diarrhea, which dominates most of the soul of Divine Slime.

But at the other end, the chaotic and evil thoughts are raging like a dark storm. Although every point of its power in contact with the sun is crumbling, the idea seems to be the manifestation of destruction itself, and the constant destruction has no effect at all. Its macro operation.

It's just that I don't know how many layers of protection and filtering, and watching the storm symbolizing chaos and destruction, Lacey feels that her spirit is twisted and twisted a little bit, and chaotic negative thoughts are accompanied by uncontrollable anxiety and frenzy. Up.

Relying on the magic of destiny and soul, Lacey suddenly reset a part of the basis of her spiritual operation from the material level, and in the blankness of her mind, she got rid of the dilemma of thinking into an infinite loop of dead end.

As if awakened from a nightmare, Lacey's spirit recovered for a while before she recovered her ability to think normally. She recalled the chaotic idea full of contradictions and misunderstandings that she had seen earlier than Slime. Suddenly I felt a little bit worried.

Compared with Lacey, who was watching indirectly, Cheng Bin, who directly collided with the idea that came in along the contract, felt even deeper.

He couldn't even conclude for a moment that the thing on the other side was a life, because all the internal details shown by him did not have the logical structure possessed by a general intelligent life, but it also reflected a kind of life in external actions. Regularity.

This chaotic life supported by billions of coincidences may at any time self-collapse, disintegrate and destroy. The force fighting Cheng Bin directly is only a small part of its numerous internal conflicts.

It's almost like a chaotic system with high-dimensional interference forces at all times. The probabilistic microstructure supports a stable macro system.

Cheng Bin can be sure that the other party does not have something similar to high-dimensional interference to maintain its own existence, but the real name power of this world is very similar to high-dimensional interference in some level, and it is not impossible to have such a miracle of life of.

This kind of life that is contrary to common sense makes Cheng Bin can't help but think of the Devourer of the World on the high-dimensional battlefield of SCP.

"Is this the demon from the roots of the world's roots in Morriegan's mouth? This guy has almost the ability to approach the gods, I don't know if it is the demon lord of the abyss ..."

Cheng Bin, who has obtained a lot of information from the God of Forging and Forge, quickly guessed the origin of the other party, and the change of the material elements corresponding to the soul of Divine Slime infected by the other party also indirectly confirmed this.

Just as the elements flow through the thousands of planes close to the main plane, an orderly consumed element gradually shows a chaos that is completely different from the trunk of the world in the infestation of demon ideas. Nature has enriched Cheng Bin's local knowledge system from another angle.

"It's almost like 'entropy' at the level of element properties. So the main plane is the key node for the change of element properties? In the plane that goes to the root system of the world, the nature of the element itself changes in the direction of increasing entropy. ? "

After obsessively observing the changes in the elements of Slime's body for a while, Cheng Bin, who started to build a special behavior model for the devil, gradually stabilized his position. He took the time to experiment with his real name and magic power on the newly discovered elements. characteristic.

After conducting a large number of small experiments on elements, Cheng Bin found that the entropy increase phenomenon cannot be reversed by the reaction of the element itself. Only the interference from the real name can distort and reduce the entropy attribute of the element like a modifier.

"The immortal gods, who have gathered the real names and powers of thousands of souls, have the obligation to maintain the stable operation of the world, and fight eternal battles with the demons on the other side of the world ... What Morrigan said, I now probably understand What does it mean, but some specific situations need to be verified after becoming a god. "

After completing the element entropy attribute experiment, Cheng Bin relied on ultra-high computing power to build a large number of planes composed of elements with different levels of entropy attributes in the soul, adjusted the time scale, and began to rapidly advance these virtual planes for nature. Derivation.

The higher the entropy attribute that represents the degree of chaos, the more weird the physical properties of the element itself. The planes simulated in Cheng Bin's mind, the most chaotic ones are comparable to the ever-expanding shining world like the hometown of civilization. Already.

In the fierce war of spiritual erosion, a large number of minds were allocated for the evolution of the plane. Naturally, they were not doing nothing.

Cheng Bin with a clear purpose constantly adjusted the structure and elemental composition of the plane according to the deduction results of the simulated plane. Soon, in a chaotic simulated plane, an information structure capable of self-sustaining for a short time gradually began to appear.

Referring to the demon behavior model summarized in the current soul war, Cheng Bin screened and adjusted the simulation plane in his heart over and over again. Finally, in a chaotic simulation plane, a demon-like existence that can be called life appeared. .

Although in the high entropy environment, these special chaotic lives born in coincidence and miracles can often only persist for a short period of time. Although the deep changes in the real name level cannot be explored in the simulation plane, it is also sufficient for Cheng Bin to obtain this. This is a specific data to simulate the special body shape and soul algorithm of the devil.

With specific reference objects, Cheng Bin developed a mental intervention technique for the special souls of demons on the spot. In the sorrow of infinite data demons, he destroyed the series of simulated planes that he had stored and diverted his attention to the soul. The battlefield suddenly changed his own offensive and defensive methods.

The stalemate in Divine Slime's soul was instantly broken, and the chaotic and evil thoughts began to melt and disappear as if they encountered sunlight and snow.

It seems to be aware of the badness, the violent demonic idea shrinks in an instant and wants to sever a part of the entangled spirit like a gecko's tail, so as to free the core subject from the soul of Divine Slime along the contract path of real name.

Although the loss will be eroded by the demons, the consequences will be unpredictable, but winning the battle for the soul has no meaning to Cheng Bin. He has not been able to invade along the obvious one-way contract. Go to the other end of the unknown.

And completely eradicating this part of the soul power invested by the devil is also irrelevant to the demon body at the other end of the contract.

Therefore, Cheng Bin only wanted the information contained in the ideas that the other party paid attention to. He launched a pre-prepared secret hand before the demon idea fell into a disadvantage to prepare to run away or self-destruct: "Ivey!"

The soul was regarded as a deity in the battlefield. Slime was already half dead, and even the huge body that occupied the entire plane was turned into a water-like material and could not move.

But after Cheng Bin's words of soul, subtle changes occurred in the core of Slim's **** joint with his real name, and the original demonic consciousness contracted and restrained suddenly fell into a halt as if it was stuck.

Although this kind of operation of pulling the network cable on the real name contract can only be maintained for a brief moment, this is enough for Cheng Bin, who has prepared in advance, to give up his defense and crush the past, crushing the demon's idea car into pieces.

Cheng Bin, who defeated the demon consciousness and reproduced a large amount of information, did not immediately count the gains. He repeatedly swept the soul of the divine slime several times, and ran nonstop to control the body of the red dragon and rushed to the core of slime to control After knowing his soul carrier and divinity, he was slightly relieved.

After staying in the deepest part of the azure ocean for a while, after observing the change of the soul core of Divine Slime, Cheng Bin soared all the way back to the position close to the plane barrier and checked the situation of the astral channel.

"Is it true that the space-level anchors at the level of the gods were released in accordance with the contract positioning ..." After observing that the blockade has begun to loosen, Cheng Bin thought for a while, then began to examine himself from the demon's thoughts. Come here.

Although the demon's chaotic soul is contrary to common sense, as long as the macro law of life is reflected, Cheng Bin can summarize the corresponding special logic. It is only a matter of time to transcode the information contained in the demon soul fragments.

At this time, the elves forgotten by the red dragon finally eased from the aftermath of the soul final battle and two high-speed charge.

"It is not good to have too deep a connection of faith, I hope Lord Casa can readjust after becoming a **** ..." Lacey, who had a headache, leaped forward and rushed out of the currently tilted red dragon neck, using her soul The line hooked the dragon scales everywhere to make a leap, and then came to the dragon head of the red dragon in his breath.

After shaking her hand in front of the vertical pupil of the suspended red dragon, Lacey, who did not get feedback, observed the connection of faith in her heart, combined with the detection of the red dragon's body to determine that there was no major problem in the battle for the soul. Only relieved.

Turning her attention back to herself ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lacey called Ai Wei with some worry, but received no response.

It seems that Ivey, who was originally integrated into himself due to the bloodline experiment, has disappeared, and some of the isolated and affiliated forces have been fully integrated into Lacey's own system.

"Don't shout, I'm here ..." Just as Lacey was so anxious to call, she finally heard in her ear a huge response with a little bit of resentment-a response from the outside world sound.

Lacey turned and looked in the direction of the loud voice, and saw the blue ocean that had lost its vitality moved again.

The condensed magic gathered in the central area of ​​the blue ocean, and a large swath of blue gradually raised, slowly turning into a full-length female blue body.

The blue giant lifted the crooked back a little bit hard, his head with sharp ears and long hair slowly lifted up, adjusted his posture after tilting back once, and turned the huge face to the red dragon's direction.

The red dragon, hundreds of meters in length, was not as big as the blue giant's eyes, and Lacey, who stood on the dragon's head, blinked and stared at the giant who almost burst her vision in front of her for a moment.

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