Uplifting Journey

Chapter 392: Slime Lady and the Holy Land of Knowledge Tallinn

"Is the devil's head full of paste? No, they don't have such a brain in the usual sense ..."

Pulling his head out of the analysis and research of the demonic soul fragments, Cheng Bin had to admit that trying to study the behavior of the demonic soul to obtain its memory may be a waste of life.

Although it can't be said that there is no gain at all, even if Cheng Bin has deduced and calculated the unique soul shape of the devil in advance, there is no way to obtain too much effective information from the intercepted demon idea.

From the body to the demon with a very high degree of confusion in the soul, there is no such thing as the memory and thinking of the general intelligent life. The soul that is constantly changing at all times loses its original meaning immediately after breaking away from the macro subject, which can be traced back. There are few things to restore.

"A little bit of background knowledge about World Tree Abyss from Morrigan is not a waste of effort ..."

After documenting the harvest, Cheng Bin turned his attention back to reality.

The red dragon suspended in the sky, a pair of vertical pupils just recovered, and their eyes were attracted by the blue giant screen sweeping around with the hurricane.

Cheng Bin, who turned his eyes, was full of blue. His pair of vertical pupils shrank a bit, and slightly adjusted the perception system to zoom out the angle of view, before he could see the full picture of the vast existence in the distance ahead.

Because the body is too bloated, can't even reveal the clothes and body details ... Cheng Bin looked at the blue giant who slowly moved his palms on the body, and asked her in the language of the soul. "Ivy, is there a problem with the power of the legendary real name?"

With one finger, Lacey, who had a half-length body popping up from her face and shouting something, shouted something, and Ivey shook her head carefully up and down under the huge inertia, and replied slightly bitterly: There is no problem outside the body of the seed. The magic power of using real names is very easy to handle, and it should be considered a successful promotion. "

Looking at Ai Wei who raised her upper body from the blue sea, Cheng Bin groaned and said to her: "The huge body of Divine Slime flooding the plane is a tool used by the devil to entangle and kill the power of the trapper. This form of winning by volume is not suitable for you ...

"Before becoming the real name power controlled by the gods, how to use the limited real name power to control more elemental magic is a very important issue. The deformation of spells is more suppressed on the subject plane. You need to study what kind of ability to keep. It's the most cost-effective with body size, of course, you can also consider staying here and gradually taking control of this huge body. "

Ivey, who had been chasing Lacey, naturally did not want to be alone. After she slightly shook her head, the huge blue giant's body began to shrink gradually, and the magic of the blue ocean that pervaded the entire plane also shrank a little and became more refined.

With the convergence of Ivey's magic, a large swath of blue ocean began to lose its activity and luster, and became a little bit of solidified gelatin.

The details of the blue giant's face and body structure became more and more clear as the body size shrinks. Obviously, Ivy intentionally carved Slim's body into the elven structure she was most familiar with.

Cheng Bin on the sidelines, only when Ivy's magic power was concentrated to a certain degree, he helped to adjust it, and rebuilt the central control system around the divinity rewritten by him, so that Ivey's magic scale and concentration were too high. Into an unstable big bomb.

The divine slime who established a contract with the devil, the original consciousness has long been eroded by the confusion of the demon's idea, and there is basically no thinking ability except some residual instincts, so before, Ivey helped with Cheng Bin from the inside There was no turbulence in the outward erosion replacement process.

After the intervention of the devil, Ivey's legendary real name gradually changed the magical nature of Divine Slime, and the gradually shrinking monochrome body began to change from blue to green more.

Although it is not the legend of the demon magic way to promote the destiny magic, Ivy can not achieve the perfect self-control to the soul like Lacey, but the bias of the plant attribute also makes the magic very stable.

If you ignore the twisting vibration caused by the figure's constant struggle in a green sol like a non-Newtonian fluid, it is indeed very stable.

After the Red Dragon followed the way down, and landed on the inactive stiff blue sea again, Ivy's body has been condensed into a pure green elf shape that is two meters high, as if a layer of external armor was placed on the chaotic Lai. West body.

After losing her huge body and her magic powers converged, Lacey finally broke free of the slime mother's grip, tearing her hands with magic power, pulling the green substance around her head to **** the fresh air, and then she stunned After a few voices, he shouted, "What are you doing, Ivey?"

The soft and sticky green substance stretched out countless tiny tentacles and wanted to push Lacey back again, but the struggling Lacey eventually cut off the block with the Soul Line after a round of magic broke out. Escape from hell.

"Well, although the original erosion and assimilation magic and plant attributes have some common points, the special abilities retained from the original body still need a certain amount of body magic to support ..."

The ragged green material was twisted and reunited, and it was shaped into a pure green Ivy within two strokes. Even the pantyhose, socks, and short bow were carved out, except for the color, it was almost invisible to the original elven body. What's the difference.

Ivy rolled her eyes, looked at Lacey who jumped over there to check whether there was slime on her body, and sighed regretfully, and then said innocently: "Lacey, you are not curious about me What's it like staying in your body? I just let you experience it for yourself ...

"Furthermore, you can also try the actual combat ability of this slime body. You, a legend, or a semi-god quasi-human saint, can't easily get rid of it. It can be seen that my current combat effectiveness is quite considerable. "

"Yeah," spit again, and Lacey, who almost didn't retaliate, yelled at Ivey. "That's why I didn't dare to fight hard because I was afraid of hurting your unstable core, right ?!"

Recalling the feeling of being trapped in a thick slime, Lacey couldn't help but take a nap. Although she relied on the magic system built by imitating her object of belief, she could not change the biomass at any time, but that It feels like the whole body is covered with creepy sticky substance ...

Facing the gray-faced Lacey, Ivey let out a hand and said, "Let's 'test' again?"

Lacey shook her head wildly.

Ivy sighed sadly, turned his eyes slightly closed, and whispered with a little tremolo: "I knew that you would hate what I am now ... but have you considered my feelings? I am also an elf, but now I want to stay in the body you hate ... "

"Wait, I, I didn't mean that ..." Lacey, who hadn't turned her head, leaned forward in two stuttering steps, reaching out to hold down Ivey's shoulder.

As a result, Ai Wei, who was back to Lacey, immediately laughed and burst her body apart, forming a green curtain and swallowing Lacey again. The two immediately began to struggle and rolled on the surface of the dead blue sea.

"Okay," the red dragon who watched a comedy next to him, stretched out his huge front paw and tapped his claws next to the two entangled elves. "If you do n’t like Ivy, I'll change it for you If you do n’t come back, the real-name power has been pried, and you wo n’t fall off the legendary realm when you change it back. "

In this regard, Ivy's body size has been suppressed several times by Ivy, and a half-length human body appeared to the red dragon. Slim's body feels OK, it is convenient to control, and it seems to have a wide range of uses. ...

In short, really fragrant.

After Lacey was tossed a little, she did not seriously resist, and in some indescribable pictures, Ivy, who was an incarnation of Slime Mother, parasitized into the dormitory familiarly ... Slim was in The talent for change-type spells is best shown by Ivy.

With the solidified part of the space-time magic in Lacey's body, Ivy will gather the huge body and magic state, and it will be relatively easy to maintain. After knowing this, Lacey sighed and confessed her fate. Forbidden soul magic, slightly adjusted her body and soul's instinctual senses and reactions to slime creatures.

-Isn't it just a bit of aversion to aesthetic and physical instincts? I can even change my soul operation!

After the dragon vein elves and slime elves had tossed, the red dragon who had studied the changes in the plane shook his head, and squeezed the two insincere guys with one claw to return to the road.

The remains of Divine Slime should be regarded as a treasure of heaven and earth enriched with certain elements, but unfortunately, the red dragon who can rub any material by hand does not look at this.

After the radiance of the astral transmission flashed, the blue plane was restored to calmness.

It wasn't until a long time ago that in this trapped trapped plane of coordinate instability, a group of leaping soft life was bred on the azure earth. These special slimes have different internal structures from other races of similar planes.

In the activities and contacts, a group of molluscs that had germinated wisdom gathered together, using the hill where Ivey finally condensed his body as a sacred place, and built a strange Slim group around the sacred place. Unique culture ...


The trunk of the world tree, the center of bright stars, the place where thousands of races meet, the land visited by the gods ...

The theme can have all kinds of praises, and naturally has its special place, but living in the constantly moving beings, only a few can realize this special place.

For ordinary people, the special place closest to them in the main plane and can feel everyday is that almost every deity has left a trace here.

Compared to the entire astral plane, it is not a vast plane, but there are churches of deities one after another. Faith on all sides is like a cobweb that binds all beings.

The widest audience's money, the right to take root in the royal court, the righteousness of walking around, the spirit deep in nature, the dark and evil blood sacrifice, the beliefs of various gods have penetrated into every corner of this plane.

In some areas of this plane, the intelligent life, even if there is no **** of faith, will even be regarded as a sin.

In the widespread cognition of the court, if life has no faith and there is no messenger of the gods to lead after death, the soul will be completely wiped out in infinite pain.

Only believers who are faithful enough or have contributed to the gods can go to the kingdom of the gods after death.

The level of conflicts and crises that governs the social system from slavery to parliamentary democracy under the control of net-like beliefs seems to keep running at the current pace forever.

Until one day, a demigod red dragon, with his only one and a half believers, broke through the plane barrier and came here.

On that day, except for some conscious existence, all the gods who focused on the main plane were aware of it, and the existence of a special field was even aware of some subtle changes in the long river of destiny.

Will there be any special events happening in the theme before the epoch changes? The gods successively issued oracles to the churches of the world, paying close attention to all information on the main plane.


The main plane also has the sun and the moon. The spatial structure and material distribution of the plane has many similarities to the plane where Cheng Bin saw the dwarven gods. If you break through the space-time maze where the height of the sun and the moon is, lower your head. You can see the earth's radian similar to the planet.

In this plane, the total area of ​​the ocean is only slightly larger than that of land, but the land is basically divided into small pieces, and only two parts with jagged edges are barely called continents.

In the corner of one of the continents, in a high-altitude plain, there is a sacred place that is sought by most clerics and scholars in the plane, that is, a perennial **** of knowledge that gathers countless knowledge and inspiration. Watching Tallinn.

As the name suggests, this is a huge city with a lot of tall towers and no walls.

Except where the Church of the God of Knowledge is located in the core of the city, each main tower inside the city represents a systematic discipline that summarizes a large amount of knowledge, or an independent academic organization or union ~ www.readwn.com ~ In addition to craftsmen and scholars, there are a large number of mages, bards and other casters in this city. Some towers are part of Tallinn ’s huge magic system, and some of them have powers that are even comparable to other planes. A powerful mage tower rare in a place.

Except for the location of the Church of the God of Magic, this city of Tallinn is the place with the highest density of casters in the main plane. However, because the doctrine of the God of Knowledge focuses only on knowledge and not on people, it is not binding. The casters gathered are actually scattered sands of different belongings.

As an independent and neutral force at the junction of the three kingdoms, Tallinn City is not only a place where many scholars gather, but also a place where many businessmen travel around. Its main roads, which extend far outside the city, have a steady stream of day and night Forerunner.

After reaching the main plane, Cheng Bin, after working on some small research projects for the main plane and solving the problem of environmental adaptability, formed the appearance of an elf from the prominent red dragon, while visiting the main plane. Come to this city.

However, on the wide road leading to Tallinn City, the silver-haired red-eyed elf wearing a unique black windbreaker found that he had encountered a chance, which was probably an "accidental" encounter that was deliberately arranged ...

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