Uplifting Journey

Chapter 401: Void creatures killed instantly

In the core hall of the Source of Light, Morrigan, the **** of forge and forge, and Tier, the **** of justice and courage, face each other.

Morrigan, who has been an incarnation because of certain plans related to the Red Dragon, sits on a temporary seat of God and pulls his beard, staring at the chaotic scene in the distant void outside the source of the Holy Light and muttering: " It was so straightforward, it was really ... "

Reckless? Head iron? Morrigan didn't know how to comment on Red Dragon's behavior.

Before the new gods formally ascended to the throne, they would search for deities allies according to their priesthood and alignment. In the grand announcement ceremony, they would rely on the help of their allies to spend the most dangerous time before and after becoming a god.

After all, the sensory perspective of the gods is very different from the life of the material world, and the new **** often takes a long time to adapt to the senses and power of the gods.

"It should be ... a kind of contempt," Tier glanced at the empty hall with only two incarnations of gods, sighing with his right hand rubbing the Warhammer handle, "perhaps for Casa, the period of weak adaptation before and after becoming a **** It doesn't exist at all, and those guys who pass by seem to be suffering. "

Tyre, who focused on observing the dynamics of the Red Dragon, had previously noticed the subtle changes in the priesthood of Ogma, the **** of knowledge. He thought that the Red Dragon and Ogmar had reached an agreement and would become gods under the care of the other party, so they intentionally helped The deities at the Red Dragon Station did not rush.

But I did not expect that Red Dragon Casa went out and went it alone.

Seeing that the rising stars in the void did not show any signs of shaking in the storm, Morrigan shook his head and sighed: "I have become a little skeptical of seeing her so relaxed, and our gods recognize the world Is there any problem with the angle? "

"Self-doubt is very deadly to the gods who gather the spiritual strength of sentient beings." Tir frowned, raising his voice to remind.

Morrigan nodded slightly: "I know, so when I see the Red Dragon Casa who manipulates his thinking at will, I will have such a sigh ..."

Tir nodded in agreement-the reason they got together was because of the new concept brought by the Red Dragon that originated outside the crystal wall system.

Although except for some social development concepts, Tyr didn't agree with Red Dragon's soul spells like "Kasa's modular mechanical mind", thinking that this seemingly clear-minded behavior is actually distorting his own nature. The mind changes its own ideas, but there is no way to deny the unique perspective and actual power it brings.

"Huh?" Morrigan suddenly turned his gaze and looked at the other end of the void, then sneered, "The shadow playing guy can't sit still."

God of Shadows? I remember that the semi-evil guy and Morrigan had a lot of conflicts in the past ... Tyle looked at the group wandering in the void near the star, and nodded thoughtfully: "The Red Dragon Casa's The words summarized by the priesthood are the 'knowledge seekers' derived from the 'knowledge' of Ogmar ...

"This priesthood based on human heart contains the meanings of observation and analysis, breaking the mist, and finding out the unknown. If the Red Dragon succeeds in ascending the god, the exclusive divine magic derived from his priesthood is quite unfriendly to the **** of shadows. After all, There are shadows, fogs, sneaks, conspiracies, etc. in that chaotic priesthood. "

"I'm going to stare at that guy," Morrigan stood up, and the scorpion behind him dissipated in a blink of an eye. "Let's contact me when your plans for the magic net are ready."

Immediately after the discourse, Morrigan's incarnation disappeared from the Hall of Sources of Light, apparently the trouble of gathering all consciousness back to the kingdom of God to prepare for the old enemy.

After Morrigan was gone, Detective held the Warhammer that had been with him since the mortal period, lifted it across an arc, and caught the upper end of the hammer head with his left hand.

The source of the Holy Light, formed by the close connection of many gods' kingdoms, suddenly and efficiently operated, and the tremendous power was focused in Tyre's hands. Standing up, he looked down at his dazzling warhammer, and then cast his gaze on Abyss area downstream of the theme plane.

An image that cannot describe the outline of the image is far deeper than the image of the **** of shadow in the void, and is slowly approaching the area corresponding to the main plane in the void.

"Is the demon lord ... the guy related to that slime? Although the expedition to the light of the abyss is not ready yet, I don't mind hammering a demon to sacrifice the flag ..."


Under the scour of the Netherstorm, Cheng Bin, while verifying his accumulated knowledge in the past, did a little experiment, slowly honing to move closer to his godhead.

At present, it seems that the special transformation process from Van to God can only be experienced this time in person. Cheng Bin does not want to let go of anything that can be studied, so he is not so anxious. Most of his energy is focused on his information and the physical body Observed, the speed of crossing the bridge of human and **** can be slow.

Although this speed is much faster than other new gods.

However, Cheng Bin, who was immersed in the research, was finally disturbed by some uninvited guests. He could only partly focus on the new troubles with a bit of unhappiness.

The level of the gods and real names, that is, the void in the usual sense, also has unique life outside the gods.

After all, this special information layer contains almost endless complex information changes, and it is not impossible to accidentally produce some information bodies with stable logic.

Moreover, many void creatures are weapons and derivatives made during the battle between gods.

In a short analogy, the void is a huge information Internet. The deities of the gods are actual servers. The priesthood supports the connection between the server and the network like a protocol. The void creatures live in the purely virtual data level of the network. virus.

If Cheng Bin, who is remotely controlling the server for data migration, is successfully eroded by these viruses, maybe the server will be directly occupied by the impostor virus, and it is not impossible for the void creature to make a false god.

However, this kind of extremely dangerous thing in the eyes of other new gods is just the same for Cheng Bin.

In the empty space that appears after information transformation according to the usual perspective of the gods, the dazzling star has no meaning to avoid, and the front face collides with the strange life surrounding it.

The front void creature couldn't wait to reach out its tentacles, effortlessly penetrated the seemingly unguarded shell of the photosphere, and began to learn information to crack its internal operating mechanism.

However, in the next instant, it is too late to analyze the harvest and transform its own form, and the void creature occupied by the next stage of erosion is suddenly pulled by an irresistible force. When the huge light ball is moved, it will be completely removed. Devour.

Seeing that there are no strange light **** on the surface, the vacant creatures with a certain wisdom have stagnated their bodies, seeming hesitant.

After a while, the light ball suddenly trembled again, vomiting out the void creature that had been swallowed up intact, but at this time the void creature had subtle changes from the inside to the outside.

Void creatures leaving the light sphere expanded and disintegrated in drastic information changes, and turned into a growing, densely packed body like a dark cloud, spreading at high speed in all directions. A few of the void creatures surrounding it could not avoid it. Driving these strange little things, some non-useable void creatures still bite up along the ingestion instinct.

The next moment, these void creatures followed in the footsteps of the previous one, and they collapsed and disintegrated without exception, spreading more dense and horrible viruses.

The exponentially expanding number of viral progeny has spread wildly. Void creatures that feed on pieces of information have no way of taking this targeted virus, and are slaughtered in no time.

After cruising around in the void storm for a while, without finding more erosion targets, they turned back to re-integrate into the light sphere, and fed back the information of the copied records.

"I don't even have the ability to replicate, spread and erode. What kind of network virus ..."

Just put a weird creature with a strange shape to come in for analysis and research. Cheng Bin just threw a bunch of genocide-level killing programs to wipe out the existence of these similar viruses. He looked at the program body and carried it back. After the information, we have a deeper understanding of the ecological environment of the void.

"The gods are a kind of information aggregate with a godhead server as a substantial carrier. Void creatures like the rootless duckweed are not a hierarchy. Such ordinary information interference should have nothing to do with them."

The process of thinking and calculation gradually shifted to Cheng Bin on the godhead. Some of them were unsuited to test the ideology built on a strange carrier. Then he accelerated the speed and completed several research projects at hand, and began the finishing work of the gods project.

The nova in the void hovered for a while after clearing the void creatures, and then suddenly rose at a rapid speed close to the speed of flash. Before other followers reacted, it was completely integrated into the crystal of the bright godhead with infinite aspects.

In the real world at the material level, Lacey was enveloped by an indescribable brightness. She looked up and saw the hundreds of meters of red dragon body little by little blended into the inexplicable brightness, the elements that make up her body. The magic disappeared completely in a way that did not conform to material rules.

Suddenly, Lacey shivered in her heart, then she bit her lip and thought, "The conversion between elemental matter and real name information ... The matter of this world really does not exist objectively, but Is some kind of data information simulation constructed? "

A little upset, Lacey found that the high ground covered with green plants suddenly trembled, and she suddenly received the anxious mental communication Ivy said: "There are really enemies coming, Lacey, don't be dazed! "

The returning Lacey responded and looked at the three-dimensional image of the feedback along the spiritual connection.

At this time, Ivey had swallowed a layer of land, and the entire body subsided a little, and became a camouflage state that seamlessly connected with the surrounding earth. However, the red light that was highlighted on the edge of Ivey's body in the desert and oasis was reproduced It was flashing densely.

Lacey, who got closer to the field of vision, saw the specific images of those light spots—that is, creatures with red stroke outlines, ranging from ordinary human figures to dragons.

"Looking at the breath and style, it seems that there are many believers of different gods. Where are the adults so many enemies ..." After seeing those inadequate intruders stepping directly into the land camouflaged by Ai Wei, Lacey muttered. Say to a friend, "Don't worry, wait for them to come in and do something."

"I know," Mother Slime felt the worms stepping on her body, and she held back the desire to swallow these guys, reminding Lacey, "Those who are really threatening are still watching, I don't know if they come What guys are good at, you need to strengthen your soul protection just in case. "

After Lacey agreed, Ivy turned his attention to the rune array in his body, and started to wake up various attack modules that had been debugged while waiting to warm up ...

In the void, as soon as the seeker Kasa officially became a deity and deity, the perfect combination of deities and deities, the evil gods who were preparing to pick up the mature fruits began to act.

The previous act of the New God slaughtering empty creatures in the air instantly made these foolish onlookers stunned. Although the real gods do not take the void creatures seriously, the new gods who have not yet completely ascended to the throne can easily do it. To this kind of thing, it shows that it is not as fragile as they originally thought.

However, this new **** ’s foundation of belief has never been seen before. As long as his belief link that recognizes and anchors the physical world is destroyed, it will not only cause fundamental damage to it, but many things will be much easier to handle. The evil gods have sent their followers of believers on the material level to surround themselves in the direction of the Red Dragon Weier believers.

At the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Riding on the rare opportunity that the new **** has not adapted to the power and perspective of the gods, and has no time to strengthen his own kingdom, a certain **** has given up a safe wait and waited to take his own hands-medium power The God of Shadows, because of the conflict and aversion brought by the priesthood, has directly promoted the operation of the kingdom of God, and is preparing to build a direct connection to launch a real divine war to win the seeker Casa.

The image of the new **** in the void is not completely stable, as determined by the large light bulb like the source of the holy light. Morrigan, holding the hammer, is looking at the changing direction with a beard across a long distance. Eroded the shadows of the past.

Although he has a holiday with the God of Shadow, he does not intend to go up and down in order to meet the shallow red dragon in this way-he feels that with the past performance of the Red Dragon, the action of the God of Shadow will never be so successful. Wait until the nasty guy gets stuck at a time when he can't move forward, and then hit the hammer from behind to attack it, the effect will be better.

And holding a similar idea to Morrigan, there are still a lot of fishermen who want to compete for fisherman clams. They either lack strength or have a lot of concerns. Anyway, they keep their distance and watch the first crab-eating one. The God of Shadows is waiting for the next change.

At the far end of the void, the dragon **** Io, who is the root of many deities' concerns and the peak of powerful divine power, slowly opened his eyes.

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