Uplifting Journey

Chapter 402: This is called fighting? You know nothing about true power 1

Just as Orgma whose priesthood is knowledge can sense the inspiration of knowledge in all lives in the Thousands of Planes, as the creator of the dragon clan, and the priesthood is the powerful divine power of the dragons, he can naturally sense it. All dragon-related things in the world, including everything that touches dragon blood.

Among them, the purer the blood of the dragon and the closer the soul form is to the life of the dragon soul, the stronger Aio's ability to sense and interfere with it.

The induction of a red dragon on the throne should be extremely strong in theory.

However, the touch of the dragon **** Io was very weak, and he knew exactly what it was--the red dragon is just an unknown camouflage form covered with dragon skin, let alone the soul related to the thinking mode, even the bloodline gene I don't know what it has been tampered with.

If it wasn't for the opponent's appearance of a red dragon, and he had actually been a red dragon, there would be a little connection in the long river of fate, and Io would probably have no sense at all.

But this is not why Io opened his eyes and stared at the shock of the gods.

You should know that when the civil war broke out in the past, and a large number of new dragon gods appeared, Io did not raise his eyelids and lie in his own sleep in the kingdom of the dragon kingdom.

The new red dragon seeker, Casa, why did he attract the direct attention of the dragon **** Io, who has not been moving for a long time? The gods of the shadow gods were surprised when they saw the sight from the dragon world.

Many onlookers were grateful that they had not rushed forward because of various concerns before-the dragon gods and the group of dragon gods who theoretically belonged to him were basically at the top of the world, and their lives must be offended.

However, the dragon **** Io just stared silently at the newborn **** attacked by the shadow god, without movement or speech, making it difficult for onlookers to speculate on his thoughts.


In the realm of immature kingdoms with no embryos, the shadow **** frowned along the gap eroded by his kingdom.

Appearing to resemble a human assassin, he also noticed the attention of the strong man from the top of the world outside of God, but his arrow was no longer able to return to the string, and he could only continue to storm with his head firmly.

The God of Shadows can only comfort himself in the bottom of his heart-anyway, his priesthood is concealed by stealth, can't he make it in the battle of the gods, can't he hide it?

The God of Shadow is waving and cutting with an unadorned inky black dagger. Each time the blade passes, it can tear a huge gap in the new kingdom of God, but strangely, except for the huge breach caused by the collision of two kingdoms of God, All the damage he caused disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The God of Shadows, who wanted to go in one go and go away, couldn't help but be a little anxious-wasn't this new god's priestly seeking knowledge? How to cut it is like some shameless healing system that is the source of the holy light, and you ca n’t see the actual damage when you hit it? Where does the new **** have so many divine powers to fight his attack and repair the broken kingdom of God?

Seeing the ever-changing blurry light and shadow of the core of the kingdom of God gradually formed the outline of a dragon, the **** of shadows knew that the weakest adaptation period of this **** was going to pass—is this too fast?

He thought it was a simple matter to kill an isolated, weak, divine power and **** the fusion of the formed goddess. He even thought about the use of the loot in advance-whether it was converted and used to enhance the source, or directly It is all kinds of lightheartedness to give a subordinate who has better sexuality to make a slave God.

But why is it so difficult?

"Damn ..." The **** of shadow swayed an angrily shadow and engulfed the gradually formed dragon shadow, but the next moment everything was restored, he couldn't help but said angrily, "What ghostly trick are you playing ?! Fight me! "

"Fight?" The gradually substantiated Red Dragon said with a little disappointment and sarcasm. "Setting the image of a human and holding a weapon in his hand to cut and stab almost mortal, is this the battle between the gods in your eyes? Are you Are you kidding me? I confess, I'm about to make fun of you. "

Cheng Bin did not have a default period of weakness for the new **** at all. When he was sublimated into the godhead with the state of information, he immediately understood his situation and all available power, and immediately started a series of well-prepared tests. The project began analytical research.

As for the shadow **** who rushed up and hacked? For this kind of rookie who ran up to you and guessed the login password for regular access, Cheng Bin casually set up a virtual machine on the Shenge server and let him cope with it. He can also observe the power of this **** by the way. process.

For Cheng Bin, ascending to the throne formally, it was like a hacker surfing the Internet and a dragon enters the sea. He really obtained part of the authority of the real name information network to interfere, and he can be called unbridled and do whatever he wants in his home court.

The depth of power is always more important than the scale. Whether it is the inner world or the world here ... In the inner world, every depth of space-time material brings a power increase that is subversive, and in this strange In the data-like world, the gap between the authority and the control of data information brings the combat power gap even more terrible.

In addition to the identification and anchoring of the real physical world, it also needs to rely on the clergy agreement. In this battle of information and data, Cheng Bin can be called an invincible existence in the battle of information and data, which is directly controlled by himself.

At least compared to the ignorant God who only knows how to add data and attributes to his game characters, Cheng Bin, who can manipulate the entire game code, is unattainable—what if you can kill everything at once? Give your character off the little black house in minutes.

"The **** of shadows, maybe your current perspective and senses are in line with a certain part of reality and can play a little correct role, but you will never know your form and weapon attack in this data. What does this data represent in the void? Such deep information changes ... "

In front of the shadow **** who tried to attack but was futile, Cheng Bin, who thought he could obtain some unique data for reference from the offensive and defensive skills of the god, could only shake his head and sigh in disappointment: "... you have nothing about real power Know. "

——You a new **** with weak divine power, say "you know nothing about real power" to an old **** with medium divine power?

The **** of shadows stopped, angrily smiling as he was about to say something, his face suddenly changed, unbelievably: "You, what have you done? This is impossible!"

Red Dragon sneered: "What's impossible? Reverse positioning your God's domestic core through the connection you made? Analyze your information form to disguise and infiltrate it? Install a backdoor in your vulnerable simple operating system? Misleading magic Pointing to the connection? "

In front of the suddenly weakened God of Shadows, the Red Dragon's body suddenly exploded and surged up the power of the shadow. He isolated the virtual machine and simulated the information of the God of Shadows to connect with him who stole the godly power from the Kingdom of Shadows and stared. The pale human deity whispered slowly, "Do you think your power really belongs to you?

"If you really can master the power of the gods and embed your consciousness in the godhead, then how can you gods be kicked out of the throne in the alternation of epochs, resulting in the holy saints? Is n’t it that the gods have a mortal-like body Strange? Shouldn't your subjective consciousness exist in your own Godhead? "

"You, you are stealing my authority and deceiving my followers ..." Facing the red dragon who has captured the shadow of the kingdom of God in an incomprehensible way, facing this unprecedented and unexpected situation, the shadow God's heart was cold and at a loss.

After a tentative test, I found that the weak one had been completely imprisoned in the kingdom of this new god, and the God of Shadow suddenly raised his hand to insert a dagger into his own mind--

Although the ontology is important, after the death of the consciousness of depositing consciousness, his consciousness will gradually recover from the gods and deities under the support of faith, so as to at least destroy the delusion that Casa has usurped his authority.

"..." Seeing the extremely decisive dagger poking at the **** of his shadow, Cheng Bin was silent for a while, then sighed helplessly, "Did I not say that the connection direction was changed by me? Are you dead? The connection is still pointing at me. There is no way to know that you are dead over your kingdom, your IQ ...

"So it ’s better not to leave the kingdom of the gods. The **** of shadows should continue to urge the kingdom of God to perform pure divine bombing instead of leaving it after making a gap connection. The kingdom of God rushed into my home court to die ... "

But this is no wonder the **** of shadow, after all, the particularity of the red dragon Casa has violated the law of the gods, how could he think that a new **** can be as strong as this? The dragon **** Io, who was running around at that time, was far less scary in the New God period.

Cheng Bin, who felt powerless to confide in the suicide enemies, disassembled the corpse left by the God of Shadows into data and analyzed it. After that, he thought about it, and formed a hand-held dagger next to the body of the red dragon, covering him. Human figure in shadow.

"It's convenient for this fool to send my consciousness to my place, but after all, the real name of the deity is tied to the godhead, and even if he likes to keep the consciousness in the humanoid body upside down, the godhead can pass In reality, the touch of faith and divinity reinvents a subjective consciousness ... "

After looking at the shadow **** information body that he created, he thought for a while.

The kingdom of God system built by the sense of the shadow is full of holes in his eyes, but the goddess that supports the operation of the whole world's **** system is not flawed. For a while, it misleads and deceives the goddess that is put on the automatic operation and steals it. Some divinities are fine, but it is a bit difficult to replace the real name of the deity bound by the deities.

"Listen to Ogmar, the gods captured by the gods fight each other, and it will take a long time to kill the enemy's consciousness in the god. If the enemy still has faith in the material world, the process will even be unbelievable. , Even if I am good at doing this kind of thing, it will take a little energy and time ... "

Under normal circumstances, this energy and time Cheng Bin does not care, but after all he has just become a god, the accumulation of divine power is so poor, it is easy to kill a **** in his own home, but he broke into the enemy ’s kingdom of God, in front of a The devotees spend a lot of time obliterating the fundamental consciousness of the deities and removing the core deities ...

This is a physical exercise that tests the accumulation of divine power!

The God of Shadow has lived so long, there must be no shortage of the Holy Spirit who has the authority to use the power of the Kingdom of God. They do n’t know that their own **** is in trouble, if they know ... The shadow **** power stolen by Cheng Bin is for the God of Shadow It's not much use for the country.

After all, hypnosis deceives a person to stand there as a stump without much difficulty. It is almost impossible to rely on hypnosis to suppress his subconscious and instinct to commit suicide on the spot. It is almost impossible for prayers and believers as sources of divine power to have no thinking ability. .

Moreover, if the **** of shadows restores consciousness directly in the godhead under the stimulation of external force killing, and then urges the kingdom power to resist, it will become Cheng Bin's death in other people's homes-although he must not do it. It will die, but Cheng Bin is not interested in doing useless work.

The kingdom of God ’s operating system is full of bugs, but when people realize the problem, they can also bring up the operating system to integrate the divine power with their real name consciousness—there is no simple operating system built by the gods, and the **** support is integrated. Idealism has at least no shortcomings in depth.

"Even if I drove the home court directly and crushed the Shadow God Kingdom, it is estimated that under the crowd of fishermen, I would not be able to grab the gods ... It is imperative to increase the scale of the divine power under my direct control."

Cheng Bin sighed in his heart, modified the shadow **** information body that he built, and then severed the connection with it.

The whole body shrouded in dark shadows nodded to Cheng Bin of the red dragon form, and then set off along the broken border to return to the kingdom of shadows.

The gods who looked around saw that the shadow **** who rushed in for a while first left the kingdom of the new **** with overflowing helplessness and anger, and drove his shadow kingdom directly.

what's going on? All the onlookers were confused ~ www.readwn.com ~ completely unable to understand what happened in the new **** god kingdom-even the powerful divine power could not directly look at the situation of the internal nuclear of others.

Waiting for the opportunity, Morrigan knew the temperament of his old enemies. He looked puzzled at the new kingdom of God, and then followed the God of Shadows.

Seeing the new **** ’s kingdom began to show a sense of knowledge and exploration, and the audience who knew that it had passed the most difficult period after becoming a **** suddenly disappeared, leaving only some other purposeful existence, and some still In reality, the evil gods who besieged the believers of the new **** peered.

"I hope that the Kingdom of Shadows can deceive for a while ..."

Except for a layer of camouflage, all the information corresponds to the chaotic kingdom of God with a chaotic scene. Cheng Bin, who glanced at the peepers around him, researched and thought, "Improving the divine power ... I have to re-organize the faith connection first. Recognize the anchoring of the physical world, and from the point of view of the connection itself, Lacey should be able to sustain it. "

At this moment, Cheng Bin suddenly noticed an extremely chaotic and huge information flood coming in the direction of his kingdom ...

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