Uplifting Journey

Chapter 404: Invitation to the Eroded Demon Lord and Tyre

The deities of this world, through the perspective of priestly observing things, reminded Cheng Bin of the high-dimensional gods and demons like Samuel.

Although the gods here only look at the elemental material layer from the real name information layer in the world, the induction brought by the priesthood and the information resonance of high-level authority have similarities in principle and form.

When editing the content of the priesthood of curiosity and knowledge, Cheng Bin referred to the new version of Samuel's form of authority in the original time cage.

This discovery once again confirmed Cheng Bin's some speculations about this strange data world. He was curious whether the real purpose of the high-dimensional life behind this experimental field was consistent with his own guess.

However, this is something that the Quantum Incarnation Cluster can only reach. Cheng Bin, who wasn't here to get things done, just turned his attention back to the demon lord not far away.

After spending a little time, Cheng Bin played the divine feedback from the clergy at hand, which was derived from the real name of the soul. He used the divine power to modify the internal information of the red dragon avatar exposed to the gods. He easily maintained the relationship with The connection of the kingdom of God flashed at high speed in the void.

Glancing at the red dragon's dynamic **** of justice and courage, Tier had no time to stop, and saw the red dragon plunging into the shadow of the chaotic demon.

The gods, as representatives of the positive world, can't avoid the high entropy of the demon power. Even the powerful Dire dares to attack the demon lord through the light of order, and he does not want to be affected by the power of the devil. erosion.

The sudden behavior of the Red Dragon shook the hearts of all the gods present—that was not sympathy or worry, but it was unbearable to look directly at the same kind of crazy death, just like ordinary people saw a fierce man jump into a steelmaking furnace. same.

Maybe ... For some gods with cleanliness, the behavior of the Red Dragon is not much different from a mortal jumping directly into the pit.

Cheng Bin didn't think that much. Although he was wearing a red dragon camouflage that was not fundamentally different from other gods, the void he saw was actually very different from other gods.

There is nothing in his eyes that resembles the appearance and smell of mortal life. There is only a sea of ​​information. The light of order and the power of the demon are essentially the same in his eyes. He does not need to translate this information into things under ordinary perspective. , And then perceive it through a layer of false senses, that is simply a waste of energy.

I think when he was driving a panorama near the inner area, but he dared to put everything in his mouth from soil to dragons-anyway, it was all made of atoms, what's the concern?

Of course, if you turn off the panorama and switch back to the human senses, you have to say something else.

With Cheng Bin's deeper and deeper control over divine power information, the power of the demon lord, which is essentially chaotic, almost collapsed in the frontal conflict of divine power.

After all, the demon lord cannot control the underlying power of chaos. Cheng Bin can easily borrow power in the place where the power of the devil contradicts itself. The power to defeat the demon lord all the way is not consumed.

In the process, Cheng Bin found that the behavior of giving the demons the power of the micro-order would cause serious damage to them in essence—no wonder the gods of the source of the Holy Light restrained demons.

The Red Dragon, who was swimming and analyzing in the power of the demon, quickly penetrated the field of power of the demon lord's outer layer and saw its core body.

Unlike the gods who gather faith and build a kingdom to store the fundamental godhead, the demon lord ontology is built directly around a core server similar to the godhead. There is no such thing as faith and kingdom.

Cheng Bin, who has divine power, tried numerous invasion methods in an instant, and figured out the specific form of the demon lord's body. He was surprised at the ecological environment of the abyss zone of the world's root system.

The demon lord has no believers, but the real names of countless low-level demons are gathered in its body. It is unknown whether it devoured countless demons in the material world, or whether it was originally fused by countless demons.

After a little contact and analysis of the core information of the demon lord, Cheng Bin felt dazzled-to a certain extent, the demon lord, an information body without random changes, is more difficult to analyze and invade than the **** kingdom system of the shadow **** many.

After all, you can access a stable computer system along the network protocol interface, but you can't read anything useful from a bad computer that doesn't even have a system—you don't even know how to get in.

"... The chaotic system composed of high-entropy basic elements obtained a certain macro logic algorithm by coincidence. This macro system was recognized by the world as life and given its real name, and then the core real name was used to control the chaos. His life form has temporarily stabilized ...

"If the devil is in chaos from the inside to the outside, then it is impossible to form a stable system and exhibit behavioral logic similar to normal life, so there must be a core context to maintain its existence under the chaotic appearance, otherwise the devil will As a flash phenomenon rather than life in the usual sense ... "

Cheng Bin, who was studying while invading, quickly figured out the macro context hidden in the chaotic body of the demon lord, captured the real name that controls the entire system among the real names of thousands of demons, and connected with the information of the real name. In the chaotic flood of information, the demon's personality was found.

Switching to a normal perspective, what Cheng Bin sees in the void should be a plane-like structure full of infinite demons, dense and diverse demons born in this plane, constantly killing and devouring each other, The infinite real name information rises and converges into an idea that makes Cheng Bin feel quite familiar.

"Sure enough, it is the existence behind Divine Slime. This guy's thinking and memory are difficult to recognize. I don't know what I want to slip over ..."

Red Dragon shook his head under his heart, broke through the barriers and broke into the core of the demon lord. Through the positioning of this incarnation, he established a connection between his kingdom and this demon realm.

The demon lord's divine power and conscious attack are not very useful for the experienced Cheng Bin. He just imitated a kind of information of a devil's son and disguised his real name into the whole killing system.

Suddenly, Cheng Bin, who was identified as part of the demon lord's idea, touched the monster's core secret.

"This, will the real name of this demon lord change?" Cheng Bin, who had an accidental discovery, reexamined this demon realm. "So, the core real name that supports the idea of ​​the macro demon lord is from countless demon real names. It came out of the chaotic interaction, so I can also say ... "

As soon as Cheng Bin thought, the demonized red dragon incarnation flew by in the demon realm. His body was like a black hole, pulling all the demons on the road to attract the past, and crushing and absorbing them when the demons approached.

The red dragon that devoured the characteristics of the demon's information quickly lost its stable dragon form. Its body and limbs were distorted in constant mutation, and the demonic power it controlled was getting stronger and stronger in the change of form.

In the promotion of strength and form, the characteristics of the Red Dragon information body continued to improve with the entire demon field. Soon he quickly and effortlessly squeezed the core real name of the demon lord from the core deities in the demon field. Lost.

Compared to the gods who rely on faith and priesthood and firmly bind the godhead to the real name, the demon lord godhead is really much easier to handle. After all, this replacement process is estimated to have occurred countless times in the past.

From this perspective, this unnamed monster is called a demon lord, and it is quite an image-the demon realm is unchanged, the devil is alive, and the lord is taken by the demon with the strongest sexual power in the realm.

Using an alternative method to break into the interior and erode Cheng Bin, who gained core control, he quickly eroded the demon idea in the diffuse field, gradually replacing the original guy and becoming the new demon lord.

Cheng Bin took a moment to adapt to another godhead bound by his real name, and then he felt all the power of the demon realm, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional: "Compared to the trouble of eroding the shadow kingdom, the demon side is too simple Well, the strangely low intelligence is really easy to do ... "

At this moment, Cheng Bin felt a deep pain in the bone marrow from the perspective of the demon's senses-the body collapsed and the power evaporated. This kind of information should be very painful in normal life ...

He looked at the periphery of the core area in surprise, and found that Tyre, the **** of justice and courage, was driving the source of the Holy Light, and surrounded by the demon lord when he was inexplicably stagnant, and banned it into the home circle. The light of order is desperately penetrating into the shadow of chaos.

Cheng Bin immediately mobilized the power of the demon lord to prevent the erosion of the Holy Light, but found that the chaotic power of the demon cannot be controlled by the depth of information like the seeker's divine power—unless he completely distorted and changed the operational form of the demon realm. Only macro-control at a level close to the Holy Light can be carried out.

"No wonder the devil in the legend can only rely on quantity to win, even I can only control to this extent, which is really weak to a certain level ..." Cheng Bin watched a large number of constantly changing demons in the realm spit out a sentence , And then mobilized the divine power belonging to the **** of knowledge.

Tyre, who was a little worried after Red Dragon entered the control of the Demon Lord, suddenly noticed that the nature of the outer power of the Demon Lord was being subdued.

Just like the heavy armored cavalry who was slaughtering the peasants encountered the landing sun, the holy light that was originally unfavorable was dismantled and swallowed up in no time. The continuous advancement of the source of holy light immediately collapsed and retreated.

At the same time, a message came from inside the demon lord, and it sounded directly in Tyre's ear, who was preparing to strengthen the offensive: "Don't fight, I am an ally."

Recognizing that the message originated from the red dragon, Tyr couldn't help but hesitated, and then he saw the chaotic demon figure shrinking under a layer of divine power, and soon changed its shape to look like Normal huge red dragon.

Although Tyre did not go deep into the bottom of the information, he could also see that the red dragon was only in a layer of camouflage skin, and its thin and divine power was still the extremely chaotic evil power of the demon lord.

So after frowning, he only temporarily stopped his hand, and continued to mobilize the power of the Source of Holy Light to keep secretly alert.

A large number of observations were completed in an extreme period of time, and the prophetic divinity of other gods was called through the source of the Holy Light to confirm it. Then Tir asked in doubt: "Kassah the seeker? You ... what is the situation? ? "

"Through that samurai Arthur, you should know something about me, too?" Cheng Bin replied to Tyre while coordinating the power of conflicting demons and spirits, "the specific details are very troublesome to explain. , Just think that the demon lord is dead and the godhead is swallowed by me. "

Tier thought about it carefully, because the opponent had previously shown the ability to easily break the power of the Holy Light and the Devil, he finally chose to believe that the Red Dragon was an outsider who was all special.

However, Tir reminded the Red Dragon with good intentions: "The power of the devil is very polluting. There are many examples of the devil's own madness because he is greedy to contact the power left by the devil ...

"Even our source of the Holy Light, which is extremely restrained by demonic forces, has always carefully maintained the rotation and repair mechanism of the battle against the abyss demons, in order to avoid being polluted like evil gods and demons under long-term contact. I hope you Be cautious. "

Cheng Bin nodded and said, "Thank you for reminding me, I just keep this pattern for a short time to study some problems, I don't like the messy things."

Tyr hesitated for a moment, carefully looking at the chaotic red dragon image inside, and then thoughtfully said, "In that case, you can come to the core of our source of light, and we can provide a little experience and help for the demon in case just in case."

"As a **** of justice, I still can't carry my big unstable bomb everywhere in the abyss?" Cheng Bin smiled, "Alright, so you can help tell the truth to the outside world and declare the demon lord He died in the Source of the Light ...

"This can temporarily cover up what I did before, so that other gods won't cause unnecessary vigilance when they know ... Well, we need to talk about the magic net in person."

Seeing that there were no unusual emotions in the Red Dragon, Tir was relieved—this behavior of inviting strange spirits to be a guest in his own **** was difficult to prevent the other party from being vigilant and disgusted. After all, that was almost equivalent to giving his life to them. On hand.

Tier knew in her mind that it was impossible for the Red Dragon Casa to fully trust them, so ... did she have the confidence to be invincible even in the gods of other gods?

After reaching an agreement ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tyr released the imprisonment of the source of the holy light, this area surrounded by infinite holy light gradually integrated into the source of the holy light-this process is described by image points , From being wrapped in Ivey's body to being swallowed into Ivy.

Inside the source of the Holy Light, the kingdom of gods inhabiting countless petitioners is naturally quite magnificent. Unfortunately, the perspective of the Red Dragon is always on the ground floor, and there is no feeling for these scenery.

But he was very interested in the existence of those praying in the Source of the Light.

Invokers who can't see the inner essence of the Red Dragon, are curiously watching this rare outsider. There are still some metal dragons of good order in the sky hovering and leaning over, looking at the evil with strange eyes. The famous dragon of the five-colored dragon.

"Increasing believers, or increasing the total number of controllable real names, is the main way for the gods to increase their power. In the past, I could not interfere with the real names of other lives, and I could n’t make believers by hand. Now? Devil, you can experiment with it ... "

While coping with various welcome words, the Red Dragon looked at the prayers around with the eyes of the experimental textbooks, and made Till, who was proud to introduce the glorious history of the source of the Holy Light, feel indifferent.

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