Uplifting Journey

Chapter 405: Discuss the Project of the Magic Net and Believe in the Light

In the Void Dragon Realm, the dragon **** Io in the inner core of the **** retracted his sight from the source of the dazzling light in the distance and glanced at the vast outer kingdom of gods of all colors.

Due to the early division and internal chaos of the Dragon race, the dragon gods have also parted ways to build their own **** kingdoms. As the dragon **** creator, the Io God kingdom, only some of the oldest dragons sleep in it.

This is also because the powerful legendary species of the dragon is difficult to produce pure faith connection and be led to the kingdom of God.

As the dragon **** Io, who lives at the top, has been taking care of himself, the dragon ancestor of this ancestor seems to be very dead, and it is easy to see no life in motion.

Io ignored the tentative words from some dragon and non-dragon deities outside the Dragon Realm. He silently examined the current real name of the dragon and compared it with the results he observed when he woke up last time. , And then buried his head and closed his eyes again to prepare to sleep.

Before falling into a sleep of ignorance, Io recalled the newborn dragon **** he had seen before, and smiled unclearly: "God of knowledge, Red Dragon Casa ... Seeing this priesthood, you too Would stay here ... "

Io's thoughts slowly came to a standstill, but he knew it--this time he shouldn't sleep much longer.


Although the gods attached to the humanoid ontology like Tier's consciousness cannot directly observe and interfere with the underlying information like Cheng Bin, they have no shortcomings in the use of divine power.

In the kingdom of God, there is no problem in saying a wish.

Like the core hall of the Source of Holy Light, Tyr did not delve deep into the multidimensional knowledge of space and time in the physical world, but his consciousness can completely distort the expression of information on the surface of the kingdom of God, and make the scale of time and space appear to change.

Therefore, the huge red dragon with a length of several hundred meters can also walk side by side into the core hall with Tyr without obstacles, and lie on the new new seat of the throne directly, instead of intentionally transforming the body shape of the host close to the place.

Tier was very enthusiastic to introduce Cheng Bin to this kind of special **** kingdom control skills, and various other new gods need to explore the knowledge information.

Cheng Bin has obtained a lot of relevant information from the **** of knowledge, Ogmana, but at that time, after all, he was not a god, and some things could not be intuitively understood. Now it is not bad to get verification from Tyr.

There are many kind of dragons in the prayers of the source of the light. They do n’t know how long they stay here, and the related problems caused by the difference in body shape. These gods of Tyre must have been solved long ago, so he used to Sexuality didn't mention that the Red Dragon transformed into the choice of human incarnation.

However, Cheng Bin himself was a bit surprised that he chose the shape of the red dragon subconsciously in his explicit image-before he became a god, he could not bear to change the red dragon's body significantly. After he became a god, he became a pure information aggregate except for the gods. It seems that there is no need to maintain the shape of the Red Dragon externally, right?

He is not like other gods who ca n’t wait for more clergy channels. The name, image, experience, disgust, and preferences must be written into the clergy agreement to connect with the physical world to increase the possibility of mortals to establish induction— -This kind of very limited agreement similar to **** name induction is common between the gods by default.

Except for the priesthood of the heart of knowledge, Cheng Bin did not edit any other priesthood induction protocol. He deleted the type of instincts of ordinary gods. Even if someone pointed at him and yelled at him, he could not sense it. Yes-unless they have had deep contact with their real name.

Cheng Bin doing this naturally has other deeper purposes, which is to borrow other environmental experiments in this large experimental field, but these are the last words.

Perceiving that he prefers to use the red dragon body instead of a humanoid body, Cheng Bin, while communicating with Tyre, is thinking subtlely: "Although the red dragon body has been used since entering the world, theory It's natural to get used to it ... "

After re-examining his soul algorithm and various historical records, Cheng Bin, who did not find anything wrong with the core algorithm, turned his head to look at the dragon wings on his back, and thoughtfully.

"But if you ca n’t overlook from the high dimension, some details cannot be determined whether it is naturally generated. In the case of my soul holding the real name of the godhead, there is also the possibility of being affected by external forces. Maybe the high-dimensional life behind the world Was it directly in my consciousness? "

After pondering for a while, Cheng Bin used the huge computing power brought by Shenge to predict and evaluate the future impact and development trend of some minor changes in his soul, and determined that the core algorithm had not deviated, and he let go of this problem.

After all, low-dimensional parallel individual classes are different and normal. Cheng Bin does not feel that what will happen to him when the red dragon is long-even if there is a problem, the problems that arise will be distorted by the quantum incarnation cluster. Erase, he would not notice anomalies anyway without high-dimensional senses.

"Should it be the quantum avatar cluster that has a little communication with the high-dimensional life of this world? After all, in addition to digging the infinite master information, I had a part-time job as a communication prop ..."

When Cheng Bin secretly sighed, except for the Red Dragon and Tyre, Mandell, the only law and contract **** present in the temple, withdrew his sight of examining the demon power in the Red Dragon and tapped the code in his hand to ask. Tao: "God of knowledge, what does the law represent in your eyes?"

"Just call me Casa," Tier has previously introduced the information of the gods of the source of the light. Bin Cheng glanced at Mandel and said, "The dragon is a non-social species that moves with your heart. You ask me What's the point of this? "

"Casa," Mandel shook his head, looked at Tyr next to him, and said slowly, "Due to the priesthood, I have paid attention to the changes in the law of the elven kingdom in the plane where you were born. The impact is profound ...

"Even the black dragon lord you briefly contacted with your family members is trying to make positive rule changes in their territory. I believe you must have a deep understanding in this area to let me listen."

-Lord Black Dragon? Speaking of Angela Dragon Warlock ... Speaking of which the guy has been chanting my name recently to try to build faith. People who have been in contact can feel it even if they delete the **** name agreement ...

Cheng Bin glanced at the huge amount of legal information projected by Mandel in the code, belonging to each race and country, and then carefully examined the clergy form behind Mandel at the bottom level of information.

"Mandel, you want to ask something else, right?" Cheng Bin, who understood the specific information of the other priest's corresponding material world, said thoughtfully, "As the **** of the law, the fundamental reason for the emergence of such things as law You do n’t have to know the purpose without me ...

"And your priesthood is born of Arthur's justice and trial. The core content is that the law safeguards the operation of society and that everyone is equal before the law ..."

After seeing Mandel nodded, Cheng Bin continued: "In theory, Arthur and you, the order-neutral camp, support the source of the holy light, which is obviously biased towards the good camp ... combining the development tendency of your clergy form with ours Looking at the plan, are you thinking about the formulation and maintenance of future laws and the definition of 'everyone'? "

"Yes," Mandell, the **** of law, nodded and sighed. "The formulation of rules depends on the needs of society and the strongest violence, so I have a hard time imagining the scene after the implementation of your magic net plan. Things like law are really Can it still exist? "

The Red Dragon Casa, the **** of knowledge, sent the **** of the source of light through Arthur to the upgrade or repair plan of the magic net.

The main body of the plan seems quite simple, that is, after the **** of magic is obtained, the magic net is restored to the appearance of the ancient Arcanist civilization, and some modifications are made to make it widely accessible to all intelligent life, and Guide him all the way to the depths.

But the specific implementation ... It is difficult to achieve without killing most of the gods.

Even if this plan to challenge the world really comes true, when all intelligent life can easily obtain everything it needs from knowledge to materials to power from the magic net, what will the world look like?

Mandel, who has a deep understanding of the minds of various races, has no way to have any good expectations for the scene after the plan is realized-it is good not to be so chaotic that it will bleed into the river in the dark.

After all, the human race can be divided into countless independent groups fighting each other because of geographical, ethnic, and customary issues, not to mention that many races are worldly enemies and natural enemies.

Unless, in the process of completing the magic net, add legal provisions that all contacts must accept, and also ensure that the formulation and maintenance of this law always represent the common interests and benign development trends of all magic net contacts. Don't go against the original intention of the plan.

Mandel, the **** of law and contract, was a little worried whether the Red Dragon Casa could finally give up his right to imprison control over thousands of souls and cooperate with them to continue to execute the plan as agreed.

Cheng Bin smiled, raised his claws and pointed Tir and Mandel, and pointed to himself, "Tir wants a better and more progressive life for most mortals ...

"And what you want is the good order brought by the rule of law. As for me, what I want is the special direct divine power brought by a large number of seekers' priesthood. While improving the power, it is used to verify some things. Some are in the future transformation of the gods. Very important thing. "

"You see, we can sit here and discuss this plan with very different interests and needs, which means that the plan has things we all agree with," Cheng Bin said sincerely, "so you don't have to worry about my attitude, our The goals are common and complementary, and the details of each step in the execution process are transparent and visible, and you can slowly study a little bit ...

"What you really need to worry about is actually your own problem," Cheng Bin reminded. "After all, the God Transformation Experiment is still on paper. I cannot guarantee the successful implementation of this project. If it fails, you can accept it frankly. Is he destined to be pulled down from the altar? "

Mandel heard the words and Tier looked at each other, and then he smiled at the Red Dragon: "The so-called source of the Holy Light is actually a place for idealists to warm themselves up. I'm afraid in the eyes of other gods, the source of the Holy Light. We are all negative teaching materials eroded by clergy ...

"We didn't perform the priesthood in order to become a god. We became a **** in order to fulfill our ideals and fulfill our duties. So you don't have to worry about this, as do Arthur and those on the front line of the abyss."

"That's fine." Cheng Bin nodded, and the power of the chaotic demons beneath the surface of the Red Dragon's body was suddenly decomposed and assimilated under the stare of Tyr's surprise.

In the conversation, Cheng Bin was also distracted and engaged in several other experimental projects. In the field of demons, he has been trying to distort the real name of the soul of the demons to artificially create the Holy Spirit prayer who has a deep belief connection with himself.

Previously, with the help of Tyre, he contacted some holy light prayers. Cheng Bin, who had reference data, thought that he could be a fanatic at worst, but in the end, he found that the real name's interface permissions on religion were extremely high.

He can easily modify the memories of the demon, and even control or kill them from the real name level, but he cannot make him establish a faith connection with his real name level.

After researching Cheng Bin for a while, I found that when a life's consciousness is not completely transferred into the real name, that is, living in the material world, only through the guidance of the outer soul can we slowly touch the real name interface to establish a faith connection-too anxious It also causes the soul to be disconnected from its real name.

However, that is similar to the way in which many **** churches in the world spread their faith-many church-controlled areas maintain the culture and atmosphere of faith and cultivate believers from an early age.

Cheng Bin, who failed to make the Holy Spirit artificially, was not too disappointed. If it was so simple, he would have succeeded. Gods have come up with similar things for a long time in the past. After all, the demon lord, a huge number of demon real names, converges and believes. It is not uncommon for the life of divine power and similar levels to serve as reference materials.

Then Cheng Bin simply killed all the demons and merged the deities of the demon lord with his seeker's deities. In the process, he also noticed the unity between the discrete deities and speculated about the supreme deities in the theory. Some godhead characteristics.

Seeing the Red Dragon easily swallow the power of the Demon Lord, Tir held his beard and froze for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then he said to the Red Dragon: "Since you have this ability, then I I felt that before contacting the **** of magic and letting the plan be exposed to the gods, we should organize a light expedition ...

"I don't know if you have the intention to join us and join the source of the Holy Light. Let's go and kill all the abyss demons together. In this case, at least you will not lack the godhead for the time being--

"You should have known about the gods and powerful divine power from Ogmar? Although he is now a low-key weak divine power, after all, he is an old man who once stepped into the peak of powerful divine power. Reality gods. "

"I know," Cheng Bin nodded. "If you want to engage in the abyss demons first, I don't have any opinion ... When it comes to this, I still have a list of evil gods. You have a vast power in the world, you can pay attention The aftermath of their death deals with the issue. "

Listed on the list are the onlookers who had previously stretched out their hands in the void, and the evil gods who sent their followers to besiege Avilesi, but Cheng Bin had one of them all written down. Get ready to get used to the divine power and find the opportunity to kill them all.

"There are ready excuses for revenge, and other gods should not be overly vigilant ..."

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