Uplifting Journey

Chapter 438: Eroded Corrupted Lord and Lightbetrayer

In the depths of hell, in a magnificent palace full of crimson curtains.

The voluptuous woman, who has not touched her whole body and exposed her perfectly smooth skin to the fragrant air, is lying on the soft bench side by side, holding her head with one hand, playing with the hair hanging down from her face, and raising her hands lazily With one finger, a gaunt, gaunt, high-level devil kneeling in front of her disappeared into ashes in an instant.

"Too boring ..." Daphne exuding invisible temptation in every corner of her body glanced at the devil's ashes as if swallowed up by space, and then cast her gaze out of the veil.

As the eyes containing the evil charm charm deep into the soul passed, the high-end devil guards standing at the corner of the palace looked like a chill, and wished to destroy their eyes and ears, for fear that they would lose their sanity in the face of this weird devil lord Stepped forward and was played with a residue.

When I saw other devil eyes, noses and hearts, I didn't even dare to look at it. Daphne shifted the corners of her mouth and retracted her eyes, stroking the smooth and tender skin on her chest and abdomen with thin fingers.

However, this seemingly lazy and beautiful devil always has a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

As a former fallen god, even if Daphne gave up her godhead and kingdom, the influence of the fallen priesthood has been imprinted on her heart like a brand.

Even after becoming a demon monarch, the extraordinary desire to pull beautiful positive things into the darkness is still very strong.

The various work of Hell Devil originally had similar content to Daphne's hobbies, so after she became the Devil King, she was very adaptable and had a good time at first.

But behind the apparent pleasure and indulgence, the former deity did not lose his mind. Although forced by the situation to fall completely to hell, how could a true, selfish, evil **** tolerate a mountain on his head forever? Pressed?

见 After seeing the terrible power of Devil's Lord Asmodeus, devoured by its dominating hell, Daphne has been studying the nature of the **** devil's power system.

Although there are some similarities in thinking and architecture with the new version of the magic net, Asmodeus, as a **** conscious, has not really given his power to other existence, let alone things like open source development.

Daemons like Daphne seem to be prestigious, but in fact they are just chess pieces used by him. Do n’t even want to intervene in the core power of hell. Devil monarchs can only use the power on the surface of hell. They ca n’t detect and understand the hell. Nature.

Under the pressure brought by the powerful Asmotils, Daphne is using the rules of the **** devil to control more power and connect with the promising devil lord, while using the power of the real name to secretly explore the void level with the vision of the gods. Core of hell.

As the research progressed, Daphne's knowledge of the power of **** became clearer, and she became more and more trembling and anxious.

逐渐 She gradually realized that she was just a struggling flying insect in Hell's extremely tight cobweb. Except for a little free thinking at the core of her real name, her actions could not conceal Asmodeus on the cobweb in Hell.

In the eyes of the Devil Lord who is high above them, they are secretly acting like devil lords, and they are probably no different from the clown standing in the center of the stage. They are not worth paying attention to.

"Can I only gain a little snack if I completely surrender to him, obediently used as a tool and 傀儡 ..." Recalling the **** secrets I collected, which can set off a great wave in the world of the gods, Daphne sighed sighingly.

世界 The world of the supreme **** and **** described by Asmodeus really makes her long for it, and if she submits to it, I'm afraid never to touch that slim hope ...

"I don't know if there is an abyss expedition that might break the balance at the source of the Holy Light, I have a chance to take advantage of it ..." As Daphne secretly thought about it, she suddenly caught sight of a huge red figure walking slowly around.

Daphne thought that there was another high-level devil guard who lost her charm and couldn't control her instincts, but she immediately noticed that the devil who came over was a very high-level deep prison refining demon. In theory, only the devil's master Asmotils's palace was only eligible for this level of guarding, and the number of devil guards around her palace did not decrease at all.

Glancing at the other guards who seemed indifferent and seemed to see nothing, Daphne sat up with interest, tilted her head and looked up at the tall refining demon who had torn the crimson veil and walked in.

As if the delicate and delicate sketch suddenly smashed into a ball of ink, the deep-fashioned deep prison refining demon slowly walked in front of the beautiful devil, his calm and indifferent eyes almost dispelled the pink surrounding the large bench atmosphere.

"Huh?" After a brief look, Daphne blinked unexpectedly, then she licked her lips and laughed, "Actually indifferent to my charm, I am a little interested in you, which devil you represent Jun is here? Um ... before you say it, shouldn't you mind playing with me first? "

力 The power of the fallen devil, which has continued to change from his unique divine power, entangled the deep prison refining demon like a python, and eroded into the body and soul of the uninvited guest in front of Daphne.

The power of the fallen **** was originally specialized in inducing the primitive instincts of life, thereby destroying his reason and distorting his personality until he was completely fallen into a **** in the hands of the fallen god.

After Daphne became the devil, his ability in this area was not weakened, but he was greatly strengthened by the power of the devil and the remaining clergy.

This is also one of the foundations for Daphne, the new-born devil, who dares to play with high-level subordinates and even engage in secret matters. Even other devil-lords cannot completely resist the influence of her ability. She originally expected to rely on this ability to conquer Ah. What about Smoltils, the Lord of Hell Devil.

下一 But the next moment, Daphne recalled the fear that had arisen under the contempt and punishment of the Lord of the Devil when she failed to try on Asmotils completely.

The reaction of the deep prison refining demon to her ability was almost exactly the same as the **** master Asmodeus. Her ability definitely touched the other's soul and produced its due effect, but the other was face to face. As for the breeze on the face, the movement of thinking has not shaken in the slightest.

It's like they don't have such an instinct at all.

"Impossible, it's impossible for the devil to have no instinct for life ..." Recalling the terrible pain caused by the punishment of the Lord of Hell, Daphne shivered subconsciously, and she glanced around, and found that other demon guards were still weird She didn't move, realizing that something was wrong, she squeaked, "Who are you ?!"

"The so-called instinct is the latent soul activity beyond the control of subjective consciousness ..." said the slowly approaching deep prison refining demon slowly opening up the sharp teeth of the ignition star, "When a life can analyze itself, Perceive and understand all the changes in his soul, he can naturally conquer this instinct with reason

"When a creature controls the feedback process of each nerve in the body, he does not need instinctual pain to tell him where the body has been hurt. When he controls the basis of his existence and strength, he does not need instinct to remind him how to Use so-called talents ... "

Repressed by the intimidating instinct brought by fear, Daphne seemed to become a weak mortal, the extraordinary instinct of mobilizing the power of **** was annihilated between invisible, she could only watch the deep prison refining slowly approaching the bench Before, she looked down at her curled up and said:

"Similarly, when I control all the laws of your soul activity outside of your subjective consciousness, all your instincts will be dominated by me, and your perception, your thoughts, and your memory will be gradually faced with this dominant power. Erosion ... Daphne, do you feel it? The true power of your degenerate, rough and unreasonable use of power. "

Entangled by the degrading force like a thorny vine, Daphne hugged her body tightly and shrank into a ball. The growing fear was endless by the profound memories left by Asmodeus, Over and over again in a subtle way to the normal thinking circuit she was trying to recover.

Daphne finally realized the feelings of those lives that had been destroyed by her and her followers in her mind and distorted her personality. During the continuous collapse of her soul, she felt terrified that her memory was analyzed a little bit and her thinking was a little bit tamper.

"Is Asmotils ignoring me like this ..." Before the last trace of annihilation, Daphne flashed a sorrow in her heart, "This feeling ... I remember it, the elf soul named Lacey It smells like that, it turns out you ... "

At the moment when the name of the red dragon emerged from the bottom of her heart, Daphne's soul completely collapsed and fell into a horrible mood ... Sometimes later, she suddenly woke up from a chaos.

"I ... dreamed?" Daphne looked subconsciously at the crimson veil in front of her, but found that the veil was different from the remnant that was disappearing quickly, and was not torn by the inexplicable existence. It was still the original intact Lossless appearance.

After Biao blinked, Daphne, who was looking at the crimson veil, forgot about the reason why she was staring at her. She glanced puzzledly, and found that there weren't any things worth paying attention to in the palaces guarded by the devil.

When Daphne left behind some of the hazy impressions before, Cheng Bin at the bottom of Hell's Network looked at the real name node that was infiltrated and controlled by himself: "It is indeed the **** who once controlled the spiritual realm, slightly more than the original **** of shadows. It's hard to do that ...

"Well, after all, I am not the ontology. Even if there is a full set of Daphne soul algorithms cracked backwards from the fallen godhead, it is a very troublesome work to distort the real name consciousness ..."

After examining the memory of the Devil Lord that was read and read by himself, Cheng Bin thoughtfully: "From Daphne's impression, Asmodeus, the true master of hell, is indeed a reading angle and my height. Similar soul masters ...

"However, under my deliberate control, this act of eroding Daphne's soul was relatively covert. The information change basically occurred in his real name. The subsequent disguise consciousness was perfect. He should not be immediately aware of it. He has the authority of the Devil King. , There will be a lot more that you can detect after a while ... "

Control of one's own thinking is a process that must be experienced during the exploration of the lives of various worlds. Although the angles and methods are different, the effects are always the same.

From the perspective of materialism, Cheng Bin continued to explore the material carrier of his soul layer by layer, from the molecular atom protons all the way to the deepest part of the unified field that determines the physical laws of different worlds, and excavated the bottom of the quantum bubble perturbation across the world line. Variables are a difficult but frank road, but this does not mean that the path of self-mind control from other perspectives cannot be followed.

Whether it is the spirit of the spirit world, the practice of ghosts and immortals, or the separation and purification of angelic thoughts on the side of Samuel, it is an effective method of mind control. Asmo, the devil master in this spirit world It's not surprising that Thiels can do something similar.

只是 "Just the purpose of this **** master is a bit intriguing ..."

Cheng Bin looked at the dialogue between Asmotils and Daphne about the true purpose of the Supreme God, God of God, and Hell, and could not help but feel a little confused: "From the perspective of discourse analysis, the supremeness involved in the beginning of the world's birth Incarnation, Asmotils does not seem to be willing to be a god, but is keen to maintain a higher level of balance outside a certain world ...

"Is there any danger in becoming a **** of God? And a higher balance than the world ... Ogmar, the **** of knowledge who is also the incarnation of the Supreme God, does not know these things ..."

As Cheng Bin pondered, Daphne, who knew nothing about her situation, ushered in a guest **** and another devil lord ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ the luxurious and colorful palace was suddenly filled with inexplicable power, As if all colors began to turn black and white, the entire space was gradually dim.

During the commotion of the devil guards, a horrific flesh mass that fused with countless limbs and heads was twisting slowly from the open door.

Daphne stood up and turned around and put on a gorgeous robe. She looked disgusted and looked at the meat ball stopped in front of her: "What are you doing? Amanata?"

In the twisted space and time, as if the limbs and faces were squirming, a contrasting and quite peaceful voice was issued: "Daphne, I have been appointed to deal with some issues during the abyss expedition of the Source of Holy Light. Your various temptations dominate the capital. Seeing it, so ... if you are interested in the actions of the Source of the Light, go with me. "

"Hah," Daphne didn't dare to refuse, as the other side raised Asmodil's name, but she still ridiculed habitually, "send you this guy who used to be the source of divine light to deal with the divine light. The question of Yuan? Are you going to meet directly to fight or betray hell? Do you want to be disgusted by this old friend when you become this look? "

"Recently studying the life form of the demon has gone a little deeper, and the problem is not big ..." Facing Daphne's disgust expression, Amanatha was peaceful as if he had no emotional response mechanism. "Unless the Abyss Expedition returns, the **** and The source of the Holy Light is not an irreconcilable hostile position, let alone those meaningless words, go. "

Daphne snorted coldly, then followed her rolling out of her palace.

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