Uplifting Journey

Chapter 439: Former Lord of Glory and World Line Changes

"Amana Tower ..."

Infinite information is surging in the void. In a space created by the source of the Holy Light alone, Tyre overlooks the corps that gradually converges under the command of the major gods while approaching the abyss while coordinating. He looked back and said to the red dragon next to him: "This name is almost forgotten by the world ...

"But I think you should have heard of his more widely-known name, Luo Shanda."

"The brilliance of the history and the Lord of the Law?" Cheng Bin asked curiously, "I heard that he is your old friend?"

"The 'Holy Light', the source of the Holy Light, is not without reason. Although all of our gods control the realm of positive energy, the earliest definition of the Holy Light is the Lord of Glory far older than me."

Tier nodded with some nostalgia, and then he sighed: "It is a pity that this **** who once belonged to the source of the Holy Light, but because of his in-depth contact with the power of the abyss in the eternal battle, the essence was eroded and the form was Twisted, abandoned the priesthood, departed from the path he used to go to **** ... "

Cheng Bin nodded thoughtfully: "I remember that the guy who automates the development of the devil will actively join Hell to maintain the so-called" balance "because he felt something in the meditation. This time, you can try Ask the deep inside story, after all, are you old friends? "

"The concept of the devil has changed a lot compared with its predecessor, let alone mentioning friendship. The **** they represent is very good to stop doing things in the expedition ..." Tier shook his head and sighed and looked around. This empty independent space is more like a battlefield than the hospitality. From this, we can see the source of the light's attitude towards the devil.

Because the real name of the devil is bound in hell, Amanata and Daphne only use the battle to travel to the avatar, so Cheng Bin can still use Daphne's real name to indirectly observe the movement of **** by refining the incarnation.

Under the pressure of the army of gods, the forces of **** have completely contracted. The demons that have been suppressed by the devil in this area suddenly go crazy and spread across the major planes, adding countless workload to the expeditionary forces.

In the **** shrunk into a hedgehog, the high-level devil group and the various demon lords are waiting closely, facing the source of the holy light that broke into the abyss in the void.

Generally speaking, between the immortals who are dying of life, it is difficult for the battle between gods and gods to collide with each other. They generally rely on incarnations to resolve disputes.

So the time and the place will have a great impact on the battle. From the actual battle examples in history, we can know that even the deities at the peak of powerful divine power cannot defeat a weakest devil in the range of hell.

The combat avatar launched is inherently weaker than the base, and the opponent is also subject to the base camp's profit bonus. Between this increase and the decrease, the combat effectiveness is difficult to have a decisive gap.

The opposite is also true. Asmodeus, Lord of Hell, is difficult to fight against the gods within the radiation range of the power of the kingdom of God, and the situation with the Demon Lord is actually similar. This is also the eternal battle. One of the reasons for the huge success.

Therefore, after becoming a god, he led the source of the Holy Light with a ticket to break through the kingdom of the Red Dragon Kasa to kill the evil gods.

And the Red Dragon has already begun to try to penetrate Hell and achieve certain results. Of course, Tyre will not tell other gods more, so the gods hanging on the source platform of the Holy Light think that they will not shrink into hedgehogs for the time being. The same **** clashes.

After all, **** has run countless epochs in the abyss. God knows how deep and dangerous cards the devil knows about the roots of the world's trees. Even if he has the ability to destroy hell, the gods must carefully consider To measure how terrible the consequences of Hell's destruction will be

After all, even a weak evil **** dared to bring disasters that affected countless planes when he was dying. Who would dare to believe that the ancients of Asmodeus did not order cards?

In comparison, the demon lords with problematic brains in the depths of the abyss are better able to deal with them.

Although Tyre has great confidence in the Red Dragon, the origin of the Lord of Hell has been learned through the memory of Daphne at the hands of the Red Dragon. It is difficult for him to imagine that this alien incarnation from the beginning of the world to the present has What kind of strength, so his choice of countermeasures in **** is still undecided.

Anyway ... let's take a look at the expressions of the **** visitors first.

As Tir hesitated, the space in front of him briefly twisted, and then a terrible twisted meatball and a voluptuous woman appeared in front of him and the red dragon.

"This is the hospitality of the source of the holy light?" Daphne, wearing a hollow robe, glanced at the empty space, then she poked her lips and said, "It seems you want to go to war with hell."

Relative to the incarnation of three gods, the seemingly huge red dragon looks down at Daphne, and can't help but have a strange sense of self-directed performance.

At present, all Daphne's words and deeds are based on the deduction simulation of his soul algorithm. Although there is no difference from the original Daphne, the process of his soul is controlled by the red dragon, after all, all face and face changes are known in advance. The character talks, it feels ...

I saw a red dragon humming, a bright crystal appeared in his claws, and said lightly as he played: "The guts have risen after taking refuge in Hell, Daphne ... Do you remember what I said last time? I don't want to hear Until you say unnecessary nonsense. "

Daphne looked stagnant, and recognized the red dragon claws on the spot. Wasn't that her degenerate personality? If I did n’t give up the kingdom of God and run away decisively ...

阴 While Daphne's face was silent, Tier frowned and looked at the mass of meat that was made up of endless creature limbs: "Amanata? Your image is getting worse and worse."

"But to the devil, it seems that I have another kind of beauty," a slightly smiling and peaceful voice came from the twisted meat ball, "Tir, as a god, was used by the senses and ideas of the mortal period It ’s not a good thing to be bound, you have to look higher and conscious. ”

When Red Dragon heard the words, he turned his attention to the meat ball and looked at it, and Tir sighed after a moment of silence: "You are still studying the life form of the abyss and chaos in the abyss, and you have even experienced it yourself ... "

"God of justice and courage, aren't you also looking for the path to absolute justice? Have you successfully integrated the ogre and the righteousness of human beings? No ..." countless eyes appeared on the surface of the meat mass. Red Dragon and Tyre, "Narrow justice is destined to destroy alien nature and even life, haven't you hesitated because of it?

"From a higher perspective, what is the difference between demons and other races? The real demons at the bottom of the abyss, whose forms are difficult to describe, have souls that cannot be understood in a normal way. Will they have the justice and courage that belong to the demons? ? "

"That wasn't what you used to say when you sprinkled the light and sheltered all beings from the demons ..." Tyre murmured a long time ago about the distortion of Hell's devil's mind, and then shifted the topic, "Forget it, these The verbal stuff doesn't make much sense. What do you two devil lords do when you come here? "

Amanata does not go round, he said to his old friend straight away: "First of all, on behalf of the Lord of Hell, I would like to express to you our position in this abyss expedition.

"Hell always wants the balance of the positive and negative worlds. Now that the demons are powerful, we are not your enemies for the time being ..."

After giving the latest version of a detailed map of the abyss area to Tyre through the language of the soul, Amanata chanted: "As long as the captured marked area does not cross the marked boundary, you do n’t have to worry about **** getting in the way. , I don't think you have the ability to push the abyss to that limit unless ... "

Amanatha paused his words, and his dense head and eyes turned to the red dragon next to him, as if hesitating.

Tier glanced at the red dragon next to him who seemed to be interested in the meat ball and had been looking at it. He looked down at the latest information of the abyss that was not low in value, and after confirming the authenticity, he considered and replied, "It is true , The other gods are also unwilling to bear the losses caused by going too deep, and the abyss area of ​​this purification is difficult to cross the boundary you said. "

As for the source of the Holy Light, under the cover of the abyss expedition, the separation of the exploration team quietly advancing towards the deepest part of the abyss does not need to mention that anyway, the exploration of the unoccupied land is difficult to cause the **** and other gods to pay attention and alert.

"Then there is one more thing left," said the fleshy meatball, who didn't have a lot of emotions from beginning to end, looked away from the red dragon and stared at Daphne, who was silent on the chest, "I'm not clear The original intention, so I will only repeat the original words of the Lord of Hell "

After a pause, the tone of Amanata's tone changed significantly. It said majesticly and cautiously: "The only thing that is qualified to determine the direction of the world is to touch the existence of the upper layers of the world. The **** of knowledge, Red Dragon Casa, your past Performance proves your qualifications, but it also confuses me about your history. How much do you know about the secrets of this world, and what desires do you have?

"I will not retreat as easily as Ogmar, the **** of knowledge ... so please allow me to test it ..."

Amana Tower, or the unexpected words of Asmodeus, made the other three present.

"What do you mean ... you, what are you staring at me for?" Daphne staring at the countless eyes on the twisted meat mass shook her arms slightly, and a bad hunch appeared in her heart.

Amanda regained his voice slowly and said, "Why do you think you were ordered to act with me by the Lord? The Lord said that as a common point of contact in the near future, you are a good tentative prop. Most of the changes brought about exist in hell, and will not have too bad effects in the world ...

虽然 "Although it is difficult for me to appreciate the things described by the master, but ..." Amanata slowly stared at Daphne. "Farewell, Daphne."

Daphne shrinks her pupils: "You ..."

As if the invisible switch was triggered by Amana's farewell words, the enchanting woman in the independent space disappeared in a moment without leaving a trace.

The gaze of the other three beings in the space not knowing when the fallen monarch has been withdrawn, their postures and appearances have undergone subtle changes at the same moment, and the entire space is spreading an inexplicable strange feeling.

"Farewell, Daphne?" Tir frowned. "Amanda, are you talking about the fallen god? Didn't she die long ago? What do you mean?"

While talking, Tier turned to look at the red dragon that was quietly suspended next to him. He remembered that the fallen **** had been prosecuted by the follower of the red dragon to dig out the kingdom of God. It is said that At that time, Daphne also wanted to abandon the kingdom of God and escape to hell, but she didn't know why she died in the end not only didn't make a trip.

Does that matter have anything to do with the Lord of Hell? This is a bit far-fetched, right?

"I don't understand why the Lord asked me to repeat this sentence," Amanata focused his eyes on the silent red dragon, "Say sometime after expressing the attitude of hell, say" Farewell, Daphne 'It's the command of the master, I just execute it.'

He seemed to be drifting away from the red dragon in the sky, and looked back under both eyes. His claw tip ripped apart the space from a crack and pulled out a bright crystal from the other corner of the source of the Holy Light.

That is the character of Daphne, the fallen **** of the red trophy ~ www.readwn.com ~ In a strange silence, Cheng Bin staring at the **** in his claws for a long while and groaned and smiled suddenly: Tiers ... how dare you ... "

With the attention of some confused Tyre and Amanata, Cheng Bin retracted the godhead, his gaze passed through the isolation and the void, following the hidden connection built on the real name level, and looked at the **** with the help of various devil surface bodies, constantly walking A refining incarnation exploring Hell's profile.

He had previously learned from this Neiying that Amanata was ordered to come to the Source of the Light and told Tyre that the high-level guards inside and outside the Palace of the Devil Lord basically knew this, although limited by the **** The system and authority requirements, the refining demon avatar can not simply probe deep secrets, but collecting such information is still very simple.

But that's just what happened to the "current" "past" ...

Cheng Bin exists in the ontology of the underlying information of the Source of Holy Light. The complexity of the information exceeds the soul core of the sum of all life in the world. The unpredictable slight disturbance of the source stimulates the gene-like high-pressure encrypted information chain, which is constantly translated and manufactured The pieces of information and the assembling tools are in Cheng Bin's thinking.

That was another set of "past" messages that didn't exist in the "current" past. The conversation between the fallen monarch Daphne and the Lord of Hell. Disappear out of thin air ...

"Slight world line changes with Daphne as the node ... Asmodeus, Lord of Hell and the Devil, looks far closer to the realm of the gods than Ogma the **** of knowledge ..."

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