Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-One-Twenty-Five The Nature of Witch's Night and 1 Question

Although the terrible unnatural hurricane that stirs the clouds and the ground has disappeared, the world shrouded in dark clouds is still full of natural storms and thunders. Wen Wen's soft words did not spread far.

However, depending on the technological level of the civilization to which the incubator belongs, except for special things such as soul gems that involve parallel worlds, as long as they are observant in this world, there is nothing to avoid their monitoring.

So when Wenwen's words fell, Qiubi, who was always concerned about all the magical girls, turned away from a building wreckage, jumped twice in front of a large woman, two small women, and crouched and fluffed her big tail.

"The incubator never lied, but it's okay to hide the key information," Xiao Meiyan glanced at her hourglass, where there was no more glory inside, and found a concrete fragment to sit down. "You Thought I hadn't asked it about Witch's Night? "

Hearing the girl ’s rare and tired voice, Wenwen and Qiubi glanced at each other, and then she said to this white adorable thing: "Qiubi, the information about Witch's Night in history must have been revealed by you. Right? I do n’t think that the witch ’s night ’s complete awakening is enough to destroy the surface civilization. It ’s only after someone has witnessed it. ”

"You guessed it right," Qiubi tilted her head and glanced at the dark and straight girl. "The harmfulness of Witch Night was in the past when I informed the magical girls and organized them to fight together, basically every time. They can be expelled before they are fully awakened. "

"Is it just an expulsion?" Wen Wen snorted softly, staring at the smirking figure continually spinning under the dark clouds in the sky. "What I feel is really right-this stage witch is just a witch night. Some kind of 'phenomenon', the essence of Witch's Night is not here at all. "

The black and straight girl moved slightly and turned to look at Wenwen.

"Think carefully, the so-called witches in this world have low-dimensional material carriers like their high-dimensional souls, which is their key point-the soul gem or the seed of lamentation," Wenwen continued, "and this witch The night was completely materialized by high-dimensional interference from nothing, and I did not feel that she had that material core ...

"Chubby, the soul gem and its sorrowful seed, this kind of soul-carrying object is made by a unified specification that you can observe and interfere with. You do n’t tell me where you are about the material carrier of Witch Night Know. "

"You're really keen," Qiubi's red eyes looked at Wenwen. "If it's a normal magical girl, tell them the fact that Witch Night was born from the fusion of plural witch souls, but you If I do, I can explain in more detail ... "

Xiao Mei Yan fiercely stood up, her eyes lingering a little between the confrontational Wenwen and Qiubi.

Chubby looked at the young girl who had a big reaction, and said to Wenwen with some confusion: "But is it really appropriate to let her know those things? As long as she makes up her mind, she can distort the timeline again, and when I lose What would she do with key memories? "

"Do n’t talk nonsense, we talked about that before ..." Wen Wen squatted and put the tip of a dagger that looked unpretentious but twisted in time and space in front of Qiubi. "You're not incapable of talking privately. Speaking out, what other concerns?

"Say, is Witch Night related to you?"

Chubby glanced at the dagger in front of his eyes that stored a huge amount of energy through the vector vortex, and even directly opposed the powerful magic in the sky. Then he frankly said: "It seems you guessed a bit ... yes, 'Witch of the Witch "Night was born of the fusion of plural witch souls". In this sentence, "plural witch" actually means all witches in history. "

Xiaomei Yan suddenly took a step forward, and she stared at Chubby and said, "In history ... all?"

"Where do you think all the lamenting seeds that I recovered have gone?" Qiubi crooked his head. "These conscious witch souls exist in the highest-level laboratory in our civilization. With the study of the witch's soul, can we touch the knowledge that crosses the world a little ...

"But Witch's Night is indeed an unexpected product-it may be because there is no three-dimensional matter that can be understood by normal humans in our laboratory, which leads to the thing that gathers all the witch's souls, ignoring all obstacles that hinder putting its own power on it. Let ’s have a common impression of the earth. The potential of humanity is really terrible ...

"Of course, the phenomenon of Witch's Night is very valuable to us ... just to find her tracks for observation and research, and at the same time to prevent her inexplicable destruction of human beings on the earth, to avoid the biggest There is something wrong with the origin of the Magic Girl, and it is quite troublesome. "

"So, the night of the witch is made by you ..." Recalling the countless desperate battles with the night of the witch in the past samsara, Xiao Meiyan's eyes darkened, "... you who control her core, obviously You can destroy her directly. "

"Even if you are so hostile to me, don't I follow the principles and not attack?" Chubby wondered. "Why, then, why should I destroy the night of the witch who will be of great help to our research?" ?

"If you really want to eliminate the witch completely, wouldn't you kill all the existences related to the magical girl in the world? Can you accept it?

"In the final analysis, there are countless individuals who lose their lives every year due to natural disasters and man-made disasters. Only in the history of the Witch Night that occasionally materializes, the single largest casualty in the past is only thousands. Compared to killing you in the civil war, The number of siblings is so small that it can be ignored ...

"With such a little bit of sacrifice of local life on the planet, in exchange for knowledge that breaks through the cage of the world, and saves the universe destined to be doomed, this cost-effectiveness has broken the sky, is there anything inappropriate?"

Xiao Meiyan's right hand pressed firmly on the soul gem on the back of her left hand, her teeth biting silently.

Wen Wen sighed and gently pressed the shoulders of the trembling girl. "Don't discuss these with guys with different views and positions. UU reading www.uukanshu.com will only suffocate himself ..."

Looking up, he looked at the powerful witch slowly turning clockwise, and turned slightly from upside down to upright. Wenwen turned to Qiubi and said, "Qiubi, what are the conditions to expel this kind of witch night phenomenon? "

"In the past, as long as there were multiple magical girls involved, direct confrontation with magic could still disperse it," Chubby replied, "but now, it has been a long time since the last night of Witches appeared, and I don't know she is constantly Whether the fusion accumulation has exceeded a certain limit, now her performance when she is not awake is not comparable to her in history ...

"If you want to face up and expel Witch Night, it is impossible to succeed unless it is you or the existence of the rank of Shimemura-after the attack of nuclear weapons, Witch Night is made up of various human impressions. Cognition must have been refreshed once again, and ordinary attacks would hardly work for her. "

"In the final analysis, do you still have to fight magic or high-dimensional interference?" Wen Wen looked at the black long straight **** one side and said in a weird tone. "Then the problem is--

"In the initial timeline of this girl's experience, how did the‘ qualified ’magical girl Maika Megumi defeat Witch Night?”

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