Uplifting Journey

: Fanwai-i-twenty-six Hypothesis about the theory of the ring and the dagger of God

Suddenly, the black and straight girl remembered the moment when the long reincarnation really started--

In order to fight against the night of the witch, Madoka chose to sacrifice her life-the back-jumping shadow and the dazzling pink brilliance that obscured the vision later, is the immortal mark in Xiao Meiyan's heart ...

Destroyed Madoka Night's Madoka, leaving only her body covered with scars falling on the soaked ground, her teary eyes wishing to Chobe with despair and hope, longing to meet her again ...

This is the last scene before the reincarnation of pain, how could she forget?

"... In this timeline, I have never told others about my past experiences. Why do you know these things?" Xiao Meiyan blinked hard, she suppressed the emotions in her heart and cast her eyes on Wenwen .

Wen Wen coughed a little: "It's a bit troublesome to explain my question, so I won't talk about it for the moment ... Anyway, I just know it, and I can't determine whether it is correct, so I need to go through the scene in person. You confirm it-

"Did you see how the deer's night eliminated Witch's Night in the original timeline?"

After being silent for a while, Xiaomei Yan tilted her head and whispered softly: "At that time, I was still an ordinary person who had no sense of magic. My body and spirit were very weak. Only when Madoka rushed up, a pink glow erupted. , Don't know what happened. "

"After that?" Wenwen asked, "Should you have tried to cooperate with Lu Muyuan against Witch Night in the reincarnation? At that time, you have become a magical girl and noticed that Is it special? "

"..." Looking at the wasteland, Xiao Meiyan fell into silence again--

It is true that she had twice against Madoka Night with Madoka before she vowed to protect Madoka during the reincarnation and keep it away from the Chobe Contract trap.

Why didn't you notice it then?

Whether it was the first time that they cooperated with Bama Mei to fight against the Witch Night, or the second time with Madoka against the Witch Night, only Madoka ’s pink light arrow could obviously hurt the powerful stage witch, and she You can only use your time to stop the ability to assist the attack, transfer teammates, and clear up the magic ...

Each time Witch's Night was evicted, it was achieved by Madoka's ultimate overdraft magic power breaking out.

I never thought about it ... why is Madoka so strong?

Perhaps, from the beginning, from the moment she was rescued by Madoka from the Witch's attack, the pink figure has become a symbol of "power" and "hope" in her heart ...

In the past timeline, Chubby explained the nature of the magical girl's qualifications and abilities. It clearly confirmed that she was constantly twisting the time to change the world line around the wishing target Madoka, which caused her to accumulate extremely terrible cause and effect. That gave her a terrible qualification and potential.

Before the reincarnation started, in the first timeline before she became a magical girl, she defeated Madoka ’s Night Madoka, what was she carrying?

The black and straight girl couldn't help turning her eyes to the shelter where Madoka was, and for a while she was speechless.

"... Kamiya won the Witch's Night before the reincarnation started?" Choubi, who was squatting aside, apparently didn't know anything about the other timelines. He looked at the silent girl, and then said incredulously, " It's impossible, something like magic is not something that can be greatly enhanced by awakening awareness and sacrificing yourself, unless ... "

After a brief pause, Chubby turned her eyes to Wenwen: "... unless she has the ability to convey this will to all the parallel branches involved in the Soul Gem, or ... the one you raised in the past, about the deer circle, Or the hypothesis about the theory of the ring is true. "

"The principle of the ring ..." After hearing this strange word, Xiao Meiyan trembled as if soaked in ice water. She suddenly covered her heart, took a hard breath, and then seized Wenwen's Arms exclaimed, "What are you talking about ?! What assumptions about Madoka ?!"

Suppressing the passive effect of arm vector countermeasures, Wenwen frowned at the emotionally excited black long straight girl: "You react ... the principle of the ring is our Existing title, if you are willing to listen, I will explain those things in detail later, but now ... "

After appeasing the girl who grabbed her arm, Wenwen looked up at the sky, staring at the stage witch who had crossed her body and said, "It seems like I have no time to talk about gossip, so let's solve this big trouble first."

Although the natural disaster caused by the witch's looting was greatly suppressed by Wenwen's power, if it was allowed to fully awaken, it would be quite troublesome.

"You want to defeat Witch's Night here?" Qiubi quickly jumped over and crouched in front of Wenwen curiously. "Although your strength is strong, but if you don't release all your potential, it will be difficult for you to eliminate it positively. Witch's night, right?

"Do you intend to sign a contract with me here to become a magical girl?"

"Don't even think about it," Wenwen vetoed without hesitation. "Indeed, on the total amount of controllable high-dimensional interference force put in a unit time, I am far worse than the guy above, after all. The guy behind me pays more attention to the magnifying effect of knowledge and technology ...

"But the form of my power and my development and use of it far exceed this brainless witch ... even when the witch uses magic power, she has reached the true level of technology of your incubator through the seed of lamentation, But it is impossible to compare it with my existence. "

"On the hook?" Qiubi crooked her head ~ www.readwn.com ~ Do you mean cheating? In other words, do you have a way to realize your unparalleled potential? "

"Huh ..." Wen Wen looked down at the dagger that was constantly absorbing the material velocity of the vast space. She examined this weapon, which is considered to be of extremely high quality in the level of human industry, and looked at the large number of speeds that had solidified on it. Capturing Module, "Chuby, do you know ..."

He showed Qiubi a dagger full of strange broken lines in his hand, but still intact. Wenwen said with emotion: "This dagger was bought from the river of lost time at a cost. Really almost killed a 'God' weapon ... "

-Although at that time, that guy was far from being called a demon, but in terms of high-dimensional perspectives and concepts, this dagger was indeed stained with relevant information ... It ca n’t be said that it is a lie, is n’t it?

Holding on to this dagger, Wenwen cast his gaze on the witch who was slowly changing upright in the sky, with a eager expression on his face: "Every time I use the speed sweep above the laws of physics, my institute It's not about whether you can achieve your goal, but how to control your power and try not to slip your hands ... "

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