Urban best village doctor

Chapter 145 Encountering Danger

Under the leadership of Li Xiao, several people walked carefully towards the depths of the primeval forest.

These soldiers are the top special forces kings. They are very capable of surviving in the wild, and there are many dangers. They have already solved them before Li Xiao reminded them.

This made Li Xiao faintly admire.

Their ability to survive in the wild is probably not much weaker than those experienced old hunters, and even in some respects, it is much stronger.

It is precisely because of this that although the group moved forward at a fast speed, they did not encounter any real danger.

Perhaps it is because of the frequent execution of such missions between life and death, Li Xiao discovered that these soldiers have a kind of intuition that is almost like a beast. Every time there is an imminent danger, they are able to detect it in advance. This ability is very powerful. sharp.

Suddenly, Li Xiao stretched out his hand and said to the people behind him, "Stop!"

In an instant, the entire group stopped. Wang Chuan and Hu Hai raised their guns and looked around cautiously. They would take action immediately in case of danger.

"Li Xiao, what's wrong?" Captain Jiang asked in a low voice.

"I found clues to the movement of those bandits." Li Xiao said lightly.

Hearing this, Captain Jiang's face immediately revealed an expression of excitement, and said, "Where is it?"

Li Xiao pointed to an unremarkable shrub on the ground, and said: "Look here, this shrub was obviously cut off by someone with a sharp knife, and judging from the traces on it, it took no more than two days since it was cut off. !"

Just after Li Xiao finished explaining, Captain Jiang immediately nodded and said, "You're right, in this primeval forest, apart from us, there are probably only those few thugs."

Afterwards, Captain Jiang asked, "Can you tell where they are heading?" After speaking, he looked at Li Xiao expectantly.

This is naturally not a problem for Li Xiao.

Originally, through the little snake on his wrist, he already knew where those thugs were now. At this time, he didn't even need to use his clairvoyant eyes, and he could easily find the traces on the ground with his enhanced vision.

However, if you just say the direction the other party is heading in, it would be a bit too shocking.

It's okay to say that his ability is stronger than the average person, but if it is too much stronger, it may not be explained by the so-called extraordinary talent. Li Xiao doesn't want others to regard him as a monster.

So, he pretended to observe on the ground for a while, then he stood up, pointed in the direction of the gangsters, and said, "They should be heading in this direction."

"How do you know?" Hu Hai asked.

"Although these thugs are very careful, they can't fly after all. Look at the weeds on the ground. The growth of this area is slightly opposite to that of ordinary weeds. There are also such traces in front, so I deduce that those thugs are Go in this direction." Li Xiao said calmly.

After the few people finished listening, they looked at the weeds on the ground and looked at each other. They all saw shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

There is no way, in their eyes, the few traces that Li Xiao just pointed out are too subtle, even if they observe carefully, it is difficult to find the difference.

They really couldn't imagine how Li Xiao discovered this.

But they also knew that now was not the time to ask questions. Since he had pointed out the direction, they immediately followed behind him.

After walking a few more steps, even Captain Jiang and the others found some traces of people walking by, which made them admire Li Xiao's miraculousness, and at the same time strengthened Jiang Yang's idea of ​​recruiting Li Xiao.

Unknowingly, several people had already walked for most of the day.

Unlike the hot weather outside, the climate in the primeval forest is even more sultry.

It didn't take long for the clothes of several people to be wet with sweat.

Seeing the sweat on their bodies, a look of worry flashed in Li Xiao's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Li Xiao's expression changed, Jiang Yang asked.

"You are wearing too much clothes and sweating too much. It is easy to be attacked by wild animals or poisonous insects in the primeval forest. Be careful next time." Li Xiao reminded.

Hearing what Li Xiao said, Jiang Yang realized that his clothes were already wet with sweat, and his hair was also in locks.

Jiang Yang was also helpless about this kind of thing.

They are just ordinary special forces, not supermen. Facing the sweltering environment, they have the same physiological reactions as ordinary people.

Looking at Li Xiao who was wearing thin clothes, their eyes were full of envy.

Just when Li Xiao was about to take a step forward, Hu Hai's face changed suddenly. He didn't know what he had discovered, and he rushed towards Li Xiao suddenly.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Li Xiao has long let go of his guard, and has no defense against them at all.

So seeing Hu Hai rushing over, he didn't even have any precautions, and was directly thrown to the ground by Hu Hai.

Li Xiao was inevitably flustered, what is Hu Hai going to do?

Could it be that because of the conflict with Wang Chuan just now, he still holds a grudge, and is going to take advantage of the opportunity when he is defenseless to deal with him?

It's not to blame Li Xiao for thinking the worst, it's because the situation was so sudden that he wasn't prepared at all.

Just when Li Xiao was about to fight back, Hu Hai suddenly said in a low voice: "Be careful, there are booby traps ahead."

Hearing this, his tense body relaxed.

At the same time, I feel a little guilty for my distrust of them.

When Li Xiao stood up again, his expression was a little ugly.

Because just in front of him, there was a very inconspicuous thin line, and at one end of the thin line, there was a black grenade tied to it. It only takes Li Xiao to take a small step forward, and he will touch the thin wire, which will detonate the grenade.

Although Li Xiao's body has been strengthened and its strength is far higher than that of ordinary people, it is still a body of flesh and blood. If it is blown by a grenade at such a close distance, it may be lifeless.

Since getting the supernatural power, Li Xiao has been doing things smoothly, and has hardly encountered any setbacks.

But this time, he really felt death.

Death is only one step away from him.

For a moment, his face became extremely pale, and his body became even more rigid.

"Damn it, these crazy bastards actually set up booby traps here, they are really bastards!" Hu Hai cursed in a low voice.

Seeing that Li Xiao seemed a little absent-minded, Jiang Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Are you all right?"

This time the force was not light, and his body was shaken directly by the slap. But it also made Li Xiao wake up, and he quickly said: "It's okay."

But in the depths of the eyes, there flashed a frightening cold light!

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