Urban best village doctor

Chapter 259 Personnel Director

Pan Yang put down his cruel words, clutched his buttocks and ran away.

"Uh... people from the Sun family? It seems that the Sun family and I really had an enmity in our previous life, and we can meet each other wherever we go." Li Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched Pan Yang leave, but it didn't take long for him to return to normal, turning around Thief turned around and looked at Liu Ruyan's figure, and said: "If it's your guest, then I'm really sorry, who let him block me from seeing beautiful women!"

Looking at Li Xiao's wicked smile, Liu Ruyan felt a little strange.

Why didn't I feel any disgust when I looked at that smile? Is it because this kid looks good?

Looking at Li Xiao again, Liu Ruyan watched, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised a slight arc.

The arc was very small, but it completely fell into Mr. Zhang's eyes, which made Mr. Zhang very surprised. You must know that he and Liu Ruyan have been together for half a year, but he has never seen her smile.

As the president of the group, Liu Ruyan was under a lot of pressure. That beautiful face was cold all day long, and she was always unsmiling in front of the group's senior management. Even if she smiled sometimes, it was forced out.

But the appearance of this young man actually made Liu Ruyan laugh twice in a short period of time!

If this matter gets out, it may become a hot topic in the company's gossip tomorrow.

"Hey, what are you guys doing in a daze?" Suddenly Liu Ruyan and Mr. Zhang shook a hand in front of their eyes, and the two came back to their senses.

"Hello!" Mr. Zhang, who came back to his senses, immediately showed his professionalism, and stretched out his hand in a standard way, "Sir, you are Li Xiao who was introduced by Mr. Du, right?"

Mr. Du?

Li Xiao recalled it for a while, and it seems that Jia Jun said that he was introduced by Du or something, so he must be Du Lao.

"Yes, I am." Li Xiao nodded, "Well, is the interview going to start now?"

"No interview, you passed!" Liu Ruyan, the president of Bingshan, suddenly said, "Mr. Zhang, take him to the HR department to register, and then come to my office."

"Ah?" Mr. Zhang looked confused, he said no just now, why did he suddenly change now?

A woman's face can change faster than the sky!

Mr. Zhang shook his head and sighed, then politely took Li Xiao to the personnel department.

The personnel department is located on the sixth floor, and the entire building is full of interviewees, while Li Xiao is led by Mr. Zhang to bypass the interviewers and directly enter the office of the director of personnel, making a group of interviewees envious.

In the director's office, the 26-year-old Yue Hong was watching the recent turnover of the company's personnel, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Yuehong was a little strange. The rules and regulations of the personnel department had been set very carefully by her. Except when some executives came to interview, she was not needed at all.

According to the report below, no senior executives came to interview today. How could someone come to her?

"Please come in!" Putting away the materials, Yueru said in a warm voice.

"President Yue!"

The door opened, and Mr. Zhang and Li Xiao walked in. Seeing Yuehong, Mr. Zhang said: "This is a new employee, please help me to register."

Yue Ru was slightly surprised, and looked at the person behind her.

Can the vice president of the group bring him here to join the job in person, who should be the son of everyone?

Turning her beautiful eyes to look at Li Xiao, she suddenly became a little surprised.

Because the person who came was completely different from what he had imagined. Looking at his clothes, he looked exactly like a farmer who had just entered the city. There was a trace of laziness on his face, and his appearance was still handsome. Other than that, there was nothing special about him.

As the director of the HR department, she has basically seen all the senior executives in Pujiang, whether they are real people or photos, but there is no such a person in her mind.

It's interesting, Yue Ru was secretly curious, but she said: "That's okay, Mr. Zhang will leave it to me, um, I don't know about his salary..."

"Look at my head, I forgot to ask about this." Mr. Zhang looked at Li Xiao and said, "Little brother, how much monthly salary do you want?"

"Monthly salary?"

Li Xiao thought for a while, five thousand yuan should be enough, so he raised five fingers.

"Okay!" Mr. Zhang said to Yue Ru, "My little brother is called Li Xiao, and his position is the personal security guard of the president, with a monthly salary of 50,000. Please record it."

fifty thousand!

Now it was Li Xiao's turn to be dumbfounded.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Li Xiao originally thought only to ask for five thousand yuan. This is the rhythm of your sister, who is worthy of being a city person, who doesn't take money seriously at all.

A small security guard costs 50,000 a month. No wonder the security guard downstairs looks down on rural people.

What Li Xiao didn't know was that the security guards downstairs only cost two to three thousand yuan a month. The reason why his salary was so high was entirely because he was introduced by Mr. Du.

In Mr. Zhang's eyes, the person introduced by Mr. Du, let alone 50,000, must be given even 100,000.

When he saw Li Xiao raised five fingers, he was a little surprised why he would ask for such a low price.

If Li Xiao knew what Mr. Zhang was thinking, he would probably spit out a mouthful of old blood directly with deep anger.

"After a while, take him to Mr. Liu's office. I have to withdraw beforehand." After Mr. Zhang explained, he left Yueru's office.

Li Xiao's eyes swept Yueru up and down.

Twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with light makeup on her face, she has a graceful look, and her figure is slightly inferior to Ruyan Liu, but it is definitely not bad. If Ruyan Liu scored 9.9 points, she can at least 9.5.

Li Xiao is happy now, there are so many beauties in this company, it seems that there is no need to worry about loneliness in the future.

"You sit first." Yue Ru picked up a disposable paper cup and poured Li Xiao a cup of hot milk, "Come on, have a glass of water first, and I'll help you register your information."

Just as Li Xiao was about to take the water from Yue Ru's hand, Yue Ru suddenly twisted her high-heeled shoes for some reason, her hands shook, and directly spilled hot milk on Li Xiao's crotch.

"Ah, sorry!"

Yueru panicked all of a sudden. Although she didn't know Li Xiao's identity, she knew that Li Xiao's background was definitely not simple. She was well versed in the rules of the workplace and naturally knew that such a person could not be offended. Subconsciously, she squatted down and stretched out her The jade hand patted on Li Xiao's pants.

With this clap, her forehand trembled slightly, as if she had touched something she shouldn't have touched.

Yueru let out a cry of surprise, a tinge of apple red rose on her face, and said in a panic, "Well, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry, I'll wipe it off for you right away!"

Yueru stood up and was going to find a towel, but she was flustered because she was so flustered. She just sprained her feet and sat down in Li Xiao's arms.


"That, that, sir, I, I..."

As the personnel director, Yue Ru, who had always been aloof, suddenly panicked. Sitting on Li Xiao's body, she forgot to get up.

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