The disgusting breath coming out of the box made Li Xiao very upset. Following his feeling, he saw a blue jade pendant on the innermost side of the box.

And the uncomfortable breath that Li Xiao felt just now came from this jade pendant.

Li Xiao picked up the jade pendant.

Immediately, he couldn't help but gasped.

The moment his hand came into contact with the jade pendant, he immediately felt a chill, which entered his body along his arm, making him shiver uncontrollably.

That's right, it's this thing.

It took a long time for Li Xiao to get used to the chill of the jade pendant. He found that there seemed to be some strange patterns engraved on the surface of this cyan jade pendant.

Looking at it, Li Xiao's brows gradually wrinkled.

He seems to have seen this pattern somewhere before.

But I can't remember it.

Suddenly, Li Xiao's eyes lit up, and he finally remembered.

When he was young, his grandfather once taught him some spells and Feng Shui formations, and this pattern is one of the spells.

Yin sealing curse.

The purpose of this mantra is very simple, it can seal Yin Qi.

If Li Xiao guessed correctly, the cold air that penetrated into his body just now should be the Yin Qi leaked from the jade pendant. He could see that the Yin Sealing Curse on the jade pendant was intact, but even so, there was still Yin energy leaking out. From this we can see how much Yin energy is contained in this jade pendant.

Seeing that Li Xiao had been playing with the blue jade pendant in his hand, Yan Ruyu quickly asked, "Brother Xiao, is this jade pendant the one that caused me to dream?"

Li Xiao nodded, then shook his head again.

Yan Ruyu was a little confused, he nodded and shook his head again, what exactly did he mean?

Just when she was about to ask the reason, Li Xiao suddenly asked, "Sister Yan, where did you buy this jade pendant?"

Yan Ruyu picked up the jade pendant and said with a smile: "Tell me about this jade pendant. I bought it at a small stall three days ago. At that time, I thought this jade pendant was good. It should be able to appreciate in value after buying it."

Li Xiao looked at Yan Ruyu in surprise, didn't she feel cold? Li Xiao personally experienced how strong the yin energy released from the jade pendant was.

Originally, Li Xiao also thought that it might be the jade pendant's problem. After all, a normal person's body would become weak after being in contact with Yin Qi for a long time, and he would naturally have nightmares at night.

But what he couldn't understand was why Yan Ruyu had nightmares every night, and it was the same nightmare, and she even knew the appearance of the person in the dream, which was a bit unbelievable.

No matter how powerful the jade pendant is, it cannot control human dreams.

It seems that this jade pendant is not the one who caused the trouble.

But Li Xiao still asked curiously: "Sister Yan, don't you think this jade pendant is cool?"

"Very cold? Not only do I not feel cold, but I feel comfortable holding it in my hand." Yan Ruyu said with a smile.

Not cool? Still very comfortable?

How is this possible? Li Xiao, after his body has been strengthened, his body's antagonism has become stronger to a certain extent. And this jade pendant, even he felt very cold, how could Yan Ruyu feel that it was not cold, but rather comfortable. This is obviously not in line with common sense.

Li Xiao's gaze at Yan Ruyu also became weird.

At this moment, a barking voice came from Yan Ruyu's bedroom.

Yan Ruyu apologized, then walked into the house, and when she came out, she was holding a poodle in her arms.

Li Xiao decided to test it out. He took the jade pendant in his hand, and then touched the poodle. As a result, the poodle in Yan Ruyu's arms suddenly seemed to have encountered a natural enemy.

There was a mournful howl, and the poodle's fur exploded.

He yelled at the jade pendant, and when Li Xiao brought the jade pendant close to the poodle again, the poodle tucked its tail and ran away, even ignoring Yan Ruyu's greeting.

"Brother Xiao, what did you do? Why is Huahua so afraid of you?"


Li Xiao couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, he really didn't know why Yan Ruyu called a white poodle Hua Hua, and he didn't know who named it.

He took out the cyan jade pendant in his hand, put it on the table, and said: "The reason is very simple, it is because of this jade pendant."

Yan Ruyu froze for a moment, then said: "This jade pendant is very ordinary."

"That is ordinary to you, but not ordinary to others." Li Xiao said meaningfully.

"What do you mean?" Yan Ruyu didn't understand.

"It's very simple. If someone comes across this jade pendant, the first thing to do is to throw this jade pendant away."

"Why, throwing away such a good jade pendant, isn't that a waste?" Yan Ruyu was still puzzled.

Li Xiao sighed helplessly, and said, "Let me tell you the truth, if someone else touches this jade pendant, it will feel very cold. The reason why your Huahua ran away just now is because of this reason."

Yan Ruyu showed doubts on her face, "But why don't I have the cold feeling you said?"

Li Xiao shook his head and said, "This is also where I am puzzled."

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, he said to Yan Ruyu: "Sister Yan, please reach out your hand."

Yan Ruyu was a little surprised at Li Xiao's request, but out of trust in him, she still extended her hand.

Li Xiao directly grabbed her hand, stretched out three fingers to rest on her white wrist.

As soon as her cold hands touched Yan Ruyu's skin, her body trembled suddenly, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on her arms instantly.

Seeing Li Xiao's actions, Yan Ruyu was surprised and said, "You can still check the pulse?"

She found that she didn't understand the person in front of her more and more. Not only did she know how to do business, but she also knew how to do Feng Shui, and now she even knew how to diagnose pulse. What else could he do?

"I have learned a little bit, and the family-inspired craftsmanship is not worth mentioning." Li Xiao said modestly.

Soon, the rhythmic pulse vibration came over.

As time passed, Li Xiao's face became more and more ugly.

Seeing Li Xiao like this, Yan Ruyu couldn't help worrying, she really didn't have anything to do, right?

"How am I? Is there something wrong?" Yan Ruyu asked nervously.

Li Xiao sighed, and said, "Sister Yan, do you feel that your body is getting weaker and weaker in the past few years, such as lethargy, lack of energy, and lack of energy?"

Yan Ruyu looked at Li Xiao in surprise, and said, "How do you know?"

Indeed, as said, her body has deteriorated a lot in recent years. Originally, she thought it was because she spent too much time in the office, resulting in insufficient exercise time. But when she was about to exercise, she found out that exercising was useless at all, and instead made her more tired.

She also went to the hospital to see it, and she did a lot of checks, but the results showed that it was very normal, and there was nothing wrong with it at all.

But it is an indisputable fact that her body is gradually weakening. In the end, the doctor was helpless and could only say it was menopausal syndrome.

After hearing the doctor's diagnosis, Yan Ruyu really wanted to scratch the doctor's face a few times. She was only about 30 years old, and she had menopausal syndrome!

Li Xiao continued: "If I'm not mistaken, over the past few years, Sister Yan, your monthly menstrual period has become less and less, and at the same time, your traffic has also become less and less."

"Isn't it a good thing that you don't have to suffer that crime?" Yan Ruyu smiled.

"Good thing?" Li Xiao snorted and said, "Sister Yan, do you know that if this continues, you will never have a chance to conceive again."

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