Urban best village doctor

Chapter 47 Corpse Blood Arrow

"What?! Can't conceive a child?" Hearing this, Yan Ruyu's face showed panic.

"Brother Xiao, aren't you lying to me?" Her voice was trembling at this moment.

Although Yan Ruyu is open-minded, deep down she longs to have a child of her own. Perhaps this is a common problem of women!

But now, when she hears that she may never have a chance to conceive a child again, how can she be happy in her heart?

Seeing that Sister Yan's eyes were red and she was about to cry, Li Xiao sighed and said, "Sister Yan, don't worry, we haven't reached the most dangerous situation yet, and there is still a possibility of rescue."

Yan Ruyu grabbed Li Xiao's arm and said pleadingly, "Li Xiao, you must help me, I want a child too."

cough cough!

Li Xiao showed an embarrassed smile.

Sister Yan, don't you know that what you said just now is full of ambiguity?

But seeing Yan Ruyu's current state, Li Xiao nodded helplessly, and said, "Sister Yan, don't worry, since I'm here, I will definitely help you."

At this moment, Yan Ruyu didn't have the bold and aggressive appearance before, she was a wronged little girl.

Li Xiao continued his analysis: "At first I thought that jade pendant was the culprit that caused Sister Yan to have nightmares, but unfortunately, although jade pendants can cause people to have nightmares, they cannot control the scenes in nightmares. But Sister Yan, you I also said that I have the same nightmare every day, and even the person chasing and killing you is the same person."

Yan Ruyu nodded repeatedly.

"So, this jade pendant should not be the culprit that caused your dreams. Also, maybe you haven't noticed, Sister Yan, that this jade pendant exudes yin energy, and ordinary people will feel like they have touched ice when they touch it, but Sister Yan You didn't respond at all, which is very strange. I also took the pulse of Sister Yan just now, and I found that the Yang Qi in Sister Yan's body was seriously drained, which is very abnormal. I guess, somewhere in this villa, there may be There is something."

Yan Ruyu was startled, and hugged Li Xiao's arm even tighter.

"Brother Xiao, you said...you can't...it's a ghost!" Yan Ruyu's voice became more and more trembling.

"Ghosts? How can there be ghosts in this world? They are all fabricated in TV novels. I'm talking about evil spirits, or negative spirits. Ordinary people's exposure to them for a long time is not good for their health. If the concentration is too high, it may even cause Some kind of abnormality, such as hallucinations, the ghost you mentioned probably came out after some people fell into hallucinations." Li Xiao explained.

It's a pity that Li Xiao didn't bring out the compass at home, otherwise, he would be able to find the wrong location in the villa according to the changes of the compass pointer.

But this is not a problem for Li Xiao at all.

He directly activated his perspective ability, and the scene in front of him changed immediately. On the ground, Li Xiao saw various gases. This is also a new ability that Li Xiao accidentally discovered after the superpower was promoted.

I don't know if it's because my abilities haven't evolved yet, these air currents are a little blurry.

But Li Xiao still saw the balls of black evil spirit very accurately.

These evil spirits were distributed in the hall of the villa, and there were as many as nine groups.

Li Xiao walked to one of the places where the evil spirit was located, and standing on top of the evil spirit, he suddenly felt a little cold under his feet. It seemed that countless cold currents penetrated into his body. In just a moment, his feet were already a little stiff.

When I looked down, I found that it was a solid wood floor at all, and there was nothing on it.

Li Xiao guessed that the source of the evil spirit might be under the floor.

He directly told Yan Ruyu his judgment.

Yan Ruyu immediately showed the decisiveness of the general manager. She didn't say anything, and only had one word: demolish!

Soon, Yan Ruyu took out the tools, and together with Li Xiao, they took down the floor.

The strange thing is that the other floors are covered with cement, but the ground under this floor is very soft, so after demolishing the floor, Li Xiao found a small portable shovel and started digging on the ground.

After digging about half a meter deep, suddenly, when the shovel was lowered, the handle of the shovel paused.

A smile appeared on Li Xiao's face immediately.

Got something.

He moved a little faster, and soon, Li Xiao dug out an object wrapped in red cloth.

He didn't dare to touch the thing with his hands, but shoveled it out with a shovel.

Seeing that there was indeed something, Yan Ruyu was also taken aback.

Originally, she was skeptical about Li Xiao's ability, but what she didn't expect was that Li Xiao really dug up something.

"What is this?" Yan Ruyu asked quickly.

"Open it and have a look." Li Xiao picked up the layer of red cloth with a shovel, and there was a rusty arrowhead inside, and there was some disgusting black substance at the tip of the arrowhead.

"What is this, it seems to be an arrow?" Yan Ruyu was curious.

When Li Xiao saw this haircut, he took a few steps back in disgust, his face was very ugly.

"This is the corpse blood arrow." Li Xiao said lightly.

"Bloodthirsty Arrow? The name is quite strange." Yan Ruyu heard it wrong, and heard corpse blood as bloodthirsty.

Li Xiao corrected: "It's wrong, it's corpse blood, not bloodthirsty, it's corpse corpse, blood of blood."

"Corpse Blood Arrow? Why did you have such a disgusting name?" Yan Ruyu showed a disgusted expression.

Li Xiao didn't explain anything, he was afraid that if he told the refining method of the corpse blood arrow, Yan Ruyu would not be able to sleep. With the help of supernatural powers, Li Xiao quickly found eight more identical red cloth bags in the room, which contained the same corpse blood arrows.

At this time, Yan Ruyu's gaze towards Li Xiao has completely changed, with a little complicated and awe in her gaze. It's not like it was just treated as its own prey before.

That's right, her previous opinion of Li Xiao was her prey.

But she never dreamed that Li Xiao knew so many things, especially the process of finding out those red cloth bags, it was simply amazing. If she didn't know that Li Xiao was still in Ning Village a few years ago, Yan Ruyu would have thought that those red cloth bags were arranged by Li Xiao.

Throwing the nine corpse blood arrows together, Li Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "There should be none now."

Yan Ruyu asked curiously: "How do you know that these corpse blood arrows are buried here?"

Li Xiao shook his head and said, "You don't understand even if you tell me."

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Yan Ruyu rolled her eyes helplessly.

At this moment, in Li Xiao's eyes, he found that there seemed to be a lot of evil spirits on the surface of these corpse blood arrows. When these evil spirits appeared, they seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and they flew towards Yan Ruyu's bedroom.

Li Xiao's heart moved, and he immediately walked to Yan Ruyu's bedroom.

Seeing his movements, Yan Ruyu quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"There's something in your bedroom." Li Xiao said, staring at the direction where the evil spirits were moving.

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