At the same time, everyone admired Liu Xun's comedy skills even more. This was a live interview, and no one knew what questions the reporter would ask, and there was no possibility of preparing in advance.

But Liu Xun can only pull out a line that makes people laugh and laugh. With such a foundation, it would be a pity not to continue acting in comedy shows. It is a big loss to the comedy world.

After the reporter interview was over and many actors stepped down, Tian Hua walked up to Liu Xun, patted him on the shoulder, and then shouted seriously:


"Ah!" Liu Xun gave him a strange look when he saw his serious expression.

"In my opinion, you still agreed to the fans' request, stop making movies, and focus on studying comedy, otherwise, your comedy talent will be a waste!"

Tian Hua said very emotionally.

Hearing this, Liu Xun was speechless again. Why did this guy make a fool of himself?

If he doesn't make movies, what can he do to the top line?Just by acting as a sketch?Or perform cross talk?

In the entertainment industry, there are only one or two people who can rely on sketch comics to reach the top line, and it took people decades to fight to achieve this status.

4.2 Liu Xun can't afford to wait, so he should get rid of this idea as soon as possible.

He shook his head and was about to enter the premiere hall, but at this moment, Liu Xun's mind suddenly flashed, and the steps he just stepped out also floated in the air, and he didn't move for a while.

comedy?Movie?It seems, it seems, the two are not in conflict!

Maybe he can try to make comedy movies in the future, wouldn't that kill two birds with one stone?

This thought settled in his heart, and a bright color appeared in Liu Xun's eyes, as if he had determined the future path.

Immediately, he strode forward and walked into the premiere hall.

At this time, in Liu Xun's life, the first movie starring him is about to be released. .

Chapter [-] The movie is out! 【For subscription】

Chapter [-] The movie is out!

In the morning, around eleven o'clock. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net)~)

Inside the theater.

All the ceremonies are over, and the premiere just begins!

In the venue, everyone stood on the viewing seats, and the guests and audience were all staring at the big screen.

Although generally speaking, the premiere and the public release of the movie are on the same day, but the premiere must be earlier. As the first batch of people in the country to watch the movie, the audience is a little excited, especially with their idols Watch a movie together.

The music is here. As the opening melody of the movie, there are no lyrics, just the background melody floats out.

Leading actor: Liu Yifei.

Leading actor: Tian Hua.

Starring: Liu Xun.


Liu Xun's name is ranked very high, and he is the third character in this movie. In fact, he has a lot of roles. After all, he exists as a big villain.

The reason why Li An invited him to audition at the beginning was because he had just won the championship of "Joyful Comedian", and his popularity was booming, which could bring some box office to a certain extent. 13

At that time, he was only a second-tier star, and his salary was lower, which is commonly known as high quality and low price. .

However, Li An never imagined that Liu Xun actually gave him such a big surprise. In just a few months, he actually stepped into the front line, and his popularity was even higher.

It is no exaggeration to say that before and after the Spring Festival, with a cross talk and a sketch, Liu Xun's popularity in the entertainment circle is very rare.

Only when the popularity of the Spring Festival Gala slowly dissipates will his popularity drop to a normal level.

Li An was very surprised, and he was more confident in the box office of this film.

At this time, in a flash of picture and music, the scene changed, and Liu Yifei appeared on the screen.

She is the lead actor and has a lot of roles.

The beginning of the plot is mostly foreshadowing the plot and explaining the characters.

In the first row of viewing seats, Liu Xun sat there watching with relish. He was not the lead actor, and he did not follow up many scenes, so he had not seen the full version edited at the end of the movie.

Today was the first time I saw a movie I acted in, and it felt very different.

Fifteen minutes after the movie was released, the villain played by Liu Xun finally appeared.

"You can't go in!"

"Hmph, it's just a group of turkeys, I want to see, who dares to stop me?"

As soon as Liu Xun appeared on the stage, he showed a domineering and unparalleled aura, and immediately shocked many people. .

It seems that Liu Xun's movie is not bad!

The audience slowly fell into the plot and watched it even more fascinated.

At the eightieth minute, the end of the movie is approaching.

The villain played by Liu Xun has been defeated by the hero and heroine.

"You are at the end of the day, and today I want to avenge everyone."

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