"I have never bowed my head to others. Even if I die, I will die at my own hands."

Liu Xun's domineering continued, and then he committed suicide.

Below, many people watched it and felt sorry for Liu Xun, especially Liu Xun's die-hard fans, who felt sorry for him.

"The protagonist is too bad, why do you want to kill Liu Xun?"

"That's right, Tian Hua is so annoying."

"Uh, what, it seems that Liu Xun is playing the villain, right? He is the protagonist!"

"I don't care, I just like villains anyway."

"Do you think that Liu Xun seems to be doing a good job!"

"Yes, the acting is really good. I faced his face, and there was no drama at all."

"Yeah, this is the actor, he can act anything!"

"Hey, I'm suddenly worried, will Liu Xun concentrate on making movies in the future?"

"Don't, I'm still waiting for his new sketch!"


On the field, many reporters and film critics looked at each other in dismay, a little stunned by Liu Xun's acting skills. After all, acting in sketch comics is completely different from acting in movies.

But on the debut of his movie, Liu Xun's performance was as good as ever, perfect.

A reporter blinked and couldn't help but admire: "The acting is really good."

Another film critic also said to the person next to him: "Liu Xun's role in the scene is very eye-catching, and the fighting scene is also good, with a punch and a kick."

The movie is over, but everyone is still discussing in a low voice, exchanging movie-watching testimonials. In addition to the names of the leading actors Liu Yifei and Tian Hua being mentioned, Liu Xun's name has also been mentioned many times, no less than them.

The audience left the venue one after another, leaving only a handful of insiders.

At this time, director Li An was very excited.

Whether a movie is good or not can be seen from the premiere alone.

After the audience watched it, they were all discussing the plot and praising an actor, but 217 rarely heard some complaints and curses.

This means that the current reputation is not bad.

For their lineup, as long as the word of mouth is good, the box office will definitely not be bad.

And in the evening, the national release of the movie also began.

With a big director, big investment, and three big first-line stars, "The Young Master" has attracted a lot of attention, and many fans of Liu Yifei and Tian Hua have long been waiting to watch it.

However, only Liu Xun's fans have lost the chain a bit.

"Is the movie "The Young Master" good?"

"Uh, it's okay, I just watched the premiere this morning, and I feel pretty good."

"I'm going, you actually went to see Liu Xun's movie? Traitor!"

"Yes, traitor, what about the total boycott of Liu Xun's film?"

"Old Tie, we have to let him take his heart back! If you support him so much, Liu Xun will no longer perform sketches and cross talk!"

"Yes, everyone, please don't go to see it!"

"Understood, don't worry, we all understand!"

"Resolutely don't watch Liu Xun's movies!"

"Same as above, plus 1!"


Chapter [-] Invitation to "Tucao Conference" 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] Invitation to "Tucao Conference"

In the movie theaters that night. .

"Young Master" is released one after another, and it ends one after another.

On the day of the premiere, the topic on Weibo continued to rise, most of which were hot discussions about the three first-line stars.

At the same time, many people looked at Liu Xun with admiration.

A long time ago, he starred in an idol drama, and it gave people the feeling that he was eating with a handsome face.

After his successful comeback, he played sketches and cross talk again. Although the characters in them are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he cannot be sure of his acting skills after all.

Until now, everyone realizes that Liu Xun's acting skills are really awesome!

There are also many news reports on the Internet that emphasized Liu Xun's acting skills in the movie, and praised him even more than the leading actors Tian Hua and Liu Yifei.

The next day, the first-day box office of the movie "The Young Master" came out, [-] million.

This result is obviously higher than the crew expected. You must know that this is the box office on the first day, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

In addition, the reputation of this drama is good, breaking [-] million should be stable, this number is already profitable.

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