After filming a good movie, Li An was in a good mood. That night, he invited all the people in the play and set up a celebration dinner.

During the period, he especially toasted a glass of wine with Liu Xun. He was a big contributor to the film's high first-day box office.

Because Liu Xun's popularity is too high recently, and his performance in the play is really good, he added some extra box office.

Of course, if you think about it seriously, Li An is still a little depressed, and Liu Xun's fans don't know what happened, but they even united to boycott the idol's movies. Otherwise, this number may be higher.

After eating this celebration feast, Liu Xun was quite satisfied. After all, his movie debut was still good, at least he didn't leave any regrets.


Time flies, it is already February in a blink of an eye, and the weather in Yanjing is gradually showing signs of warming up, not as cold as it was during the New Year.

Since that night and Yang Mi pierced the last layer of window paper, Liu Xun and her have been living together.

The two have done a good job of hiding, and so far, they have never been photographed by any paparazzi.

Of course, even if it is filmed, the two of them have nothing to be afraid of. It's a big deal to admit their relationship. ~)

On this day, in the morning, Liu Xun fell asleep at home and lived a relatively leisurely life.

He hasn't received any announcements recently, and his time has been idle.

A while ago, the movie "The Young Master" was released, and the box office was also rising steadily, and its momentum was getting bigger and bigger. In the end, the total box office was close to [-] million.

This result is really good in the industry.

For the current Chinese film industry, movies with a box office of more than one billion yuan are unavoidable. Once such a movie appears, it will definitely be hotly debated across the country and regarded as a classic.

The directors and actors in the play will also become directors and actors with box-office appeal in the entertainment industry.

If a protagonist has been in the ranks of first-line stars for many years, there is also a possibility that with years of accumulation, he will break through to the super-first-tier echelon.

And a movie with a box office of more than [-] million is considered a rare masterpiece. The actors in it not only double their worth, but also compete with the second-tier and front-line stars.

And movies with a box office of less than [-] million cannot be generalized. If actors want to be popular, they not only depend on the performance of the leading actors in the play, but also on their own popularity and topicality, which adds a little uncertainty.

Therefore, the results of the movie "The Young Master" are indeed not bad, at least it is a masterpiece, and the online evaluation and word of mouth are OK.

During this period of time, many directors have called and wanted to invite Liu Xun to participate in the movie, and they are all starring in the leading role, and the remuneration is also very high.

I have to say that with his perfect performance in "The Young Master", Liu Xun has officially established a firm foothold in the film industry.

His popularity is big enough, his acting skills are good, and he has a certain box office appeal, and he can stir up the lead and become the starring role of a movie.

Liu Xun considered participating in the role in the past, but when he saw the script, he refused all of them.

Since he has acquired the skills of a god-level actor, he naturally has all the conditions for an actor, and he can also distinguish between good and bad scripts. These scripts are really not in his eyes.

Simply stay at home, just take some time off.

As the owner of a studio, Yang Mi often has to take care of her own business, so he is the only one left in the huge villa.

Just when Liu Xun was a little bored, suddenly, his phone vibrated twice, and the ringtone rang.

Liu Xun took it out and saw that it was an unknown number, so he answered it without thinking.

Now he answers the phone, basically do not know.

".々Hello, is it Mr. Liu Xun~~?" After connecting, a middle-aged man's voice came from the opposite side.

"Oh, it's me." Liu Xun replied lightly. (to Zhao's)

"Hello, I'm from the "Tucao Conference" program group. We want to invite you to be our main guest. I wonder if you have time?" Straight to the point, he just reported his intentions.

"Tucao Conference"?

Liu Xun knows that this show seems to be an online show, and it is dedicated to complaining about the black spots of guests. This content format can be regarded as creating a new direction for variety shows and has been loved by many netizens.

He'd watched a few episodes and felt pretty good.

Liu Xun then asked the other party some questions, and the two talked for more than ten minutes.

After he understood everything, he thought about it and finally agreed.

This weekend and Sunday, Liu Xun will start his first job this year, which is to record the first issue of this season of "Tucao Conference"! .

Chapter [-] "Tucao Conference" starts broadcasting 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] "Tucao Conference" starts broadcasting 【Subscription】

After a few days, weekends, afternoons. .

Liu Xun, Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and others were on the same flight, and they were going to the magic capital to participate in the recording of the latest issue of "Tucao Conference".

"Tucao Conference" is a comedy variety show in the form of a comedy talk show. In each episode, a celebrity will be invited as a guest who is complained, and then the celebrity will invite some friends in his circle to make fun of each other in turn.

Liu Xun is going to participate in the first issue of the second season of "Tucao Conference". He appears as the main guest, and the friends in the circle are naturally Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, Li Daoming, Sun Yizhou, and Zhang Xiaofei. .

Of course, everyone's announcement fee still has to be paid by the program group. This time, three popular first-line stars in the entertainment industry came at once.

The "Tucao Conference" program team is about to laugh from ear to ear. I think when they were in the first season, they didn't invite artists with a lot of grooves.They are just out-of-date stars, where can I get this kind of guest lineup?

Therefore, as early as a few days ago, they put the promotional video on major video websites, which immediately attracted great attention and heated discussions.

On the Internet, fans of Liu Xun, Yang Mi and Liu Shishi all exploded.


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