"Um...it will probably take you three months!"

"Okay!" Just after Liu Xun finished speaking, Tang Yan didn't even think about it, and it was a good word to blurt out.


A few minutes later, Liu Xun hung up the phone. At this moment, he couldn't believe that he had invited the other party over so easily.

Although it is said that there is a relationship with one's own girlfriend, it is not so simple.

He even said that the other party didn't even talk about the salary.

For this situation, it was completely unexpected for him.

But things settled down, and Liu Xun then gradually relaxed.

"System, I want to draw a lottery!"

After a few minutes of rest, Liu Xun directly recited the system and prepared to enter the lottery.

He is going to draw a gold-level lottery now. During this time, his popularity has accumulated to tens of millions, and it is enough to consume [-] million reputation.

The reason for the lottery is because he is going to be the director this time.

So he wants to draw the skills related to the director.

".々 Give me the skills of a director!"

Under Liu Xun's silent recitation, the system quickly began to inquire, and upon hearing the system's reply, Liu Xun didn't bother, and just said what he wanted to smoke.

"Are you consuming tens of millions of reputation for a gold-level lottery?"


"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for drawing the [God-level Director] skill!"

A minute later, the system's voice sounded again, and at the same time, a memory was directly stuffed into Liu Xun's mind.

When this memory merged, Liu Xun instantly mastered the director's skills, how to capture scenes, focus, vision, and learn in an instant.

"Liu Xun!!! I'm back~~~"

A few minutes later, Yang Mi's voice came from the door of the house. Before anyone came, the voice came first (good thing).

Hearing his girlfriend's voice, Liu Xun also slowly got up and opened the door.

When he opened the door, he was once again refreshed by the woman.

When he saw a dazzling array of goods stacked in front of his house, he was completely stunned.

Just these things, Liu Xun promises that the things he buys in a year may not add up to that much.

What makes Liu Xun even more confused is Yang Mi's next sentence!

"I was so tired of shopping today, and I was recognized by fans, so I didn't buy much, so I simply bought some!"

Liu Xun: "........."

[Because the plot of making a movie requires a lot of foreshadowing and a lot of writing to describe the shooting, this plot will be a little longer. I hope everyone can support the younger brother more, give more rewards, and deliver more flowers! !The twelfth update has been released, and there are three more! ].

Chapter 13: Why don't you go grab it? 【Subscribe on 15/[-]】

Chapter [-]: Why don't you go grab it?

Three days later, in the morning, Liu Xun got up early. .

He has been very busy these days.

It took two days just to hire the actors, and the phone calls kept going. In the end, all the roles were dropped.

All that's left is to look for the role of the Bull Demon King and the Blind Man.

Although these two roles are not very much in the play, they are also two important roles.

The role of the blind man is quite simple, and Yang Mi helped find a good candidate. This candidate is a male artist from her company.He looks average, but he is very on-camera, which is very suitable for the role of a blind man.

As for the role of the Bull Demon King, Liu Xun is still looking for it.

And the reason why I got up so early today is because the assistant director said that he had found an actor for the Bull Demon King.Let Liu Xun get up early to see if it's okay, if it's okay, then settle down, if it doesn't work, check it out in the afternoon.

In order to shoot earlier, Liu Xun naturally did everything by himself. He didn't want this classic work to be ruined in his own hands, so he was very serious in selecting roles.

After washing up, Liu Xun and Yang Mi went to the studio together.

After arriving at the studio, the two of them were not idle, and they all started to be busy.

Of course, this busy work is to determine some itineraries. ~)

The filming location also went to the filming location in the previous life, Huaxia Yinchuan.

Someone has already arranged the scene over there. As long as the final role is determined, they can start tomorrow, so Liu Xun is also very concerned about the final candidate.

At about ten in the morning, a Toyota Alfa nanny van appeared downstairs in the studio building.

After the car stopped, several assistants got out of the car first, followed by a well-known Xiao Xianrou from the car.

Xiao Xianrou's name is Wu Fan. Because of his handsome appearance, he has a large number of female fans in China.

And the reason why he appeared here is entirely because of his agent's arrangement.

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