Recently, he has taken on so many bad commercial films that his reputation has gradually slipped downward.

This time, the agent's friend was actually the assistant director of the comedy master Liu Xunxin's film, and he invited him to join the cast during a chat.

Wu Fan's agent thought that Liu Xun's reputation was so hot at this time, and the new movie was not released, so he was ready to surrender his status and come over to share a piece of the pie.

Even if the content of the movie is not so good, but with such a fire, it can bring back some of Wu Fan's fame.

Hence today's itinerary.

Under the leadership of the assistant, Wu Fan came to Yang Mi's studio. ~)

When Wu Fan walked to the studio, he sat directly in the VIP lounge, quietly playing with his mobile phone, showing no sincerity at all, full of airs.

When the assistant director heard Wu Fan was coming, he ran over excitedly.

However, when he passed, Wu Fan's attitude seemed a little cold, there was not much communication, everything was the agent's dialogue with him.

After the two sides negotiated with each other for a while, they finally talked about the price.

As for the price, the assistant director thinks that this is a supporting role, which will take up to a month, so the price in his mind is five million to eight million.

The price is not high for an A-list star, but definitely not low.

However, when he listened to the other's agent's offer, the assistant director's expression changed instantly.

Because the other party quoted [-] million directly, and it was after tax, that is to say, if the tax was added, they would have to bear [-] million.

Thirty-five million, what kind of conceptual number is this?

The protagonist doesn't necessarily get so much money, right?

And this time the film was invested by Liu Xun and Yang Mi, and the total investment decided to invest [-] million.

For a movie with an investment of [-] million yuan, a supporting role of [-] million yuan is invited. Can the assistant director agree?As far as (bdaf) he can agree, can Liu Xun and Yang Mi agree?

"You really dare to speak!"

But just when the assistant director was about to discuss it, a sound came from the VIP door.

The owner of the voice is naturally Liu Xun.

Five minutes ago, he heard that the actor who was going to play the role of the Bull Demon King was coming, and he was still a little interested, thinking that the assistant director had found the actor to play it.

But when he heard Wu Fan, his first reaction was to refuse, but for the sake of his reputation in the circle, he was going to let the deputy lead to talk.

He just didn't expect that when he walked to the door, he heard Wu Fan's agent asking for [-] million.

That's why he couldn't help but sneer, and he finally knew why domestic movies were so shoddy.

The salary of [-] million is still because of his high reputation recently. If ordinary people are looking for him, it is estimated that there is not [-] million, [-] million, Wu Fan does not even want to move.

A character takes more than half of the investor's money, how can the remaining money be enough to shoot a classic work?

This shows why there are so many bad movies in the country.

The agent heard the voice, followed the voice and looked over, and saw that it was Liu Xun.Although he was surprised that the other party was standing at the door, he still said angrily: "What do you mean by that? We Wu Fan came to you to give you face. Since you don't want to cooperate, then don't cooperate. How many people will pay five or six thousand? Want Wu Fan to come over, Wu Fan hasn't agreed yet, so shameless!"

"Okay, stop arguing. I know my price is very expensive. You are very popular recently, and I will tell you frankly. I need a movie recently to settle my fame. Regarding the price, I personally decide, Fifteen million, this is the lowest!" Wu Fan saw that his agent was blown up, and ignored his thoughts, but spoke indifferently, his tone was arrogant and calm, as if he came to film the scene to pity the other party.

However, when Wu Fan thought that his price was very reasonable, he didn't expect that Liu Xun not only didn't appreciate it at all, but said more indifferently: "Why don't you go grab it? Don't feel wronged, go grab it from another place, Forgive me there is no room for you, this great Buddha!"

Yes, for Liu Xun, the price of the other party is sky-high.

Fifteen million, how much equipment is enough for him to buy, and how many detailed props are enough for him to prepare for the movie?

But it is such a huge sum of money, for him, it is just a supporting role's salary, and he takes himself too seriously.

Wu Fan has been pampered for many years. Hearing Liu Xun's words, he immediately became angry, but he didn't lose his temper, got up and left here, and both sides tore their faces in an instant. .

Chapter 14: Arrive safely, officially start shooting [Subscribe on 15/[-]]

Chapter 14: Official Shooting [Subscribe on 15/[-]]

"Director Liu, I'm sorry!"

After watching Wu Fan and others leave, the assistant director came to Liu Xun and Yang Mi with a guilty face, and sincerely apologized. (Bookstore

The assistant director is Zhang Kai, who belongs to the second-tier director. He once led several films with good ratings. Later, due to the company's reasons, he resigned and came to work in Yang Mi's studio.

An entertainment studio needs more than just artists, such as directors, field managers, and program producers.

The reason for wanting them is very simple. They are afraid that the company will suddenly do something someday, so they can't be crammed at that time, right?

Moreover, in Yang Mi's studio, except for the artists, the rest of the staff can go outside to pick up private work by themselves. This does not affect the company's work. As long as the company needs it, they can come back as soon as possible.

In the face of Zhang Kai's apology, Liu Xun didn't blame him, he also thought about the company wholeheartedly.

"It's okay, it's not your fault!"

After some consolation, Zhang Kai also went to look for new actors. This time he was smarter. Instead of looking for any fresh meat, he went to ask those old actors who have free time now.

As for Liu Xun, the Bull Demon King is probably going to stop for a while.

However, the Bull Demon King didn't appear so soon in the previous scene, so I'm not in a hurry.

The immediate priority is the itinerary. (.—)

After some arrangements, in the afternoon, under the arrangement of the team, the itinerary was completely released.

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