Chapter [-]: Ticket Exchange for Sea View Room

Xu Fan wanted to cry. .

The reason why he wanted to cry was because of his girlfriend.

Just overnight, he seemed to have changed the world!

All circles of friends, spaces, and social software are all posting one thing.

This thing is countless movie theaters, movie tickets for "Journey to the West".

Originally, this had nothing to do with him. No matter whether the movie was good or not, he would not be in a hurry to watch it for a day or two.

However, he talked about the girlfriend's life and death to see.

Just look at it, with the mentality of indifference, he picked up his mobile phone and started to buy tickets.

However, when he clicked on the major movie theaters, he found that all the movie tickets for this movie were gone! !

This is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that he called a friend who worked in the studio, thinking about getting two tickets, the big deal was to invite him back to dinner.

But who knows, his friends have complained to him. Thirty-six friends have come to him to get tickets today. Those who know them, those who don't, and some relatives, all came to him to get tickets.

If it were normal, he could handle such trivial matters at any time, but now it is completely impossible! ! !

The studio leaders deliberately issued a notice that insiders were not allowed to take a ticket privately. If they were caught, they would be dismissed and handed over to the police.

Moreover, this ticket has gone from a price of 199 to a sky-high price of 500 in the hands of scalpers! !

Five hundred yuan, if you change it to a normal movie, let alone buy it, you will be scolded by scalpers when you hear this price.However, if someone took out the tickets at this time and shouted for sale, there would definitely be dozens of scalpers rushing in front of him and paying on the spot.

From this point, it is enough to see the fiery degree of this movie.

Xu Fan, who couldn't buy tickets, thought about whether he wanted tickets for the day after tomorrow, anyway, it didn't matter one or two days.

Sadly, the same thing happened, and all the tickets for the next day had already been reserved.

Immediately after the third day, all were booked!On the fourth day, all are booked!The fifth day is temporarily unavailable!

In the face of such a thing, Xu Fan was frightened and cried! !

If he can't get movie tickets these days, he will definitely kneel on the washboard for a month!

In a state of fear, Xu Fan is more complaining, how can so many people go to the movies when they are full and can't go to work quietly at home?

What he didn't know was that he was not the only one who had such thoughts!

Because the wave of people who watched the premiere all sent out information about showing off their tickets on major social software, plus one after another film reviews, under the effect of such bombardment, who doesn't want to buy tickets, who doesn't want to What about watching this movie?

Especially Liu Xunhuo's mess recently, even if the movie is not good, they want to watch it for Liu Xun. .

In the same way, in a high school, a boy from an ordinary family and an ordinary appearance became the hottest presence in the class.

When he came to school, the boys who didn't play with him before turned around in front of him very politely.

Pull him out to smoke at every turn, buy him two bottles of drinks at every turn, and invite him to dinner at noon.

The reason for this was entirely because his father was the little director of a studio.

Once when he was watching a movie, he said hello to his father, so several students in the class bought consecutive tickets.

Later, the news came out, and everyone didn't care. After all, this kind of thing is not very cool.

But it's different now! !

Tickets for Westward Journey are hard to come by, and each studio will always answer two words to the outside world, it's full! !

Under such circumstances, these classmates immediately thought of the classmate who had the director's father.

There was even a very famous school bully from the school who came to his class in person, and opened his mouth to everyone, accepting him as his younger brother, and no one was allowed to bully him in the future.

After saying this, he desperately wanted to ask him to help, and got two tickets.

High school students, because of the academic pressure, coupled with the beginning of love, basically as long as people who are not bad, they will talk to people.

And the movie "Journey to the West" is simply a female killer, and there is almost no woman who doesn't want to watch it.

The first is because the circle of friends is swiping the screen. If you don’t follow the screen, you will definitely lose face.

The second is because the touching film reviews directly aroused the hearts of these girls, so how could they not take a look?

As for girls, once they can't buy tickets, they must find a man. In their eyes, they think that what they can't do, a boy can do it. If you are a friend, look for someone who likes you. If you don't have anything, then look for your father, look for your brother, in short, if you know each other, look for it.

The school bully is stalked by his girlfriend and has no choice but to come over and beg his newly recognized younger brother when it is hard to get a vote.

Hearing the bully's words, this classmate nodded dumbly, he was afraid! !

He was afraid that if he refused, the other party would hit him! !

Don't say anything, if two shoulders carry one head, he is cowardly, what can he do?

And just when he was about to ask his father for help, suddenly the goddess he had had a crush on for a long time suddenly walked up to him, looking for him to chat with an embarrassed expression.

The purpose of the chat is very simple. She is going to watch a movie with the other party. The movie has been selected, and she is talking about Journey to the West.

Hearing the goddess's words, this classmate was completely Spartan.

If the bully is looking for him, maybe he is unwilling and unwilling, but it is different for the goddess to find him!

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