He dreamed of watching a movie with the goddess and going on a date. Now that the opportunity came, how could he let it go.

So he immediately agreed, and after seeing the goddess go, he immediately called his father and said just one sentence.

".々Dad, your son's lifelong happiness depends on you!.~!"

(Good Li Zhao) The father, who was busy with documents in the cinema, was instantly stunned when he heard what his son said.

After a few minutes, after fully understanding his son's words, his father slapped the table instantly, and then answered righteously: "Okay, my son has a bright future, even if I am fired today, I will do it for you. Four tickets."

Hearing his father's answer like this, the teenager burst into tears, and he was about to say that only his father is good in the world!

After hanging up the phone, what he actually didn't know was that these four tickets were very difficult to get, even his father was difficult to get, but it was a pity for the parents in the world, who would rather take risks than make his son make a fool of himself.

You must know that at this time, there has been such a sentence to describe the ticket for Dahua Westward Journey on the Internet.

"Yanjing Sea View Room Ticket Exchange!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it was instantly copied and pasted by countless people into their personal social software!

For a while, it became the hottest phrase at the moment! .

Chapter 8: Liu Xun, I'm your uncle [10/[-]]

Chapter [-]: Liu Xun, I'll take care of your uncle

Amid the unexpected explosion of the Westward Journey, a new wave of Tiehua's show has gradually begun!

At first, after watching the movie, a few Wen Qing directly posted some poignant words on Weibo, Moments, and Penguin Space. **shu05.com update fast** (.—)

When these words were sent out, they immediately attracted the attention, reposts, comments, and likes of many people.

Somehow, at this time, as long as there is something related to the movie Journey to the West, it can instantly attract heat.

Under this circumstance, more and more people began to express their feelings about the movie.

Among all kinds of social software, only Weibo is the best.

The official Weibo official set up a topic, #大言# in your heart.

In this topic, bonuses are also specially set up, and the top ten with the most likes will receive bonuses ranging from [-] to [-].

After such a plan on Weibo, all kinds of messages suddenly started to compare among the topics.

Although the topic has been posted for less than half a day, the number of likes for the first place has exceeded [-], which is terrifying in the eyes of fans.

Liu Xun, who woke up and paid attention, also clicked on Weibo, and clicked 303 to enter this topic. Once he entered, he was also deeply attracted by these film reviews.

Especially the first few comments that have been liked the most are literally heart-wrenching sentences.

"I'm not Sun Wukong, I'm not the Supreme Treasure, I'm one of the group of people under the city wall, watching the love of others, chewing on my youth, and living like a dog!"

"You have become someone else's unparalleled hero, stepping on colorful clouds and majestic. But in the end, I found out that you have become a deserter of love!"

"At first, I only watched this movie to pretend to be forced, because I have no feelings for romance movies. In my eyes, love is an innocuous word that cannot touch my heart. But when I watch it When Zixia was desperate for love, when I saw that funny supreme treasure turned into an indifferent monkey, I was very angry for Zixia. But just when I was about to scold the dead monkey for having no conscience, I found out that , It turns out that Sun Wukong is just a monkey who has been shackled by fate and cannot extricate himself. It was also in the end that we realized that we are the supreme treasure, and under the shackles of fate, we chose to compromise!"

"After watching this movie, the only thing I couldn't stop in my mind for a long time was a sentence I once read in the book. When I picked up the knife, I couldn't hug you. But when I put down the knife, I couldn't protect you. you."

"We all aspire to be heroes of the world, but in the end we find that we are just a dog. Facing the cruelty of reality, the only choice is to be quiet."

"In the whole movie, the thing that moved me the most was when Sun Wukong was being tortured by the hoops when he was parting. How desperate did he have to be to show such an expression?"


A short but full of artistic conception, high-hanging and topic in Weibo.

At this moment, Liu Xun once again used his strength to shake the entire entertainment industry.

In the same way, the box office of Dahua Westward Journey has been rising steadily under the popularity.

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the box office exceeded [-] million, directly breaking the first-day box office record for domestic films!

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the box office exceeded [-] million, and it became the box office of Huaxia film and television myth in one fell swoop!

At [-] o'clock in the evening, the box office officially exceeded one billion, and the birth of this one billion shocked the entire network in an instant.

In an instant, the major media and the entire entertainment industry were deeply shocked by the box office of "Journey to the West".

One billion box office, what kind of concept is this?

The last time there was a one-billion-dollar box office, it was a Lunar New Year movie seven months ago, and it took a whole week to reach the one-billion-dollar box office when there were a lot of big names.

But now in Liu Xun's hands, not even a day.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, when the clock quietly crossed this point, Dahua Westward Journey was shown at the box office on the first day, and the final result came out.

The official direct (bdbf) announced that the total box office of "Journey to the West" on the first day was [-] billion.

When the box office data came out, not only the media, the entertainment industry, but also countless netizens were shocked.

With a box office of [-] billion, even if a movie is released on the last day, it is considered a masterpiece to achieve this result.

However, for Liu Xun's big story Journey to the West, it was only the box office on the first day.

Mind you, the top box office surge hasn't really kicked off yet.

The Qixi Festival is certainly a wonderful festival, but at the same time there is no holiday today! ! !

Because this festival is not a holiday, few people from the company will have a holiday. Really speaking, the weekend is the peak time for watching movies. During this time, everyone has nothing to do and is willing to come to the cinema to watch.

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