Soon, the first group of comedians appeared in front of everyone after the curtain was lifted.

The program they brought was called "The Olympics for All". When they came on stage, the audience was quiet and enjoyed the program.

Time flies, the performance of the first group of comedians ended quickly, and soon the second group of comedians followed, followed by the third group, the fourth group, and the fifth group.

The performances brought by the five groups of comedians are all very exciting, not to mention how classic, but at least they all have their own burdens and laughs.

The chief director who can watch the data in the background has a very bad face.

Because the data he expected did not come out.

At this time, although the ratings of Happy Comedians are very high, it is only the second-rated program in the national satellite TV.

This scene was something he could not have imagined.

But he also knows that the comedian has been out for several seasons, and the audience's freshness has passed. Naturally, the ratings are not as scary as that (good Lee's). This is a normal phenomenon, but it has experienced strong winds and waves. The chief director of the company is still unhappy when he sees this data.

Soon, the fifth group of comedians' performances ended, and the sixth group of Liu Xun's team followed.

When Teacher Guo finished praising the fifth group on stage, a technician suddenly screamed.

".々Director!! Director!!! The ratings have gone up!! It has gone up!!"

"Damn!!! Is this Nima the machine is broken?"

The technician said the first sentence first, and when he finished speaking, he suddenly burst into a foul language.

Hearing this, the director couldn't help but look at the screen that counts the ratings.

After watching it, the chief director was stunned, and then murmured, "It's still up to Liu Xun!"

And the reason why he said this is because the audience rating at this time has soared from 3.741 to 5.114 in just a few minutes. .

Chapter [-]: Black soil to rebel [Subscribe]

Chapter [-]: Black Soil to Revolt

Dragon TV, happy comedian stage. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net)

When Mr. Guo announced that Liu Xun's team would perform on stage, the audience immediately became in an uproar, the audience instantly became excited, and the applause was several times louder.

And the barrage on the Internet is about to burst, and one by one cheers.

"Liu Xun is here!!"


"In order to wait for Liu Xun to come, I shrunk the page while brushing Luke, just for fear of missing it!"

"The real work is here!!"

"I don't know what kind of funny work Liu Xun will be able to perform this time!"


In the eyes of countless audiences with long-awaited eyes, the curtain was gradually pulled back.

After the curtain was drawn, I saw two small stools in the center of the stage, and to the right of the small stools was a microphone for preaching.

After watching this posture, Liu Xun and Yang Mi also walked out of the backstage.

When they saw that Liu Xun and Yang Mi were still dressed in white clouds and black soil, the cheers suddenly became louder.

The two characters of Baiyun and Black Earth can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I thought that I would not see the third part of 310 again, or that it would take a long time to see the people in the third part. How can I not be excited when I see it again?

Regardless of the mood of the crowd, Liu Xun walked towards the middle of the stage with an excited look on his face, as if there was a happy event. (.—)

On the other hand, Yang Mi followed behind panting, and said helplessly, "What are you doing? With a look of panic, why are you running?"

Hearing Yang Mi's words, Liu Xun followed the words: "Hurry up, it will be announced that you will be the Olympic torchbearer immediately, hurry up!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Mi immediately became unhappy, and immediately said: "What does it have to do with you, hurry up and put down the chair, I hurry up to rest for a while, nothing to do with you, why are you in a hurry here. I Everyone said that I won't take you out, you have to follow."

Speaking of Liu Xun, when he heard his wife's words, he embarrassedly said, "You are still pretending."

After speaking, she quickly put the small chair she brought with her on the stage, and Yang Mi followed and sat down on the chair.In just a few tens of seconds, in this episode, Liu Xun interprets the image of Heitu, a strict wife, delicately.

Yang Mi, who was sitting on the chair, first sighed, and then stretched out her left hand.

Liu (bdca), who was standing on the side, saw this, and suddenly seemed a little reluctant, and said, "What are you doing again??"

When Yang Mi heard this, she asked angrily: "What are you talking about? Extending your left hand is to go to the water, extending your right hand is to shut your mouth, tilting your left foot is rubbing your leg, and tilting your right leg is a kiss, you know what, you bastard?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Xun smirked immediately, his hands were already in the bag to get water, and he replied, I've been practicing this business for half my life, don't worry. .

When this scene was finished, there was a loud noise in the audience, and some audience members were already laughing crazy in their positions.

Soon, with a round of applause, Yang Mi made a new move.

I saw that she stretched out her left leg and gestured to Liu Xunrou with an expression that you understand.

When Liu Xun saw this, he immediately became embarrassed, saying that they were both old and married, so what kind of kisses would you like to kiss?

However, Yang Mi looked at her wife with disgust, and then reminded the other party: "You look good, which foot is this?"

When Liu Xun saw it, he immediately realized that he had made a mistake, knelt on one knee on the ground in an instant, hugged Yang Mi's leg, and started rubbing.While kneading, he said to Yang Mi: "When we arrive at the scene later, there are many reporters, so don't stretch your legs, save me some face, okay?"

Facing Liu Xun's words, Yang Mi didn't take it seriously. Instead, she said very narcissistically: "When you finish running the Olympic torchbearer, you won't be able to touch this leg if you want to!"

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