"Since ancient times, deep feelings can't be retained, only routines can win people's hearts!"

"The handsome only need a trick, and the ugly one needs a trick."

"The difference between people is a face!!"

"Let's put it this way, the largest plastic surgery hospital in China, today's stock market has dropped to the limit for ten consecutive times, (Zhao Hao) today's limit is up, and industry analysts have analyzed that today, all over the country, there are more people who come to consult and pay for plastic surgery than ever before. Two hundred percent."


What Liu Xun didn't know was that his confession brought a gust of wind.

Now almost all social software is spreading these three sentences in a swipe-style way.

Immediately afterwards, Kuaishou, Douyin, Neihan Duanzi, and other entertainment media software are all imitating Liu Xun.

Funny, soulful, self-created, everything. ,

In other words, Liu Xun's method of flirting with girls directly detonated the entire Internet.

Some professionals even analyzed that Liu Xun's comedy talent has reached an admirable level, and he can easily arouse public opinion.

From this point of view, Liu Xun's influence has reached a terrifying level. .

Chapter [-]: Film and Television Awards Ceremony [Kneeling to subscribe]

Chapter [-]: Film and Television Awards Ceremony

Since the two people's affairs were made public. ~)

Liu Xun and Yang Mi also became unscrupulous, holding hands wherever they went and on any occasion.

For a while, I didn't know how much dog food was thrown out, so that netizens complained one after another.

Due to work reasons, the two of them have not planned to hold the wedding day for the time being, but this matter is not urgent, take your time, and ask Yang Mi's parents when the time comes.

After a lapse of six days, Liu Xun, who had been a salted fish at home for six days, finally had something to do.

Next Monday, the Huaxia Film and Television Awards Ceremony kicked off, and Liu Xun was solemnly invited by the official.

Liu Xun, who was lying on the sofa, looked at the gilded invitation letter in his hand, and put it on the coffee table with disapproval.

Seeing Liu Xun like this, Yang Mi couldn't help laughing and said, "Liu Xun, you are swollen now. Do you know how many film and television teams this invitation is, what you can't even ask for?"

Hearing his daughter-in-law's words, Liu Xun stretched his waist lazily, but didn't answer.

It is not that he is inflated, but he knows that his goal is not just domestic, what he really wants to do is to go international.

Now his fame in the country has reached the super first-line, and after the super-first line is the Uranus superstar. .

And in the entertainment industry, is it over when it reaches the king?

The answer is of course not.

A star who has reached the position of Tianwang can only say that he has no worries about food and clothing in this life, and he no longer has to worry about money issues.

However, if you really want to make achievements in the entertainment industry and become a master of a generation, then the road is definitely not only here.

Liu Xun's goal is to become an international superstar.

This international superstar is not going to the United States, but he wants to spread his fans all over the world and make his influence a superstar recognized by the world.

Throughout the history of the entertainment industry, there is only one person out of Huaxia, and this person is called Bruce Lee.

That is, he spread the four words of Chinese Kung Fu to the whole world.

Therefore, Liu Xun is not too concerned about a film and television awards ceremony in this country.

After all, this thing is held every year (bdda) in China.

But don't care, don't care, go or go.

This time he didn't appear as an actor anymore, he went as a director and as a super-celebrity.


The time is always very fast, and in a flash, it is Monday morning.

Today is the Huaxia [Film and Television Awards Ceremony]. Today, people with big and small faces in China will come here to participate in the party.

In order to get the qualifications to participate, many little stars do not know how many relationships they have found, how much they have spent, and how many nights they have spent with them.

The reason for this is simple.

Although it is said that this is a feast held every year in China, there are many big guides, investors, and various big coffees who come here.

Some female stars with good looks but no fire, naturally want to take the opportunity to meet some big people.

If you can be fancy by a big man, you only need to sleep a few times, you can play the second female, the third female, and maybe even the first female.

How are stars made?Isn't it just based on exposure?

If you get the first female lead in a drama, the exposure rate will definitely be leveraged. Even if it is not popular, you will at least gain some fame, and the remuneration will be higher in the future.

For this reason, tonight's feast, both inside and outside the circle, pays great attention.

The film and television awards ceremony is a ceremony created around the ranking of domestic films.

Speaking of a ceremony, it is actually an award.

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