It was at this time that Liu Xun suddenly saw a cartoon of underwear appearing on the ground.

The pants are made of cotton, which gives people a very cute feeling. It can be said that this thing is the most common thing to wear on [-]- or [-]-year-old girls.

After seeing this, it didn't take long for another matching Bra.

This time, Liu Xun was completely stunned.

He didn't expect that the other party was so fast, and it was all gone! ! !

"Ding dong, searched..."

In the next second, a voice came from Liu Xun's mind. The voice came from the system, mainly to tell him that he had found a way.

At the same time, Liu Xun's phone next to the bathtub began to vibrate. Although it was silent, it fell to the ground in one fell swoop, and there was a slight noise.

But it was this slight sound that made Tang Yan surprised. She thought that something had fallen, so she followed the sound and went over to take a look.

After she came over, Liu Xun stared blankly at the girl in front of him.

I saw that in the dense black forest, it was extremely tempting, and the towering hillside held its head high.

"Ah!!!!!!!" A few seconds later, a scream sounded directly in the bathroom.

After the screams sounded, Tang Yan and Liu Xun stood beside the bath, while the other was lying in the bath.

"What's wrong, what's wrong!!" A few seconds later, Liu Shishi, who was about to go into the water, suddenly shouted anxiously outside the door.

"It's okay, it's okay, there are cockroaches that scared me!!"

Hearing Liu Shishi's words, Tang Yan quickly explained.

She knows that Liu Xun is definitely not that kind of person, and the other party has been lying in the bath, obviously not prepared, there must be some misunderstanding, so she doesn't want things to develop to the point of uncontrollable.

"Are there cockroaches? Wait a minute, I'm going to get something!!" Liu Shishi believed it to be true and ran to get something.


Hearing the other party's words, Tang Yan wanted to stop it for the first time, but it was too late.

But subconsciously, she realized that she was still naked, she instantly picked up the bath towel and put it on her body, and then slashed Liu Xun fiercely.

As for Liu Xun, he lowered his head, dared not speak, and hid in the bathroom.

When Tang Yan turned around and went out to persuade, Liu Xun also quickly communicated with the system.

"Are you drawing [-] reputation points to get an invisibility charm?"


Without hesitation, Liu Xun directly took out the invisibility charm, then disappeared instantly, and quickly put on all the clothes. 4.2

After the dressing, Liu Shishi and Tang Yan were deadlocked outside the door. She definitely did not dare to let Shishi come in. Once inside, Liu Xun would be discovered.

Fortunately, Liu Xun had a system, and soon he left the room under this situation and left quickly.

"Where are the cockroaches?"

A few minutes later, Liu Shishi finally walked in, and Tang Yan's mind was already thinking of many reasons to explain.

But she didn't remember the scream she expected, and some were just such a sentence.

When she heard these words, she immediately walked over, and there were still traces of Liu Xun in the bathtub.

[Whether it is a single heroine or multiple heroines, the author is very confused now, all readers, please leave a message in the comment area, support the direct ordering of the single heroine, and the more you support, the more I will count! ! ].

Chapter [-]: Lottery, lottery, crazy lottery [Sixth]

Chapter [-]: Lottery, lottery, crazy lottery

When Liu Shishi and Tang Yan were still searching for the cockroaches, they had nothing to do with each other.

Liu Xun had already left the room and went outside.

After getting outside, Liu looked for a place without a camera, and immediately released the stealth function.

Returning to normal, he rang the doorbell a few times. Inside the presidential suite, there is a screen next to the door, through which you can see who is outside.

After a while, there was a door opening and Yang Mi's voice: "Where have you been? Don't answer the phone?"

"Didn't I just have no keys? I was resting in the lounge downstairs, and I overslept. I just called when I saw the phone!"

Liu Xun naturally did not dare to tell the truth, but once he did, God knows what would happen.

It was originally a misunderstanding, and naturally no one wanted to make it big.

Yang Mi rubbed her wet hair in disapproval, and walked into the room step by step without asking any further questions.

And Liu Xun followed, acting very normal, but it didn't make anyone see anything wrong.

A few minutes later, Yang Mi was lying on the bed with a mask on, and the screen on the side of the bed indicated that she was talking to someone.

"Mimi, there are cockroaches in the room, you have to be careful, Tang Yan was frightened just now!"

After the call was connected, it was Liu Shishi's anxious voice. .

Hearing this, Liu Xun had just drank a sip of water and almost spit it out again, but fortunately he stabilized, and there was no unexpected action.

"It's said on the Internet that this is the world's top hotel, how could there be cockroaches? It's too unsanitary!" Yang Mi said in a panic.

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