When they saw the crocodile rushing towards Liu Xun, some people above who couldn't bear to watch this scene hurriedly shouted.


"My God!!"

"I even bought it!!!"

"Where's the staff? Why haven't they come yet?"

"This.... this is too rash!!"

"Liu Xun be careful!!!"


One after another sound resounded on the crocodile lake, but in the panicked scene, no matter how loud the sound was, it could not stop the crocodile's actions.

And just a few seconds later, when everyone thought that Liu Xun and the little boy were going to be gnawed to pieces by the crocodiles.

These crocodiles came to Liu Xun's feet one by one, and then rolled around, rubbing their heads against Liu Xun.

The expected bloody scene did not appear, instead it was a scene of incomparable kindness.

You know, just now someone threw a piece of meat down, which attracted the crocodiles to frantically grab food.So cute?This TM is unreasonable! ! !

Under the astonishment of everyone, I wonder if the cry was so loud that the giant crocodile woke up.

After the giant crocodile woke up, he shook his head impatiently, thinking about what happened, but the moment it saw Liu Xun, the crocodile turned into a big fool in seconds, and his four feet thumped on the ground. On the ground, in the blink of an eye, he came to Liu Xun.

In the next second, the crocodile said, "Brother, why did you come without saying hello?"

Facing the kindness of the crocodile, Liu Xun shook his head helplessly, and he did not expect that the second meeting would be in this way.

"Let's not talk too much, I want to go up!!"

Because too many people were watching, Liu Xun didn't want this, so he muttered to the giant crocodile.

When he finished speaking, the giant crocodile nodded humanely, and then shouted at about a hundred crocodiles.

The shouting was a roaring sound. After the shouting, the crocodiles seemed to have received some orders. They were organized and purposefully piled up into sandbags, which became like stepping stones on the water.

"Brother, how is this unique skill?" After seeing this scene, the giant crocodile said directly.

Liu Xun: "..."

A few seconds later, Liu Xun hugged the child, stepped on these crocodiles without saying a word, and returned to the bridge in a few moments.

As a gold-level lottery, Qinggong Water Drift can not be said to be able to fly in the sky, but it is still easy to jump ten meters high.of!

When Liu Xun humiliated Newton again, everyone's eyes never changed, and they always kept their shocking side.

Also, at this time, a group of men in white robes rushed over. White robes were only worn by local people in the Middle East, and those who could wear such clothes were basically not ordinary people.

After this group of people came, the fastest one of them instantly locked his eyes on the little boy, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Liu Xun's side, and took the little boy from Liu Xun's hands with great excitement. 427

The little boy was still in shock. After seeing his father, he gradually felt a sense of security, and he burst into tears in an instant.


"Thanks to this gentleman, my name is Mousse, thank you for saving my son!!!"

"I have something urgent now, and I will visit you in person tomorrow!"

A few minutes later, Mousse spoke to Liu Xun with great excitement, and it was obvious from the tone of voice that the other party's mood was extremely unstable.

And Liu Xun also knows that now is not the time to say thank you to Qidian for losing his son.

So, he didn't say much, nodded, politely answered a few words and left with the three girls.

The reason for leaving was because the staff told them that the place was about to be blocked.

From the other party's tone and the other party's dress, it is not difficult for Liu Xun to see that the other party is a prince in the Middle East.

The prince is no less than the prime minister of China in the Middle East. For this kind of person, he will never believe that his son accidentally fell into the crocodile pool, so he has to investigate, find out all the clues, and then deal with it.

Therefore, if Liu Xun and others stay here, it will only affect each other.

After analyzing it clearly, Liu Xun left naturally. .

Chapter [-]: Comedy Master?martial arts master? 【Subscription for six updates】

Chapter [-]: Comedy Master?martial arts master? 【Subscription for six updates】

Because of the incident of Mousse's son, the entire safari park was cleared. (Book^House*Xiao} said + network).

After coming out of the zoo, Tang Yan couldn't help but muttered: "I said why it looks so familiar, so it's the prince!"

Hearing Tang Yan's murmur, the three of them couldn't help looking at her.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Tang Yan explained.

It turned out that this Prince Mousse belonged to one of the three princes in Dubai, and he was powerful.

And recently the new chief is about to be selected. This position is very important, and all three are competing for it.

Obviously, the matter of Prince Mousse's son was not unintentional, and there were many conspiracies in it.

After all, once a prince has no sons or descendants, his approval rating will be very low.

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