After speaking, the three naturally didn't believe it, but Yang Mi added: "It's only eleven o'clock, why don't we go to the safari park later? I want to see then, does this crocodile still know you?"

"Okay!! I support!!"

"I support it too!!!"

As soon as Yang Mi said that, the other two also agreed.

In the face of the three daughters, what else could Liu Xun say?Just let it go.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Xun and the others arrived at the largest wildlife park in Dubai after eating. …

This safari park is the largest wildlife park in the world, and there are many more species of rare animals in it than ordinary zoos.

Everyone had no idea, and went to the crocodile pool for the first time.

Before, Liu Xun swore that the crocodile let him go to their house to sit, but now they want to see if it is true or not.

The park covers an area of ​​[-] acres and is divided into many gardens.

There are mammals, eggs, and birds.

According to the map, the crocodile pool is in the middle of the zoo and has a dedicated venue.

After finding out where the crocodile pool is, the four of them left together.

It took about ten minutes to arrive at Crocodile Pond in the sightseeing bus.

After arriving at the entrance and checking the tickets, Liu Xun and others walked in through the entrance of the exhibition hall. Once they entered, it was a cave-like intersection. After walking for more than ten meters, they came to the crocodile pool.

The crocodile pool is very huge, the crowd is watching it, and the crocodiles are resting below.

The audience can watch the crocodile by walking along the edge, or there is a stone bridge in the middle of the crocodile pool, and they can also walk on the bridge and watch it down.

Liu Xun and others walked directly from the bridge, standing on the edge of the bridge, they could see about seventy or eighty crocodiles in the crocodile pool.

At this time, these crocodiles were lazily basking in the sun, and some were lurking in the water to rest. Sometimes, after tourists threw away the 4.7 food, a group of crocodiles frantically scrambled for food, and then there were waves of water.

Liu Xun, who was standing on the bridge watching, saw the giant crocodile not long after. The giant crocodile was lying on the lake and seemed to be resting. No other crocodiles dared to approach for a few meters. It gave the impression that this crocodile was a The boss inside.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Liu Xun was about to drink when he suddenly heard a scream.


"problem occurs!!!"

"Quick, quick, get the staff here!!!"

The voices were all in English, and there were some other languages ​​in it. Although he couldn't understand it, Liu Xun probably knew what happened.

Especially in the next second, he followed the sound and saw a child around ten years old falling into the crocodile pool. .

Chapter [-]: Prince Mousse [Kneeling to subscribe]

Chapter [-]: Prince Mousse

The child who fell into the crocodile pool was a boy. (.—)

The little boy looks very outstanding, especially when he fell into it, not only did he not panic, but he remained very calm, but when the crocodiles rushed to his position, the little boy couldn't keep his calm and trembled. His body showed his panic.

"Hurry up and save people!!!"

"What about the staff!!"

"This kid is going to have an accident!!"

The scene was also in a state of rush because of the fall of the child.

Very simple, no one dares to go down to rescue the little boy, this is the crocodile pond.

According to the habit of crocodiles on weekdays, they always feel that the things that fall are food, and in their eyes, there is no such thing as murder and crime. They eat when they are hungry, and bite everything they see.

Therefore, everyone knows that even if the staff comes, the chance of rescue is very small.

"That's too late!!!"

Besides Liu Xun, when he saw the crocodiles rushing to the ground where the little boy fell, he frowned instantly.

13 In the blink of an eye, the strength was lifted, and in an instant, he stepped on the bridge pillar, and then he flew down without saying a word.

"Ta Ta!!"

When Liu Xun jumped down, when the soles of his feet touched the surface of the water, he fell into the water from time to time, but rose into the air. (.—)

This time, hundreds of tourists in Crocodile Lake were stunned! ! ! !

They don't feel like they are dreaming.

But when Liu Xun stepped on the water here, these people instantly became stunned, and one by one began to doubt Newton's physics.

The water surface was like a concrete floor, allowing Liu Xun to walk. In the blink of an eye, he passed by the crocodile, quickly came to the little boy, hugged the little boy on his body, and frowned at the crocodiles. .

The float time was over, he wanted at least a few minutes to rest in his capacity, and apparently a few minutes would be enough time for the crocodile to devour them.

But just when he felt extremely dangerous, all of a sudden these crocodiles became even more stupid after seeing Liu Xun, and they chose a method within a few seconds.

This method is to rush to Liu Xun.

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