Liu Xun laughed and said, "No matter what the plan is, it's just our family. Since your aunt became famous, this is the first time you see money. What are you going to do next?"

The cattle did not hide it, and said directly: "I'm going to make a hype and sell this chicken!"

Hearing that the other party wanted to hype, Liu Xun played Hei Tu, who is also a straight-minded person, and immediately said: "Make a big hype, hype up the fire, and in the CCTV later, find Cui Yongyuan, Bai Yansong, this person, look for more, or Bai Yansong. saute."

After saying this, the audience burst into laughter again.

This guy Liu Xun is simply funny, he is a burden almost all the time, and he can bring celebrities to anything.

After the audience laughed for a while, the herd returned to the topic, took two sips of wine, and then said in a negotiated manner, "Uncle, could you please take the chicken out?"

Hearing the other party's request, the young couple had no opinions. With confident and happy smiles on their faces, they quickly said proudly: "I tell you, after watching that chicken, the old man is handsome!!"

While talking, Liu Xun got off the kang head, and after getting off the kang head, he walked down to the right side of the stage.

And after Liu Xun left, the herd said to the aunt.

"Aunt, for [-] yuan, I will buy this chicken. This is a contract. You can see this clearly. If you breach the contract, you have to pay it back twice. You have to pay me [-] yuan. ."

Hearing the words of the cattle, Yang Mi immediately showed a confident voice: "Don't say double, it is ten times, twenty times, I will let you take it away."

After speaking, Yang Mi swiped her name on the document.

After signing the name, Niu Qun said again: "That aunt, there is one more thing I need your help, that is, I want to ask you to be the image spokesperson of the egg-laying rooster. There is an advertising slogan."

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and record, after recording [-] yuan, I have it!" Yang Mi heard that she was going to become an image spokesperson, she couldn't wait, and she got off the kang without saying a word.

Under this scene, the herd of cattle hurriedly ran behind the camera.

On the other hand, Yang Mi, after reading the words, couldn't help but praise, "Good words, this line is good.

"Okay, let's start!" After a few seconds, the herd said.

Hearing the start, Yang Mi immediately entered the performance state, began to pose POSS to the camera, and shouted a classic line.

"Egging rooster, fighter among roosters, Oye!"




"Egging rooster, fighter among roosters!!"

"Who the hell thinks of this word, it's so fucking talented!!"

"My stomach hurts from laughing, ah, no, no, no!!"

"Tears!!!! My tears!!! I can't stop this one! I'm laughing like a fool!"

"Hahaha, this line is bright!! It's bright!!"

"It's going to fire!!"


Under this line, whether it is the audience at the scene, the audience in front of the TV, or the audience in the online live broadcast room, after listening to them, each of them began to laugh in an instant, some people eating , sprayed the rice directly, not only ignored it after spraying it, but laughed in front of the TV instead.

But the fun still doesn't stop.

After Yang Mi finished filming this commercial, she hurriedly faced the camera with the silhouette again, and said, "I'm shooting one for you, and I'll edit it later!"

"Egging rooster, fighter among roosters, Oye!"

After uttering this classic commercial line for the second time, the audience laughed completely. They were familiar with Liu Xun's comedy talent, but they never thought that Liu Xun's talent would be so powerful, a casual one. Sketches, there are so many innumerable funny burdens and all kinds of jokes.

"Another one from the back!" Yang Mi ignored the hilarious laughter at the scene, but continued to speak, looking very professional.

But just when she was about to continue filming the third commercial, Liu Xun suddenly ran over from the background, looking very anxious.

When the audience saw it, they thought something happened and there was a story.

Thinking of this, everyone's sense of anticipation jumped up one after another.

"What are you doing? I'm shooting an advertisement for someone? The contract is signed, you hurry up and give them a chicken, and you'll have to pay [-] yuan if you don't!" Yang Mi immediately said unhappy when she saw her wife was so anxious.

"You signed the contract? What are you doing in such a hurry? It's over, the chicken is gone!" Upon hearing Yang Mi's words, Liu Xun quickly pulled her aside and said in a low voice.

After speaking, Yang Mi was confused, where did the chicken go?

As a result, the next second, Bai Yun, played by Yang Mi, almost fainted.

"My daughter-in-law has stewed it, the one on the table!"

[Kneeling for subscription, kneeling for reward, kneeling for flowers! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ].

Chapter [-]: Fudge, then flicker! 【Kneeling for subscription】

Chapter [-]: Fudge, then flicker!

"My daughter-in-law is stewed, so eat it!" Liu Xun immediately reminded his daughter-in-law when he saw that his daughter-in-law was still in the dark. .

However, when he finished speaking, Bai Yun, played by Yang Mi, suddenly became stupid, and started to cry when he was so stupid~.

"Wife!! Wife!! Hey, Baiyun, Baiyun, Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun!" Seeing that his daughter-in-law was about to die, Liu Xun quickly persuaded him to comfort him.

Yang Mi ignored her wife's consolation, but said with a weeping voice: "Forty thousand ah woo woo woo!!!!"

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