When Huang Bo was driving, he would encounter a sanitation worker who was dragging garbage, and his task was to help the sanitation worker and send the trash can to the garbage station.

Xiaozhu and Huang Xun are taking the subway, so their task is a bit sad, looking for fifty empty plastic bottles. .

Seven people, four tasks, complete the first pot of gold, and confiscate the vehicle if you fail.

After getting this task, the seven people also began to work on their own tasks.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you?"

Inside the bus, after listening to the task, Yixing immediately walked up to the little girl like a big brother to comfort him.

"I...I...my mother forgot to bring my...my fairy tale book...〃' ." After Yixing finished speaking, the little girl cried.

After saying this, Yixing knew why the little girl was crying.


Knowing the reason for crying, Yixing also got up and looked at Liu Xun and asked.

He belongs to the stupid and cute type of boy, so when he encounters problems, he likes to ask seniors, not because he has no opinion, but because he thinks that Liu Xun should have a better solution.

"Don't cry, little sister, how about I let this big brother tell you a story?" Liu Xun heard Yixing's words and quickly walked up to the little girl, then pointed at Yixing and said.

After speaking, the little girl stopped crying and nodded.

The little girl agreed, but Yixing was stunned! !

Where can I tell a story?

You let yourself sing a song, let yourself dance, I can, but storytelling is not my specialty! ! !

But now that Liu Xun spoke, he could only bite the bullet. .

"Little sister, what kind of story do you like to hear, brother will tell you!" Yixing said with remorse.

"I want to hear fairy tales!" the little girl said in a milky voice.

"Okay...Brother..Brother will tell you!!" There was no way, Yixing licked his lips.

After speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and quickly searched the Internet for fairy tales.

After searching, Yixing hurriedly said, "A long, long time ago..."


However, after Yixing spoke for a few minutes, the little girl cried again! !

Seeing the little girl crying again, Yixing quickly put down the phone and said, "What's wrong? Did my brother say something bad?"

"I've heard this story, I want to hear something I haven't heard of!!!" The pink little girl in front of her heard Yixing's words, and quickly stopped crying, but quickly said that she continued to cry reason.

Hearing this, Yixing was about to cry, his face was embarrassed, and his heart began to complain.

"I'm a star!!! I'm not a story king!!! You heard it, what can I do? Or should I start crying too?"

"Senior!!" After a while, Yixing looked at Liu Xun almost crying, he really had nothing to do.

Seeing Yixing asking for help, Liu Xun was stunned for a moment, and then turned to Yixing with a look of "What are you looking at me doing? I don't know what to do!".


Seeing the two people staring at each other in embarrassment, the little girl continued to cry again.

Faced with this situation, Liu Xun suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and quickly comforted him.

"Little sister, is it okay for my brother to tell you a story you haven't heard before, but you promise brother, if it sounds good, you won't cry, okay?"

Sure enough, after the little girl heard it, she immediately stopped crying, blinked her big eyes, and nodded.

Seeing that the little girl had stabilized, Liu Xun thought for a moment, and then he was about to start telling one of the most classic fairy tales from his previous life.

When he was talking, a young man in the car had already turned on Douyu TV.

The young man himself is a small anchor, belonging to the kind of anchor who can't starve to death, but has no reputation.

This time, I happened to meet Liu Xun superstar and Yixing celebrity. How could he not open a live broadcast to attract some fans?

At the same time, Liu Xun wants to tell an original fairy tale with the little girl, which will definitely attract a large number of people to his live broadcast room.

For this reason, he opened the live broadcast room without any hesitation.

The room in the live broadcast room has also been changed to [Encounter Liu Xun, record the ultimate challenge, and tell the original fairy tale with the little girl on the bus]

After the name was changed, no one came for the first few seconds, and those who came (well, well) were all his loyal fans.

But in just one minute, the number of people in his live broadcast room directly exceeded [-].

Seeing this statistic, this young man was shocked. He had to know that the number of people exceeded [-] at the peak moment in his life, but the number of people has exceeded [-] in just one minute of the broadcast. What an exaggerated statistic?

After tens of thousands of fans came in, they saw Liu Xun, who was squatting next to a seat, thinking at first sight.

As soon as they saw this, the fans were excited to swipe the screen! !

". 々 ah ah ah! Where is Liu Xun Da?"

"Which bus is this on?"

"Is it too late for me to go out now?"

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