In less than two minutes, Liu Xun came to the location chosen by the other party.

After arriving here, I quickly got in touch with the passengers.

This passenger is a couple. When they got into the car, they found out that the driver was Liu Xun and Yixing.

"Master Liu!! Is it really you?"

"Ahhhhh!! Little brother Liu Xun, little brother Yixing, am I dreaming?"

After screaming, the two of them couldn't calm down their excitement for a long time, and they picked up their mobile phones to take pictures and sent them to the circle of friends.

After doing this series of actions, several people started chatting again.

This order is three kilometers long, and it only takes ten minutes to get to the location of the other party.

For ten minutes, the first five minutes were full of excitement, and the fans kept asking Liu Xun and Yixing some questions for the next few minutes.

When it was about to arrive, suddenly Liu Xun took the initiative to speak.

"Two handsome guys and beauties, can you pay me in cash later, because we are shooting a show, so we can't be included in the Didi software."

Hearing Liu Xun's words, how could the two already fanatical fans not agree?Immediately, he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and when he saw two people nodding in the rearview mirror, Liu Xun showed a smile again. This smile was exactly the same as when he fooled the clerk at KFC.

In a minute and a half, Liu Xun reached the other party's destination.

On the way, the couple also knew that Liu Xun was participating in the "Extreme Challenge" program.

Similarly, I also know that they have now entered the second stage of the task, self-employment to make money.

Therefore, after arriving, the man directly took out fifty dollars and said that he didn't need to look for it.

Hearing that there is no need to look for it, Liu Xun was anxious.

He said anxiously to the couple that he couldn't ask for more money, and he started looking for change after that.

"Master Liu, why are you being polite to us? It's only a few dozen dollars, so don't look for it!"

When the couple sitting behind saw this, they quickly persuaded them by 367, saying that they really didn't need to look for it.

Yixing, who was on the side, saw Liu Xun's expression, and really thought that he would not accept the money, so he quickly searched for the change he asked for from the program team before, and after searching, he quickly said, "Senior, I... "

Just as Yixing's voice sounded, Liu Xun immediately said, "Why do you want a hundred dollars?"

When he finished speaking, Yixing was stunned! !

As for the couple in the back, when they heard Liu Xun's words, they seemed to think of something. The man hurriedly put the fifty in his hand into his wallet, then exchanged a hundred and took out one hundred yuan. Afterwards, he hurriedly spoke.

"Oops, I'm sorry Master Liu, which [-] yuan piece was given to me by my father when I was celebrating my birthday, and I can't use it. Fortunately, you reminded me, otherwise this piece of [-] yuan is worth commemorating. It's gone, and I don't have any change, so just take this one hundred!"

After speaking, Liu Xun looked even more embarrassed, and said a few words in a row whether it was necessary or not, but the couple seemed determined, shoved the money into Liu Xun's hands, and got out of the car quickly!

After the couple got out of the car and left, Liu Xun held the hundred yuan in his hand and couldn't help but said to Yixing, "Yixing, we can't be so shameless!".

Chapter [-]: Congratulations, you have graduated! 【Kneeling for subscription】

Chapter [-]: Congratulations, you have graduated! 【Kneeling for subscription】

Yixing wears it! ! !

He had never served anyone like this before. (.—)

But today, he was completely convinced.

Obviously he was going to take out the change, but Liu Xun became a brazen person in a few words.

Especially, this is just the beginning.

After sending off the couple, Liu Xun's luck seemed to come.

Received an order shortly after.

This list is also very short, only less than five kilometers away.

After receiving this passenger, the passenger also shouted excitedly after recognizing Liu Xun.

Soon, familiar routines, familiar secret recipes, the only difference is the passengers.

Whenever the passengers are delivered to their destination, Liu Xun will always try to impress Yixing in various ways.

"What do you want a hundred dollars for??"

"Yixing!! It's not easy for my eldest brother to make money, let's find a way to find some change!"

"What? A piece of clothing worn by other beautiful women is from Gucci. It's easy to take out two or three hundred yuan. Beauty, it's not me who is biased. If this kind of person says, it's me instead. Hundreds of dollars to teach him to be a man, I feel sorry for myself!"

"Yixing!!! I have repeatedly emphasized that we cannot ask passengers for a penny. Although our mission fails, we will be eliminated, but this is not the reason for us to take passengers' money!!!"


For two hours in a row, Liu Xun would only pick up passengers within 5 kilometers. He also didn't know if it was luck. All the passengers he received were rich people. Every time Liu Xun scolded Yixing, he accepted The money is getting more and more.

From the first [-] yuan, to the latter two or three hundred, four or five hundred, so that just now, a female fan directly took out more than [-] yuan from a precious bag.

Before leaving, he was very embarrassed to say that he did not bring enough cash when he went out, and hoped that the two Oppas would not mind.

In this regard, Liu Xun accepted the money with tears every time.

Similarly, in two hours, Liu Xun's total income has reached more than [-] RMB.

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