Similarly, at the door of a steamed bun shop, Wang Xun bought four steamed buns with the two dollars in his hand. This is the lunch he prepared.And his good partner, at this time, was very uncomfortable eating big fish and meat in a restaurant.

Wang Xun, who was holding the steamed buns, also rushed to the restaurant. After watching the other party finish eating, he brought the soup-only plate in front of him, and then dipped the steamed buns in the soup to eat.

This scene made Xiaozhu burst into a magical laugh instantly. He knew Wang Xun was stingy all the way, but he didn't expect that the other party was stingy to this level.

Under this scene, after watching all the scenes, the director couldn't help but praise Liu Xun again, with only a capital letter on his face...  

If he hadn't seen this Nima with his own eyes, he would have wondered if Liu Xun had clairvoyance.

However, after marveling at Liu Xun Nitian's IQ and understanding of the enemy, he was more excited.

Just for these few scenes, there will definitely be a fire after the show is over! ! !


Speaking of Liu Xun and Yixing, at twelve o'clock noon, the staff directly made the two stand in place, and within five minutes, an ordinary Volkswagen taxi appeared beside them.

Seeing this taxi, Yixing was a little confused. He thought he was going to take the two of them somewhere.

But after reading it, Liu Xun immediately guessed that this should be related to the second mission.

Sure enough, after Liu Xun's conjecture was over, the program staff spoke up.

"It's noon now, and the two heirs have successfully jumped into the entrepreneurial era. This is your entrepreneurial tool, a taxi. From noon until five o'clock in the afternoon, you will earn income through this car."

After the staff of the program team finished speaking, Yixing and Liu Xun looked at the Volkswagen taxi.

"Are there any specific requirements?" Soon, the cautious Liu Xun asked.


When he finished asking, the staff of the program team also quickly added: "The gasoline of the taxi is only enough for [-] kilometers. If you don't get a guest within [-] kilometers, you have to use your own money to refuel. And, in the afternoon At five o'clock, you have to pay the car rental fee of three hundred yuan."

"What? Hand over the car rental fee of [-] yuan? Pay for the oil yourself?" Yixing said in disbelief!

On the other hand, Liu Xun, after listening, not only was not surprised, but began to think.

"Yixing, let's get in the car!" After a few minutes, Liu Xun walked directly to the main driver and served as the driver.

Hearing Liu Xun's words, although Yixing wanted to complain about a wave of program groups, he finally held back and got into the car with a helpless expression! .

Chapter [-]: Why do you want a hundred dollars? 【For subscription】

Chapter [-]: Why do you want a hundred dollars? 【For subscription】

The task at noon of the program is to start a business on your own.

Everyone will get related occupations according to different conditions.

What Liu Xun and Yixing got was a taxi to carry people to make money.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Honglei and Huang Lei opened a security company and worked as security guards for others.

Xiaozhu and Wang Xun have opened a nursery, which is responsible for taking care of children.

As for the last Huang Bo, he opened a courier company to help others deliver.

Seven people and four different entrepreneurial jobs have fully raised the highlights of the show.


Speaking of Liu Xun, when he got into the car, he picked up his mobile phone and started looking for orders.

"Didi, there is an order from the Golden Building 300 meters away from you. From the Golden Building to the Haitian Building, the route is 15 kilometers. Please quickly grab the order!"

"13 drops, there is an order 33 meters away from you in Longjin Street. From Longjin to the Bund, the route is [-] kilometers, please quickly grab the order!"


Soon, one order after another was swiped directly on the mobile phone.

For these orders, Yixing found that Liu Xun didn't seem to have the feeling that he was going to take orders. Otherwise, if there were so many orders, just click on one and live?

A few minutes later, Yixing was completely unable to hold back, and asked directly, "Senior, why don't you accept the order?"

Hearing the question, Liu Xun looked at the order on the mobile phone and subconsciously replied: "I'll take it again!"

Soon, Yixing asked again: "Senior, isn't this an order, it's close to us, and we can earn more than [-] yuan after delivery.~)"

"Hey, Xiao Yixing, my brother will teach you. Although we are Didi drivers, we can still start our own business. Since we are starting a business, we must show our own characteristics. If we accept all orders, the first is very tiring, the second Second, you can’t make much money. Remember later, you just sit here and cooperate, if you cooperate well, it’s easy to make a few thousand dollars in an afternoon!” Liu Xun put down his phone and spoke earnestly to Yixing beside him said.

When he finished speaking, Yixing just wanted to refute, how many thousand can you make by opening Didi in one afternoon?Although he is stupid, he is not stupid!

However, he soon thought of the previous noon meal, and immediately stopped the words he wanted to blurt out.After stopping him, he sat on the side very obediently, watched carefully, and studied seriously.

"Didi, there is an order 3.7 meters away from you. It is [-] kilometers from Qianmen to Shifan. Do you accept the order?"

In less than three minutes, a list with a very short distance suddenly appeared on the software. .

Hearing this, Liu Xun directly clicked to accept the order with super fast hand speed.

After picking up, he happily drove the car.

"Senior, this... This order only earns 14 yuan?"

Liu Xun happily went to pick up the guests. Yixing, who was sitting on the side, was stunned. He didn't know why those who made money didn't pick up, and those who didn't make money did.

To this question, Liu Xun did not answer, instead he showed a mysterious smile.

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