Many people are even guessing that Liu Xun's novel can 327 shock the world?

In the same way, under various speculations, in the early morning of the next day after the day and night were reversed, the first issue of the new edition of "The Age of Literature and Art" was officially released.


Ross High School in America. (.—)

This is a world famous school.

Here, either students with good grades, or the children of political and business leaders.

The reason why there is such a scene is entirely because the teachers of this school are perfect.

No one can work here with a diploma lower than a master's degree, and the way of education here is recognized by the world as excellent.

Here, you don't see violence, you don't see mess, as if all the beauty in the world is in this school.

When another morning rose, the students of the school woke up early from the dormitory, started to wash briefly, and headed to the campus one by one.

After arriving on campus, the first thing they do is to take out their favorite magazines, novels, (bdfi) and some literary works on the bookshelf in the class.

At Ross Middle School, the first thing every student wakes up is to start reading some literature.

This approach has attracted the support of many parents.

It is a very good habit to cultivate the habit of reading, and stay away from electronic products.

And reading when you wake up in the morning can greatly expand the children's brain power, and let them accumulate some knowledge. .

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Jace came to the class, and because he slept a few minutes longer, he was the last student in the class.

After entering, Jace came to the book shelf skillfully, but when he got here, he found that the books on the book shelf were basically taken away by the classmates, and some of the remaining ones were also seen by him.

For this situation, Jace felt a little helpless.

After all, it will be very boring if you read the things you have seen, and at this time there is still more than an hour before the class. If there is nothing to read, this hour will be passed.

Just when Jess was gloomy, suddenly the school librarian came over with hundreds of magazines thick, and the moment he came over, he put the new issue of "The Age of Literature and Art" on the shelf. He left immediately, ready to go to the next class to put the magazine.

Because it is an aristocratic academy, despite the expensive tuition, the equipment here is also very high-end, almost five miles apart. Every class will have a new issue of literary magazines or novels, etc., for everyone to read.

Besides, Jace, when he saw that the magazine changed today was "Literary Life", he was even more speechless.

The whole person couldn't help but complained, feeling that today was his bad luck day?

The reason for this idea is that "Literary Life" is recognized by the school as the worst-looking magazine, because the stories told in it are too literary. If senior people read it, it's okay to say, but for junior high school students like them, I just don't understand.

For this reason, how could he be happy after seeing that the only magazine that was changed was Literary Life Magazine?

But now there was no choice, Jace had to silently pick up the magazine from the shelf, and then returned to his seat dejectedly.

When he returned to his seat, his deskmate saw the magazine in Jace's hand and couldn't help but persuade him instantly.

"Jess, I advise you not to read this magazine. When I was reading the news yesterday, there happened to be a report about this magazine, saying that this magazine was acquired by a Chinese artist. This is not the point, the point is the reason for the acquisition. It was this artist who wanted to write novels, so he bought it. Think about it, what's so good about Chinese novels? If I were you, I'd rather read other books!!"

Hearing this, Jeston was stunned again.

Facing the persuasion of his good friend, Jiston wanted to put the magazine back, but when he picked up the magazine and was about to walk to the book shelf, he suddenly saw the cover of the magazine.

The cover is a castle full of magic. Around the castle, a group of magicians riding brooms rushed to the castle with excited expressions, and on the cover, a big title of "Harry Potter's Philosopher's Stone", Immediately attracted him.

After reading this, Jace couldn't help frowning, then he ignored the words of his tablemate, and started to sit in his seat, turning to the first page of Literary Life magazine.

After turning the first page, the title of a boy who survived the catastrophe immediately put Jace into a magical and magical world.


No one knew that the two works that were about to cause a huge sensation in the world literary world began to spread quietly throughout China and the United States.

[Kneeling for subscription, kneeling for collection, kneeling for reward, today's fifth update has been dedicated! !I hope everyone likes it, and will soon dominate the literary world, and then turn it into a sketch, I hope everyone likes it! ! ! ! ! !In the new month, I hope everyone can give a reward! !Not much, 100V is enough! ! ! ].

Chapter [-]: Dumbfounded classmates [Kneeling and begging to subscribe]


After more than [-] minutes, when everyone was caught up in reading or chatting with his companions, Jace, who was suddenly sitting in the seat, suddenly screamed! !

Faced with his exclamation, all the classmates turned their attention to him, not knowing what happened. ** update fast**

You know, although it is said that it is early reading time, it is not class time, but it is not right to disturb others so loudly.

The person next to Jace saw such a scene, and immediately thought that the other party was yelling because he started complaining after reading this boring magazine, so he brought a pair of people who didn't listen to the tablemate's words and suffered a loss in front of him. Tone: "Jace, what's wrong with you? Didn't I tell you not to read this magazine? Now you know it's disgusting-!"

After the words from the same table rang, some people in the classroom came over one after another. When they saw the magazines in each other's hands, they all became enlightened.

They thought that the reason why Jace was yelling must be because he was upset.

Speaking of Jace, of course Jace wasn't happy.

But the reason he was upset was not because the magazine was not good-looking, but because the magazine was so good that Jace suddenly shouted.

The story of "Harry Potter" took him into a very magical world in just a few minutes.

In the magical world, he saw countless stories that opened his mind, especially when he saw the most exciting part, and suddenly saw that the story was gone.

In such a situation, how could Jace not shout excitedly?

"The owl with the envelope?"

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