"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"


However, just as Jace was about to explain, the tablemate beside him suddenly saw the text on the other side's magazine.

When he saw these prominent words, he was instantly attracted.

After attracting the past, the tablemate took the magazine very domineeringly.

This scene surprised many students.

However, everyone was simply surprised by this for a while, and didn't pay much attention to it.

Soon, the deskmate holding the magazine began to read.

Naturally, Jess felt uncomfortable about the magazine being robbed, because there were still more than ten minutes before the early reading. If there was nothing to do, he was going to read it again, but now that it was stolen, he was too embarrassed to take it back. This can only be brushed up against the same table.

Ten minutes later, when the bell rang for the end of the morning reading, the teacher with the materials walked in from the door of the class. .

When she walked in, all the students put down their reading books and prepared to start class one by one.

However, just when the teacher was about to speak about the class, suddenly the tablemate next to Jace suddenly shouted: "FUCK!!"

As soon as the swear words came out, the teacher in charge of the class frowned, and immediately became unhappy.

This is an aristocratic academy, or a world aristocratic academy, how can students be allowed to speak swear words?

For this reason, after witnessing this scene, the teacher came to the front of the students in a few steps.

"Toku, you must give me a reason for swearing today, if there is no reason, I will deduct your credits!!"

When he heard the teacher's voice, Jace's deskmate Toku was stunned. He was so fascinated by what he saw before that he didn't know when the teacher came in.

Especially when the teacher finished saying these words, he stood up directly, like a child who did something wrong, bowed his head but didn't say a word.

"Please give me an explanation!" However, the teacher did not mention this because the other party did not speak.

This teacher is a woman in her thirties. She graduated from Harvard College with a teacher training class and is considered a senior teacher at school.

For this reason, her self-cultivation quality is very high, and instead of punishing the student, she asked the other party for the reason for swearing.

Toku knew that if he didn't explain clearly, maybe he would really be deducted credits.Once he fails the credits, he will definitely be scolded to death by his parents when he goes home, so he answered honestly: "Teacher, I was so fascinated by seeing a story, and then suddenly interrupted at the most critical moment of the story. Now, I couldn't help but say a dirty word!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"A story?" After listening to Toku's explanation, the teacher became surprised.

Then she glanced at the magazine on the other side's desk again, and when she saw the magazine of Literature and Art Times, she was even more strange.

Because she is a teacher, she often keeps the habit of reading. It can be said that she has read all the magazines in the class.

As for this literary and artistic life, she personally feels that it is not suitable for children of this age to read, because the stories in it are all life principles, and some philosophies, and sometimes even some stories, she can't understand.

... ..

But now, his students actually said that they were fascinated by the stories inside, and they were very attracted by the stories.

This time, she felt that the other party deceived her.

Because in her impression, it is impossible for people in this grade to understand the stories inside, and it is impossible to be attracted by the stories inside.

Although she felt that the other party must have lied to her, she still picked up the magazine, and then prepared to watch it at will, what story attracted the other party.

Originally, her plan was to take a few casual glances, but after watching it for dozens of seconds, she was instantly deeply attracted by the story inside.

When the teacher watched, the whole class was stunned.

The teacher who was preparing to teach Toku a lesson before, how did the taste change in just a few minutes?

At this time, the only sound in the classroom was the teacher's voice flipping through the magazine, and everyone in the room looked at the teacher in a strange and demented way!

Ten minutes later, when the teacher finished reading the last paragraph of "Harry Potter", he suddenly shouted, "FUCK!"

When this swear word came out, the students in the entire classroom were stunned for a moment! ! !

Jess cursed after reading it, Toku cursed after reading it, and now the teacher cursed after reading it, what story did this Nima magazine write?

Why does this happen? ? ? ? ? .

Chapter [-]: Bus Incident

"Art Times" is on fire! !

Completely on fire! ! !

In just one morning, after a series of communications, the whole school was frantically looking for this magazine. ~)

Moreover, all the people who read this magazine couldn't help shouting, FUCK, after only spending ten minutes reading it.

And while they were still preparing for the second brush with gusto, a friend who had been waiting for a long time by his side immediately grabbed it.

Because there is only one magazine in each class, and there are classes to be taught, many students have made a bold move!

"Skip class!!"

In aristocratic academies, there is no such thing as skipping classes, but it means that relatively speaking, no one will skip classes.

According to the college's data report "Three Eight Seven", for a whole year last year, only four or five students skipped classes in the college.

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