If Liu Xun was not there to form a strong contrast with his tough appearance, he would not have such a big reaction.

As the saying goes, hard work comes from comparison, not innate. If there are no leisurely people, everyone is hard work, and there is no hard work that is not hard work!

For example, a certain dynasty is full of poor people, even if the chairman is a fat man, everyone can grit their teeth and survive.

To put it bluntly, there is no comparison, no harm.

Thinking of this, Chen He became more and more indignant, and said angrily to Liu Xun: "Liu Xun! You are holding back and talking nonsense, and if you have the ability to pick corn, you will know how much it is to pick more than a hundred corn in an hour. Amazing thing!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Liu Xun glanced at him, and said solemnly: "You don't know the disease that I can't pick things???"


Chen He wanted to vomit blood, how could there be someone like Liu Xun in the world.

"If you can't pick things, don't say we are slow! You can pick things faster than us, are you mocking me!!!" Chen He said angrily.

"That's right, Liu Xun, if you pick faster than us, what do you want to say, we'll let you, if you can't, just play in the mud!" He Jiong was also angry.

Picking corn is really tiring, especially since they still have more than a thousand to pick, I feel a burst of despair just thinking about it!


"Hmph, Liu Xun, it's because of what you are going to eat, the best Buddha jumping over the wall, that's why we have to pick so much corn. It's fine if you don't help us, but don't come and tell us these nasty things!" Chen He complained again. road.

"You said that as long as I pick faster than you, you will listen to me?" Liu Xun said.

Well, Liu Xun is angry, really angry, if they used the method of provocation, then congratulations to the two of them, they succeeded!

"Okay, as long as you can pick faster than us, we'll listen to you!" Chen He agreed without thinking.

He Jiong thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Liu Xun snapped his fingers and summoned the system. He hadn't used the system for a long time. The reputation value in it was so frightening that if he didn't use it, he would almost forget that he still had the system!

"System, give me a direct diamond draw!"

Liu Xun shouted proudly in his heart.

"Ding Dong, a diamond lottery is being held for the host!"

"Ding Dong, consume [-] million reputation points, congratulations to the host for drawing [Tai Chi Grandmaster]!"

"[Tai Chi Master] is being instilled!"

"Ten percent has been mastered!"


"One hundred percent mastered!"

"Ding Dong, the indoctrination is successful, congratulations to the host for becoming a Tai Chi master!!!".

Chapter [-]: Live Picking Corn 【Subscription】

Hearing the system's reminder, Liu Xun couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth with a splendid arc. Then he suddenly opened his eyes, and a Tai Chi pattern flashed in his eyes!

For a time, his mind was full of Tai Chi-related knowledge, and there seemed to be yin and yang in his body, constantly circulating!

A fistful intent lingered in his heart, and he started to fight. (.—)

The shed squeezes and presses the beard carefully, and it is difficult for people to enter from the upper and lower sides.

Let his giants come to fight, affecting four or two thousand pounds,

When the introduction fails, it comes out, and when it sticks, it bends and stretches.

"Liu Xun, are you still picking corn? There's nothing like you to be lazy, right?"

Chen He and He Jiong were dumbfounded when they saw where Liu Xun was beating Grandpa Park and Grandma's Taijiquan as if no one was there.

Didn't you say you were going to pick corn?What kind of Taijiquan do you play "Three Four Seven"?Can you pick corn by playing Tai Chi?You think you are Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng!So funny!

Chen He and He Jiong were both speechless, and they didn't bother to pay attention to Liu Xun anymore, thinking that he was moaning again and trying to find a way to be lazy.

After shaking their heads and sighing, the two faced the loess and turned their backs to the sky again, picking up the corn with great effort!

The audience was stunned when they saw this scene!

"What's the situation? Didn't Liu Xun say that he wanted to pick corn? Why did you start Tai Chi?"

"You are stupid upstairs! Don't you know what a big fudge is? Do you really think Liu Xun is going back to pick corn? Think too much! Look, even the pig Chen He knows about it, but you don't know it yet. , how stupid!"

"No way, I don't think Liu Xunda was fooling around just now. Looking at him, he really wants to pick corn!"

"If you can see it, what is Liu Xun's big flickering? Big flickering, big flickering, isn't it just that people can't understand it? The truth is just a big flickering, I don't know..."

"Hey, no, you can see that Liu Xun's Taijiquan is different from my grandfather's Taijiquan! However, I can't tell you what's different!"

"Hey, it seems to be really different, what's the difference? Are there any brothers who understand Taijiquan, please explain!"

"Liu Xun's Taijiquan is indeed different from the Taijiquan that the elderly often play in the park. The Taijiquan played by the grandfather and grandmother in the park is for physical fitness. Liu Xun's Taijiquan is a bit like fighting The version of Taijiquan, but I can't say for sure, but Liu Xun's Taijiquan is really different!"

For a time, the audience all focused their attention on Liu Xun's body, watching him there like a gust of wind, playing Tai Chi like a cloud.

There is no fixed method, no routine, and it is the current Liu Xun!

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