"Liu Xun, don't play Tai Chi, come and help us pick corn! There are more than a thousand corn to pick, and the two of us really can't finish picking!" Chen He was almost tired and cried, and turned to look back He glanced at Liu Xun and found that he was still practicing Tai Chi there, and was speechless. .

Suddenly at this moment, a gust of wind blew over, and instantly blew him to the ground, throwing a dog and eating shit.

"Shoot! What the hell? Where did the wind come from?"

Chen He was stunned, he found that the strange wind just now seemed to blow him alone!

Just when he was stunned, gusts of wind swept in, and the corn field beside him was blown to the side, and the corn on it had a shaky feeling.

"Hey! What the hell is this wind, stop now, I'm going to be blown stupid today!"

Being blown by the wind, Chen He couldn't even open his eyes, and even as soon as he opened his mouth, the gust of wind rushed into his mouth and nose, causing him to eat several mouthfuls of dirt and go in, making him uncomfortable.

Suddenly at this moment, the corn in the cornfield was blown down by this inexplicable gust of wind!




a hundred!

And it was a coincidence that a lot of the corn that fell all fell on Chen He's side, and some fell directly on him.

Strangely, the corn blown down by the strong wind hit him without pain.

However, this was the case, and Chen He was still so frightened that he screamed strangely, as if killing a pig!

"Why is there no wind at all here?"

This scene also shocked He Jiong who was on the side.

What made him weird was that the wind seemed to know people, and it blew beside Chen Hesheng, and most of the corn fell on Chen He's side, but there was no wind at all here. This kind of strange thing, he has only seen in his life!

However, he didn't have a good time here. After his voice fell, the wind swept towards him again!

"Where is the evildoer, hurry up!"

He Jiong put on a desired action and shouted...  

This is what he learned when he was shooting a movie, but...it was of no use, and the wind still spread to him!

He was blown to the ground, and the corn beside him also fell towards him one by one, so frightened that he also made a strange noise like killing a monkey like Chen He!

The audience were all stunned!

"What's the situation? Teacher He Jiong and Chen He collided with evil? Why does the wind seem to be chasing after them???"

"I'm going, I can't, it's going to be a rude thing to go on like this! You heard Mr. He Jiong and Chen He's screams, it's really miserable, should I call the police? It won't kill anyone???"

"Hey, wait, look at Liu Xun's place! His hand seems to be attracting the wind. Couldn't the wind be summoned by him?"

"You tiger upstairs? Do you think this is a TV series? Still summoning? What are you thinking???"

"No, it's really Liu Xun who is controlling the wind! It's... the Taijiquan he played? Yes! Look at the two hands he's punching, that's where the yin and yang fish eyes are!!!"

"Don't talk nonsense at 3.5 upstairs, there really is no Taijiquan in this world, isn't it just tricking the elderly to play tricks and move the neck bones?"

"Yao Xian! My master said that there are many people who know Kung Fu in this world, such as the Eighteen Arhats of Shaolin, who are real monks, but they are all in rare places, and only on Songshan!

When my master was traveling in Songshan, he accidentally fell off a cliff. When he thought he was going to die, he was fortunate enough to meet one of the eighteen Arhats of Shaolin and was successfully rescued! "

"Upstairs, did you go crazy with your practice? Do you really think we are fools? Who would believe that martial arts exist in this world? It's all fiction, okay?"

"However, I see that Liu Xun is really controlling the wind! Otherwise, why is the wind blowing Chen He and He Jiong???".

Chapter [-] Liu Xun does Tai Chi? 【For subscription】

A few minutes later, the corn fell to the ground. Chen He and He Jiong were completely stunned, leaving their legs twitching involuntarily. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

The audience was also dumbfounded, with their mouths open, not knowing what to say, and looking dumbfounded.

Liu Xun's movements have slowly stopped, a Tai Chi pattern appeared under his feet, and he was standing in the middle of the dividing line between Yin and Yang.

"How is it? Am I harvesting corn faster than you?" Liu Xun said with a wicked smile.

By now, Chen He and He Jiong had already understood that what happened just now must have been caused by Liu Xun, otherwise the gust of wind would not have found them specifically, and the corn would not have fallen on their side.

"Liu Xun, I've accepted it. You can actually fool the wind into obedience. You will be my elder brother from now on. I must learn how to fool with you!" Chen He lay down in the cornfield and said weakly. .

"Chen He, are you a pig? To fool your sister, do you think you are reading those mindless novels? Can you fool the wind? Think about it, 13 must be the reason for Liu Xungang's Taijiquan. Ah!" He Jiong also lay down in the cornfield weakly, despising Chen He, and said.

Then he pushed aside the corn that fell on his body, lost the strength of the boss, sat up from the ground, looked at Liu Xun with a look of surprise, and said, "Liu Xun, did you play Tai Chi just now? Is it a legendary Taijiquan???"

Chen He originally wanted to complain about He Jiong, but after hearing that he asked this question, he listened carefully. The scene just now was too terrifying and miraculous. He swore that this was his whole life. The most amazing thing ever seen!

"I don't know what the legendary Taijiquan is, but my Taijiquan should be similar to the type of Taijiquan you're talking about." Liu Xun said calmly.

He has systematic things, and naturally he can't say it, so he can only combine the Taijiquan he just played with the legendary Taijiquan, so that it won't appear too abrupt, after all, this world There must be some people who practice martial arts, but most of them usually don't show mountains or show water!

"You really played Tai Chi just now? It's amazing! Brother, can you teach me! I'm very smart, and I'll definitely learn it!" Chen He said eagerly.

Liu Xun glanced at him and said, "You? No! You've grown old, you can't practice Tai Chi, you can pick up corn!"

Chen He's face turned ugly in an instant.I live on my face, are you really saying that?Also, what is it to pick up corn, and who can't pick up corn?

At this moment, he really wanted to shout, Liu Xun, let's fight!

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