But after seeing Liu Xun's unpredictable martial arts just now, he didn't dare to say this, or he would be tortured to death by Liu Xun in minutes.

You must know that Liu Xun didn't directly attack the two of them just now, but just created two gusts of wind, and tossed the two of them.

And Liu Xun definitely didn't use all his strength just now, otherwise so many corns fell on them, they couldn't be able to think so vigorously now, but they were a little scared mentally, and there was no trauma on their bodies!

Therefore, it is impossible to be with Liu Xun and everyone, and it is impossible to be with him in this life, unless it is really hard to think about it, and if you want to court death, then it is another matter!

"Okay, there should be more than [-] of these corns. Pick them up and take them home!" Liu Xun said very plainly.

"What about you? What are you doing? Why don't you pick it up? You can use the method just now, using the wind, to quickly move the corn to the designated location!" Chen He said doubtfully.

In his opinion, since Liu Xun is so powerful, he must be able to work harder. Disabled people like them should rest more!

"Oh, I just worked too hard and felt a little uncomfortable, so I won't move these corns, and if you lose the bet with me, moving these corns back is your punishment!

Alright, I'm going to see what Huang Lei eats. Is it ready?Good luck, I'm starving! "Liu Xun said seriously.

However, his face is not red and his mouth is not panting. He doesn't look like he is over-exerted. He makes it clear that he is an excuse for not wanting to pick up corn!

Seeing Liu Xun walking away refreshed, Chen He and He Jiong felt pain in their eggs, and the sound of grinding their teeth sounded from time to time.

There are only [-] corns here and there, [-] corns, okay?When will this be picked up?And they have to figure out a way to get it back.

"Oh my God, there's too much corn, people can't accept it! In this way, Mr. He, I'll go to Xiao Li to borrow his tricycle, otherwise the two of us will be transported back and forth abruptly. go back!

That's it, Mr. He will leave it to you, I'll borrow a tricycle! "

Without waiting for He Jiong to respond, Chen He just slipped away.

327 There is too much corn, and he said he didn't want to see it.

A few of them were worrying about the corn, and the audience in the live broadcast room was completely boiling because of the Tai Chi boxing that Liu Xun had just played!

"Fuck! It's really the legendary Taijiquan! Liu Xun, this big fool, can even know such ancient martial arts. He is too amazing!"

"It's incredible, I feel that Liu Xun is going to be invincible in the world. Originally, his head is very good, but now with Tai Chi, he is simply a combination of civil and military!"

"Really, I didn't expect him to hide it so deeply! He even has such ancient martial arts!"

"No, when Liu Xun only added "Extreme Challenge" before, why did he never show his ability in this regard? He just showed his hands casually, and Sun Honglei and the others couldn't resist it?"

"Are you stupid upstairs? "Extreme Challenge" is just an entertainment variety show. Does winning or losing really matter? The members of the Extreme Men Gang are brothers to each other. How could Liu Xun really use Tai Chi to fight them? What about the hit? If you accidentally hit it, it's either dead or injured!"

At the same time, the video of Liu Xun playing Tai Chi instantly exploded the Internet and caused a huge sensation!


Chapter [-] Hot discussions on the Internet 【Subscribe】

The video of Liu Xun playing Tai Chi exploded the entire internet in an instant, and all major news media reported on the incident, as if he had discovered a new continent. .

[Shocked, the super popular Heavenly King Liu Xun turned out to be a hidden martial arts master! 】

[Many people have asked, is Huaxia really good at it?Today, the editor can tell you that Huaxia really has kung fu! 】

【Do you really understand Tai Chi?Is Tai Chi really just like the grandpa and grandma in the park?No, that's not Tai Chi, or rather, it's not all Tai Chi! 】

[Liu Xun is showing his unique Tai Chi skills in the life he yearns for. Does Liu Xun want to be a Tai Chi master? ? ? 】

【Have you ever seen Tai Chi to control the wind?Xiaobian will take you to interpret Tai Chi in depth today! 】

Because Liu Xun's Tai Chi incident was broadcast not long ago, the paper report has not been made for the time being. However, the reports of major media on the Internet still make the relevant incidents of Liu Xun's Tai Chi rush to the forefront. Popular.

All of a sudden, countless netizens came to the live broadcast room of "Longing for Life", the birthplace of this incident, to ask and watch what was going on.

All the data in the live broadcast room showed explosive growth. In the blink of an eye, the number of online viewers had increased from about [-] million people to more than [-] million people watching online, and this number was still in several seconds per second. [-], the speed of hundreds of thousands keeps skyrocketing!

"Director, director, live room... The number of people online in the live room exploded!"

A backstage data worker shouted to the program director in surprise. .

"What? What's going on?" the director asked in surprise.

"The specific reason is not yet clear, but after the episode of Liu Xun playing Tai Chi and picking corn was broadcast, the number of people in the live broadcast room has soared rapidly, and now more than [-] million people are online"!" Data staff said excitedly.

"Okay! Continue to monitor various data. If there are any large-scale changes, let me know as soon as possible! In addition, give me an emergency connection to Huang Lei, the program recording plan, and make temporary changes!" The director's face was flushed, and he was obviously very excited.

He has been directing this show for another period of time, and the results are indeed good, but it has not been ideal.

Previously, the maximum number of people online in the live broadcast room was only about [-] million. This time, because of Liu Xun's participation and some related publicity on the Internet, the number of people online in the live broadcast room exceeded the [-] million mark!

When the director saw this result, he was overjoyed. Although it was not comparable to the abnormal data of "Extreme Challenge", compared with other entertainment programs of the same kind, it could definitely win easily!

He thought that this was the limit of the show. After all, Liu Xun had invited him. Even if the peak viewership in the evening came, the number of people online in the live broadcast room would be longer, but it should not be able to exceed [-] million. .

[-] million may be the peak of this show!

But now he found out that he was wrong, and the mistake was too outrageous. [-] million will definitely not be the peak of this show, because now it has exceeded [-] million people watching online, and at night, the number of people watching will naturally be more!

In addition, he has always made a habitual mistake, that is to treat him like other guests, very polite, and even a little too polite to Liu Xun, not forcing him.

Just like just now, if it wasn't for Chen He and He Jiong being too tired to pick corn, and they kept challenging Liu Xun, he would definitely not have used Tai Chi to pick corn, so as to realize their sympathy with Chen He and He Jiong. He Jiong slapped his face.

What would happen if Liu Xun didn't do Tai Chi?

Recording according to his previous plan, it has reached the top if it can grow millions of people!

The number of people in the live broadcast room is definitely not as many as it is now!It may increase, but it will definitely not increase the terrifying more than [-] million people, there is no doubt about it!

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