Liu Xun was stunned, is this okay?

But this time he can't leave at all, so he can only help Huang Lei to watch it here.

What he didn't know was that Huang Lei was hiding in a corner of the back room and watching him. He didn't seem to have any stomachache. Obviously, he did that just to let Liu Xun stay and watch the stove for him. See if he really can't cook.

Five minutes later, a lot of smoke came out of the pot, and some soup flowed out from it, Liu Xun hurriedly shouted at the back room.

"Huang Lei, are you all right? The best Buddha Jumps over the Wall is about to burn, and we're going to eat dirt at night!"

Hearing Liu Xun's words, Huang Lei was unmoved, pretending to be squatting in the pit, and responded: "Oh, I can't get it right now, why don't you help me open the lid and stir fry a few times!"

Liu Xun was speechless, saying that he couldn't cook anymore, that his wife would be angry if he touched these things, and he even made himself stir fry a few times...

In the end, in order to prevent himself from eating dirt with these three people at night, Liu Xun reluctantly opened the lid of the pot... But he really doesn't know how to cook, what a shame! ! !

"Mother, it seems that Huang Lei can't be counted on, he has to rely on himself!"

Shaking his head helplessly, he thought helplessly in his heart.

Then I saw him snap his fingers and summon the system again.

"System, give me another diamond draw!"

After the previous diamond lottery draw, Liu Xun still has a lot of reputation left, and there is no other way to draw the diamond lottery again!

"Ding Dong, a diamond lottery is being held for the host!"

"Ding Dong, consume [-] million reputation points, congratulations to the host for drawing [God of Cooking Ability]!"

"Ding Dong, [God of Cooking Ability] is being instilled..."

"Ding Dong, the indoctrination is successful, congratulations to the host for mastering the ability to cook!".

Chapter [-] Incarnate God of Cooking 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] Incarnation of God of Cooking

After consuming [-] million reputation points, Liu Xun got the God Cooking ability he wanted!

The moment he opened his eyes again, the ingredients that had been static and the cold kitchen utensils changed at this moment. (.—)

The ingredients on the chopping board seemed to be able to speak, all of them were telling him which part of his body tasted the most delicious, how long it took to cook different parts of the ingredients, and what to cook with, the taste would be the same. More... lore!

At the same time, the knife on the side also opened up!

They have counted him high, which ingredients will be the sharpest and quickest to cut by themselves, without hurting the internal organization, and can perfectly maintain the deliciousness of the ingredients!

Even the large iron pot that was fired on the fire opened its mouth!

Tell Liu Xun how to stir fry so that the ingredients inside can be heated evenly, and how to turn the spoon, so that various ingredients can be heated differently.

In short, for a while, the whole kitchen was lively, and the sounds of various ingredients and tools were endless.

At the same time, Liu Xun also knew how the real Buddha Jumps over the Wall should be fired!

The name of Buddha Jumps over the Wall comes from a poem, "The altar opens with meat and fragrance floating around, and the Buddha hears that he abandons Zen and jumps over the wall."

It means that the fragrance of this dish is so tempting that even after the "Buddha" smells it, he will activate his mortal heart and come over the wall to steal it!

Buddha Jumps over the Wall, also known as Mantan Incense, Fushouquan, the selection of materials is different, the regions are different, and the names are slightly different. (.—)

Among the various practices of Buddha jumping over the wall, the most famous is the best Buddha jumping over the wall. It is said that this was something that the emperor could only eat in the imperial meal of the palace. , the taste of the whole dish will drop a lot.

Legend has it that even in that era, only very few top chefs were able to cook the best Buddha Jumping Over the Wall!

When the lid of the altar was undone, the fragrance floated for ten miles, even if the emperor smelled it, he would secretly swallow his saliva and move his index finger!

As for Huang Lei's burning method just now, Liu Xun described it in four words, violently dispatching heavenly objects!

This guy cooks this peerless dish completely according to the braised method, and even uses soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and these condiments that will seriously destroy the food's own umami. His approach is completely a murder of the food!

It's really murder. The ingredients in the pot are already whining. They are completely different from other ingredients on the chopping board waiting to be processed. The internal organization is completely destroyed. The dishes made by this method can only be regarded as the dishes. It's cooked, and as for the taste, it's almost the taste that comes from the fusion of those seasonings. .

Such food is not only a murder of the ingredients, but also a poison to the tongue and taste buds of the eater!

It's a very shameful act!

Moreover, Huang Lei's previous method of handling the ingredients was also wrong. He used very rough chopping and smashing. Almost all the internal organization of the food was destroyed. The food made from such ingredients can retain [-]%. The deliciousness of the food itself is the ultimate!

At this time, Huang Lei, who was hiding in the back room and secretly watching Liu Xun, would definitely be furious if he knew that Liu Xun had demoted several of his proud cooking skills to nothing.

However, it is impossible for him to know Liu Xun's thoughts, and even he is still considering whether he should go out now. If this goes on like this, the ingredients in that pot will be really ruined!

Just when he wanted to speak up, Liu Xun moved!

I saw Liu Xun shook his head, poured out the ingredients in the pot, and put them in a plate. These ingredients have been severely damaged. Even if Liu Xun continued to cook, it would only make the original only twenty Works with a score of [-] points, barely passing.

But this is not what Liu Xun wants. He has just acquired the ability to be a chef, so it is impossible for him to be satisfied with cooking only [-]% of the work. What he wants is [-]%, the ultimate!

However, Huang Lei didn't understand his thoughts and methods. Just when Huang Lei couldn't help but remind him again, Liu Xun put the cleaned pot on the fire and burned it. Then he took a few green cabbage leaves. Add a little cooking oil, put it in a pot and cook it,

When the leaves are slightly yellow, turn off the heat and take out the green vegetables in the pot. This is not for eating, but to take out the residual flavor of the previous dish in the pot.

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This is very necessary, because after the pot is washed with water, it is cold and clean, and the dregs are indeed gone, but the residual taste of the previous dish is still there.

It is necessary to use the similar method of Liu Xun just now to heat treatment, so as not to continue to affect the cooking of subsequent dishes, the unsuitable taste left over from the previous dish.

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