"How do I feel that Liu Xun's role and lines for Song Xiaobao are tailor-made for him. It's too appropriate for this guy!"

"I have to say that Song Xiaobao is indeed a very wise choice to take Liu Xun as his teacher. If such a classic script is suitable for his role, I am afraid that only Liu Xun can come up with it!"

On the stage, Yang Mi looked at Di Lieba embarrassedly and laughed, thinking in her mind that she would really help this joker to get rid of the panic.

In the end, Liu Xun couldn't stand it anymore. With a pained expression on his face, he pulled Song Xiaobao and said, "Pull it down, pull it down... What book are you reading? What a mess! Look at the villain. book?"

The audience laughed again.

"Haha, this amusing book is really amazing, please recommend the book title! I will also go to the Three Kingdoms to find Tang Sheng to read!"

"Looking at Liu Xun's sore face, hahaha 793, I'm dying of laughter, it's really enough to suffer from such an unlucky apprentice!"

On the stage, Song Xiaobao still didn't seem to understand the meaning of Liu Xun and Di Lieba's words.

Liu Xun was too lazy to continue chatting with him, so he skipped the topic and instructed: "Tell you, it's a good preparation, and have a good chat with people, okay?"

Yang Mi, who was on the side, saw that the situation was almost the same, and all the things that should be introduced were introduced, so he said to Di Lieba: "What (that) is... Li Rong, you are talking in this room!"

Speaking of which, he commanded Liu Xun rudely and said, "Go to the inner (that) room!"

Liu Xun was stunned for a moment, not understanding the situation on his face.

The audience all burst into laughter.

"Mimi is really domineering! You have to be so rude to Liu Xun!"

"Haha, Yang Mi wants to create a chance for them to get along with Song Xiaobao at this time. This wingman is not bad, but whether Song Xiaobao can talk to each other is really a question."

"Visually, Da Mimi is going to take Liu Xun into the back room and beat him with a whip, and he will be tortured to extract a confession!"

"I feel that Oolong should be broken now, right? Looking forward to their expressions!".

Chapter [-] Dilireba looks like a prosperous man? 【For subscription】

On the stage, at Yang Mi's insistent request, Liu Xun and her entered the back room and gave the living room to Song Xiaobao and Di Lieba, creating a free space for them to be alone. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net).

Di Lieba was a little confused, and thought that Yang Mi wanted to go in and talk to Liu Xun alone.

Seeing her smiling face, she said, "Yan'er, what are you talking about face to face!"

While talking, he also looked at Liu Xun, who had just walked in, in the direction of the back room, and put on a pair of words that don't be so troublesome, I both agree!

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, not understanding what she wanted to express, and even thought she was embarrassed and polite.

I saw Yang Mi, smiled and said, "No, you two will chat first! I will chat with him for a while, hehe, chat!

The audience laughed.

"I'm really convinced, just open it up and say no, is restraint really hurting people?"

"Da Mimi is too lacking in vision. I can't see it. I really don't know how she is the original match. This is too bad, and there is no vigilance at all!"

"I'll see how long they can make trouble with this oolong! I don't believe it anymore, it can really make me laugh to death!"

"No matter how hard I laugh, I must see the moment when their oolong was told!"

On the stage, in the back room, Liu Xun sat on the kang and said with emotion: "Oh no, I didn't come to this room in January, alas!"

The audience laughed again. .

Everyone still remembers that at the end of the last sketch, Yang Mi deliberately moved Liu Xun's quilt into the back room so that he would live in the back room in the future, but now it seems that Yang Mi must have regretted it later!

On the stage, in the living room, the two sat awkwardly for a while, then saw Song Xiaobao smiling and asked, "What do you call you?"

Di Lieba still looked a little cautious, and at the same time wanted to know what happened to Liu Xun and Yang Mi in the back room, and whether they were satisfied with him.

Hearing Song Xiaobao speak, she smiled and responded politely, "Ah, you call me Li Rong々〃!"

Song Xiaobao looked up at the sky and said with a smile, "Rong'er..."

The audience laughed again.

Then he continued: "I'm your brother Jing!"

The audience laughed even more.

Hearing this, Di Lieba was obviously stunned, his face was speechless, and he didn't know what to say.

Suddenly at this moment, Liu Xun from the back room came out, smiled and said to Song Xiaobao in the living room, "Why did you change your surname?"

Hearing his interjection, Yang Mi, who was beside him, quickly ran over and stopped him, telling him not to interfere.

At this moment, Song Xiaobao slapped Dilireba, who was in a dazed state, and said with a big laugh, "Brother Song! Hahahaha..."

Saying that, he laughed again!

The audience laughed even more.

"Oh, Song Xiaobao is so funny!"

"Excellent! It really is superb!"

"This funny look is really good, as expected from Liu Xun's teacher, and he didn't lose face to his master!"

"It's really the first time I've seen such a blind date, so I've learned so much!"

"Medicine, medicine, medicine, who has medicine, give me painkillers, my stomach will burst from laughter!"

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