At this point in the recitation, he suddenly stopped, searching for words in the poetry collection...

The audience laughed.

"Hahaha, Liu Xun, you are a big fool. You still resonate here and there. Now it's okay, forget the words of the resonance!"

"Liu Xun, Liu Xun, I told you not to pretend, don't pretend, you just don't stop, it's alright now, failed to pretend?"

"I didn't expect Liu Xun to have a moment when he failed to pretend, it's amazing!"

On the stage, Song Xiaobao, who was beside Liu Xun, also turned his attention to the poetry collection and said, "The wind!"

Liu 15 looked at him, slightly surprised, and said, "Haha, are you still recognizing?"

The audience burst into laughter!

"Liu Xun, you have enough goods. What do you mean by someone who can read? If you look at people through the crack of the door like this, you will look down on people flatly, okay?"

"It's true that Liu Xun is convinced. He is obviously pretending to forget his words, and he also mocks Song Xiaobao. I'm speechless!"

"Song Xiaobao, why are you so cowardly? Even if he is your master, you can't be cowardly. Go back and ridicule him. Oh, I'll go. You're smirking when Liu Xunda fooled you, it's really hopeless!"

On the stage, Liu Xun restrained his smile and continued to recite: "The wind is gathering dark clouds. Between the dark clouds and the sea, there is a sea swallow flying proudly... (long voice)... soaring!"

Hearing his exaggerated recitation, the audience burst into laughter again.

Suddenly, when Liu Xun was complacent, Yang Mi came over from the living room with an unhappy look on his face, and shouted: "What are you doing, you said that the two old sisters in this house are chatting, and this old hello to me. , what are you doing? You call me arrogant?"

The audience burst into laughter!

"Da Mi Mi, you've learned badly, where did you greet you? Liu Xun is reciting it!"

"I'm going to die of laughter, Da Mimi, what's the matter with you here and there? Stunned!"

On the stage, Liu Xun looked speechless and said, "What does it have to do with you? You said that I really suffered from being a neighbor with you. Why is this uncultured! Poetry!"

The audience laughed again.

"Hahaha, Da Mimi is actually disgusted by Liu Xun! I love hearing it!"

"I didn't say it, draw your sword, Liu Xun, how dare you say that about my ex-goddess, it seems that someone must fall today!"

"You upstairs, save your time, haven't you watched which episode of "The Longing for Life" Liu Xun participated in? The legendary Taijiquan, let alone one of you, even if you have a hundred, you are probably not an opponent, okay? ?"

"Pfft, draw a knife with Liu Xun, brother, my brother supports you in spirit!"

On the stage, after talking about Yang Mi, Liu Xun turned to Song Xiaobao beside him, and exhorted, "Remember, the most important thing is to shout out the first sentence!"

Hearing this, Yang Mi walked into the back room and asked him what was going on.

Liu Xun explained to Yang Mi: "It's okay, I let him practice culture, it's okay to have culture!"

After he finished speaking, he greeted Song Xiaobao again and said encouragingly, "Go ahead and show it!"

Song Xiaobao felt a little embarrassed, and tried to feel the resonance in his brain.

Seeing him like this, the audience burst into laughter again.

"Hahaha, this brain cavity resonates really fast!"

"I don't have to recite it like this, I guess Liu Xun is going to cheat Song Xiaobao!"

"It feels like a good show is coming! Looking forward to it!"

"Looking forward to your sister, the medicine is finished, and the next step is to fight hard. I hope that the front is not too high-powered!"

On the stage, Song Xiaobao finally got up his courage, held a book, and walked to Dilireba inadvertently, and suddenly he shouted at Dilireba extremely loudly: "Ah!!!!"

Di Lieba was frightened by his extremely sudden voice, and he jumped up from the chair with a shocked expression on his face!

The audience is all laughing crazy!

"Song Xiaobao's discoloration is definitely a lack of heart. You can just recite it. Are there people who scare girls like this?"

"I really can't stand this stuff, it's so funny, just thinking about a blind date like this, it's impossible in my next life!"

"Draw your sword, Song Xiaobao, how dare you scare me, Goddess Fat Di, it seems that one of them must fall today!"

"I just said that this guy will definitely not do anything good, and I guessed it!"

"This Nima came so suddenly, I was scared!"

On the stage, Song Xiaobao not only didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior, but the whole person was laughing like crazy, like an old child, tricking others and laughing non-stop.

Seeing him being so funny, Liu Xun, who was standing beside him, also laughed. It was the smile that was really amused. He was laughing and holding the armrest on the sofa beside him. He was about to burst out laughing. appearance.

Yang Mi was also frightened by Song Xiaobao. He didn't think that this unscrupulous guy would actually do such an unscrupulous thing.

Di Lieba, who was beside her, was so frightened that her complexion changed, and she couldn't take care of herself, so she hurriedly comforted Di Lieba.

However, Song Xiaobao still didn't realize what was wrong with his behavior just now, not only did he not explain anything, he even laughed happily and said, "Brother, you look scared the big sister, it's a shock (meaning trembling) !Hahaha"

Saying that he is too small to be alone.

Liu Xun really convinced him, and sat on the sofa with a smile, slapping his thighs, completely smiling.

Liu Xun was like this, and the audience laughed even more crazy!

He even fainted from laughter on the spot, making the doctors and nurses a mess.

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