They don't dare to give injections to fainted patients now, because they themselves are also laughing and don't want to. Biased!

But if the patient is in a coma now, if they don't get rescued, there might be a big mess, which makes them in every possible way.

They were quite regretful, they really shouldn't have come here to be an emergency doctor, and even if they came, they couldn't watch or listen to Liu Xun's sketches!

"Alas, being a human is difficult, and being a doctor is even more difficult, especially being an emergency doctor at Liu Xun's performance scene, that's even more difficult!"

Chapter [-] If I keep laughing like this, I will die of laughter! 【For subscription】

Di Lieba was really pissed off on the stage, he had never seen such a heartless person, and complained to Yang Mi with an angry face: "The gaha thing surprised me, I'm not prepared! What the hell are you talking about!?"

Looking at Di Lieba's frightened appearance, the audience laughed again.

On the stage, Song Xiaobao explained, "Don't be afraid, I'll read you a golf poem!"

The audience burst into laughter all of a sudden.

"What the hell is this? Poems of golf? Who is golf?"

"I'm going, I'm really going to be teased to death by Song Xiaobao, a heartless guy!"

"Fuck the wool, I'm dying of laughter, oh, Miss Nurse, you can laugh, but don't stick the needles indiscriminately, why are you sticking your thighs???"

"Upstairs, brother, you can be content. Just now, Miss Nurse was giving me an injection, but suddenly I burst into laughter, and the whole person burst into laughter. The needle was directly stuck on the root of my thigh. I've become a eunuch! However, my mother-in-law is still laughing!"

On the stage, when Liu Xun heard Song Xiaobao's words, he stood up angrily and said angrily, "Ki!"

Song Xiaobao realized that he was wrong, so he changed his mind and said, "The foundation of golf!"

The audience is really laughing crazy, and tears are flowing!

"Oh, let me stop, please don't be so funny, okay? My painkillers and tranquilizers are long gone. If I keep laughing like this, I'll die of laughter!"

"My God, the golfer has come out. I guess Gorky will probably strangle Song Xiaobao to death when he hears this!"

"Please strangle to death, my special mother is really dying of laughter!"

"Oh, it hurts, Miss Nurse, can you be more professional, just stick a needle. Is it necessary to pierce my hand with holes?"

"Crazy me, I've been pierced with more than [-] needles, my God, I'm bleeding out!!!"

On the stage, Liu Xun was going crazy, he began to regret, why did he teach Song Xiaobao to read poetry, this is too embarrassing!

I saw that he had a headache again, and said angrily: "Gorky's husband..."

The audience laughed again.

"Pfft! Liu Xun's big flickering can also be confused? Haha, Gorky's husband? This choking can make me laugh for twenty years!"

"Look at Liu Xun's face with a headache, hahaha, it's hilarious to me!"

"I'm going, Miss Nurse, don't you stab me? Just let me die of laughter. I have bloody eyes all over my hands, and my thighs too. Please let me go and stab someone else?"

"Miss Nurse: I just came from Zha others!!!"

On the stage, as soon as the words just came out, Liu Xun was mad, and he was really going to be taken into the ditch by this guy.

I saw him with a headache and shouted: "Poetry!!!"

The audience almost burst out laughing again!

Song Xiaobao was also stunned. Following Liu Xun's words, he repeated loudly, "Poetry!!!"

The audience was laughed at by their master and apprentice duo, and even several nurses and sisters broke down with laughter on the spot, sitting on the steps without any scruples, crying and laughing.

On the stage, Liu Xun was speechless. He was too lazy to correct this guy. If he continued to correct it, he didn't know what it would look like.

I saw him say with an unusual headache: "Nian Nian Nian!"

Song Xiaobao also knew that he had made a mistake and did not dare to defend himself. He followed Liu Xun's command and began to recite.

I saw that he was very ecstatic, and shouted with a slight trembling: "Ah..."

The audience all laughed, leaning back and forth, and rolling directly on the chairs.

"Song Xiaobao, you are so funny, do you dare to shout more ecstasy?"

"No, no, no, Song Xiaobao, you are funny, hurry up and read the cool word at the back!"

"Song Xiaobao: Ahhhhhhhh!!!"

"My God, it's really going to kill someone. The nurse next to me is laughing like crazy, and while laughing wildly, she keeps stabbing herself with needles!!!"

"Fuck, I didn't expect Miss Nurse to be ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to herself!"

"Song Xiaobao, congratulations, your master is going to be mad at you!"

On the stage, Song Xiaobao didn't feel that there was any problem with reading this way, so he continued to hold the poetry collection and recited: "In Changtu..."

As soon as he said this, Liu Xun, who originally wanted to calm down his runaway mood, became furious again, and pointed at Song Xiaobao and roared angrily: "'re going to Siping now, what are you going to Tieling? ?"

The audience all laughed hysterically.

"Song Xiaobao is intentional, don't stop me, I want to call the police, I want to sue Liu Xun and their master and apprentice for murder!"

"Brother upstairs, don't call the police anymore, I just called the police station and they said the whole system is down!"

"This script is absolutely amazing, I've accepted it, Liu Xun is fooling around, please let me go, I promise I won't deal with you again in the future, don't make me laugh, okay?"

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