Liu Xun's face was innocent, everything happened so suddenly, and now he is still confused,

I saw him with a speechless look on his face, and said, "I said... she held me."

The audience laughed again.

"Liu Xun actually said that I haven't understood it yet, I'm really convinced!"

"Seeing Liu Xun's innocent and aggressive face of "Seven-Three-Zero", I couldn't stop laughing!"

"This annual big drama is finally staged. I'm the owner. Brothers, come and place your bets. We will see whether the original proprietress wins, or the best friend and artist Dilireba wins! I'm sure to leave! The odds are one. Compare one!"

"Pfft! The brothers upstairs are so funny, I support Fat Di to win, I buy Fat Di to win!"

"Impossible. Although Liu Xun likes to flicker, his feelings for Yang Mi must be real. Although Fat Di is also very delicate, I don't believe that Liu Xun will give in so easily. I buy it. Big Mi Mi wins!!!"

On the stage, Yang Mi was very embarrassed, took a step, bullied him, came between Di Lieba and Liu Xun, forcibly broke the hands they were holding, and said, "Sister, you haha, open!"

Di Lieba was stunned for a while, a little overwhelmed, looked at Liu Xun, looked at Yang Mi, stood there, not willing to give in a single step.

Liu Xun was also confused, Yang Mi on the left, Di Lieba on the right, he had no idea what was going on, and vaguely, he could feel a murderous aura in the air.

Under the confrontation between the two women, Liu Xun had no choice but to rub his hand that was sore.

The audience burst into laughter.

"Liu Xun: Too many women are also sins!"

"Liu Xun: Don't people say that the left side hugs the right side and enjoys the blessings of everyone? Why do you think I'm so embarrassed???"

"Pfft... Hahaha, you look at Liu Xun's stunned face, it really amuses me!"

On the stage, since Yang Mi didn't fully understand the situation, Yang Mi couldn't be angry with Di Lieba, so she looked angrily and shouted at Liu Xun: "What about you? Zhao Laohan, what do you mean? "

Liu Xun didn't understand the situation at all until now, and he was still confused and said, "What do I mean?"

Yang Mi repeated angrily again: "What do I mean by asking you!!!"

As he spoke, Liu Xun, who had been in a dazed state, didn't know what to say, but suddenly became very angry, and shouted at Yang Mi, "What do you mean!!!"

When he roared, Yang Mi was suddenly stopped, and he was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

In fact, it is mainly because she has not fully understood the situation yet.

Seeing their ignorant guesses, the audience burst into laughter again.

Liu Xun said more and more angrily, and said: "Isn't this understandable? Do you think I'm in the way of living in the outhouse? I found such a woman and took me away. Are you two happy? It's unclear. What's wrong? Who can't see it, huh?"

Hearing this, the audience laughed even more crazy.

"What and what! I really admire Liu Xun's ability to think!"

"So Liu Xun is still a victim? This logic is amazing!"

"I understand, no matter what time, Liu Xun will definitely not let himself suffer!"

"Look at Yang Mi's expression, it's like you want to bite someone, hahaha!"

On the stage, after Yang Mi heard Liu Xun's words, it erupted like a ignited volcano.

I saw her pointing at Liu Xun with a look of anger, and shouted loudly, "You said that, you are bloody!"

Liu Xun was also angry and said angrily: "Why did I spray you?"

Yang Mi roared again: "Don't you lose your conscience, did I say that?"

Liu Xun was not convinced and asked, "What did you say?"

Yang Mi suppressed the anger in her heart and said: "It's true that we are divorced, there's no way! There's no such thing as living in an outhouse! Who do you want to be attracted to, who are you looking for, I've never blocked it like that. You! If you don't do this, you introduce someone to others, and you pry it?"

The audience burst into laughter again...  

"Haha, Da Mi Mi is really amazing, and finally the real situation of the matter has been analyzed!"

"Look at Liu Xun Da Huyou's face that wants to add guilt, why worry about the expression of suffocation, it really amuses me!"

"I said that after the oolong was stabbed, it would be very exciting, and sure enough, but I didn't expect that Da Mimi looked so good when she was angry!"

On the stage, hearing Yang Mi's words, Liu Xun was even more angry, and shouted at Yang Mi: "How did I pry it? How did I pry it!"

Di Lieba, who was on the side, finally seemed to understand something, and wanted to stop the two people who were in anger, saying: "Yan'er!"

However, when Yang Mi saw that Liu Xun still refused to admit it, he was even more angry. He heard Di Lieba's words there, and continued to roar: "How could it fall into your hands if you didn't pry it?!"

Liu Xun had an angry look on his face, and roared, "Didn't you deliver this! How did I know?"

The audience laughed even more!

3.1 "Ha ha ha ha, what Liu Xun Da Huyou said is not wrong. Didn't you send it to your hands?"

"It's amazing, a blind date can make such a big oolong, I admire it!"

"Looking at how they all don't understand the specific situation, they are screaming at the top of their throats... It's really cool!!!!"

"How can this guy Liu Xun write so many classic scripts, especially the two consecutive blind dates, the first one portrays awkward chats vividly, and the second one even brings Oolong to its peak. You can't do without admiration for this writing!"

The sketch is still going on, and now, this big oolong that has been making trouble from the beginning has finally become clear, and all the keys are on the table, which also means that the sketch is about to end! .

Chapter [-] The war between two women! 【For subscription】

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