Everyone at the scene burst into laughter.

The audience in the live broadcast room went crazy instantly.

"Wahahahaha, cool, Liu Xun Da Huyou said it so well! That is, why should our Chinese horror films blow thousands of streets of their American horror films!"

"Hey, that's not right, I remember that Smith's dead ghost was talking about hundreds of streets!"

"You are stupid upstairs. When you slap your face like this, you must be beaten to death. Thousands of streets are not many. Liu Xun should say tens of thousands of streets!"

"I just like Liu Xun's bad temper. Just listening to it is very enjoyable. What's more, after this movie is released, it will be guaranteed five times!"

"I guarantee ten strokes, and the domestic box office will not let Liu Xun Da Huyou disappointed!"

"Yes, since Liu Xun Da Huyou is so powerful, the domestic box office can't let him down, and the bottom line is guaranteed for two people!!!"


At the same time, the United States on the other side.

At this time, Director Smith was actively preparing for the release of the movie in China. Because of the previous video, it was difficult for his film to be released in China.

All relevant departments of Huaxia did not give them a good look, made all kinds of difficulties, and even almost could not be released.

If it wasn't for him getting to know the leaders of the U.S. embassy in China and asking him to come forward to deal with this matter, it is estimated that the film would not have been released.

During this period of time, he was really busy, but fortunately, after a lot of tossing, the movie is finally about to be released in China.

As for the Chinese people's resistance to him and his film, he is quite clear, but he doesn't care much about it.

Through past experience, he knew that as long as the price of movie tickets was lowered a little, the Chinese people would inevitably flock to the movie theater like a bargain.

As long as someone watches his movies, it will inevitably be discussed, and he thinks that the movies in the Chinese horror film series are completely incomparable to their American movies!

Therefore, through the oral transmission of those movie-watchers who came to pick up the bargain in the early stage, he believes that soon, the Chinese people will not be able to bear their curiosity and come to watch his movies one after another.

0 · · Flowers · ·

As long as more people watch it, it will spread faster, and naturally more people will come to watch his movie in major theaters.

In between, he can also do all kinds of hype and other things, spend money to brush reviews, brush word-of-mouth and other things, it's not too simple, this is to use Chinese people's money to transfer Chinese people's money!

With this in mind, Smith comfortably held up the crystal cup in front of him, and when he was about to take a sip of the mellow wine in the crystal cup, suddenly the phone rang.

He had no choice but to connect the phone first, then he held the crystal cup, trembling slightly, and the good crystal cup slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.



With a crisp sound, the fine crystal glass was shattered, and the champagne inside was scattered all over the floor.

Then a roar came out of his mouth.

"Damn yellow-skinned monkey, you dare to humiliate me like this. Not only do I want your movie to be lost in China, but I also want your movie to be in the United States, and it won't cause any trouble!"

After he finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone angrily and made quick calls one by one. He wanted to let the very hateful yellow-skinned monkey named Liu Xun go without food!

Soon, the video of Liu Xun's interview was published by interested people on major forums in the United States.

It was also on this day that many people knew of a guy named Liu Xun in Huaguo.

Even under the planning of people with good intentions, many people took to the streets to hold demonstrations, demanding that the government prohibit the release of this film in the United States.

Of course, this is only a small part of the people in the United States, because most people in the United States are completely unfamiliar with this Chinese named Liu Xun, and have never heard his name. There is also Liu Xun, the number one person.

As a result, the world star rankings were updated today, and Liu Xun's name appeared at the bottom of the third-tier world star rankings!

On this day, Liu Xun became a world-class star! .

Chapter [-] premieres at the same time! 【For subscription】

Chapter [-] premieres at the same time!

Today, the sun is as bright as ever.

Ding Gan, a third-year student, wakes up early every day and goes to the library because of the postgraduate entrance examination. He has a habit of visiting the World Forum to relax and relax before studying.

At this time, as usual, he logged into his account and entered the World Forum to see what new things happened.

Soon he saw that something really interesting was happening on the world network.

"The world star list has been updated. Who is this Liu Xun? I've never heard of him before, why did he suddenly become a world star?"

"Liu Xun? The Chinese who fought with the American director? Has his movie been released? Is the effect not bad? I haven't heard of it! "Two Five Seven""

"Damn it, this guy really dares to say anything and explode thousands of streets in international horror movies in the United States? This special girl is really a calf and is not afraid of tigers!"

After a quick browse, a big question appeared in Ding Gan's mind, has Liu Xun become a world star?

Then he stood up abruptly and shouted in the library, which had been extremely quiet, "Fuck, Liu Xun is on the world star rankings!!!"

At first, other people in the library looked at him with disgust, thinking that he disturbed their reading.

But when everyone heard his words clearly, their disgusted eyes changed to consternation, and regardless of whether they knew him or not, they all rushed to Ding Gan's side to ask what happened.

During this period of time, Liu Xun carried the banner of China International Horror Movies, and the period when he fought with American director Smith has already spread all over the streets. In addition, his classic remarks at the press conference yesterday are even more Let countless people pay attention to him.

So now when they heard the information related to Liu Xun, everyone became interested, even the nerds who have been hiding in the library all the year round, and they also heard a shocking news just now, Liu Xun became the world's star!

In an instant, the originally quiet library became very lively!

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